Chapter Fourty One: The Princess's vengeance

The group remained in silence. Victoria had wanted to say so much but knew that with Shawn at her side, there wasn't much that she could do Raven. There was no way the words she spoke were true. Gabriel chose her. He brought her back. He did this from love and she knew that in her heart.

Gabriel remained quiet for the longest time. And then finally turned back around without speaking another word and began walking. The others join in. Raven behind Gabriel, Shawn behind her and Victoria behind him.

" You really are going to say nothing? " Raven pursued.

" What do you want me to say? " Gabriel answered which only frustrated Raven even more. " You are not going to correct me? Was anything I said wrong?" Victoria listened closely for Gabriel's response.

" You don't understand Raven. And I don't think you ever could. What you and Shawn have is something that came so easily to the both of you. How is it wrong for me to be someone who makes me happy? Someone whom I love? Someone who does everything she can to make me happy. Even putting herself in danger"

" Its not wrong at all. Except for the fact that you just described Kara and are married to Victoria" She insisted. Shawn felt like he should probably intervene but he had seen her in this mood before and knew better than to say a single word.

" What? What would you have me do? Just end things with Victoria be with Kara because it is what fits into everybody's little fantasy? You need to stay out of this Raven. And don't speak on things that you don't know anything about. You think you understand my mindset but you dont.." he says calmly.

Raven stops walking and closes her highs and takes a deep breathe " I'm sorry Kara..." Raven says to herself before calling out to Gabriel.

" Kara was pregnant"

Meanwhile, Kara has been doing her best to take over for her mother. Gwen was helping the best she could even though she knew very little. She followed Kara's instructions the best she could and the two seemed to managed pretty well.

" So are we official " Gwen smiles as she clears the table for some maps to be placed down. They were going to be reverted trade routes since the Lycan Kingdom had ceased trades with them. Everything had to be readjusted.

" You already know the answer to that " Kara giggles which makes Gwen smile.." So how would that work. Would that make us two Queen's or.." She jokes which makes Kara giggle even more. " I don't know. I didn't think that far ahead but we will make it work"

Kara begins looking over the maps. Trying to find the best routes that would also be short for travel and be safe. They had already taken stock of their inventory and were running low. They had not made trades since the first threat of war and needed to trade as soon as possible.

" I had no idea how much the Lycans provided " Kara was beginning to realize the stress her mother had been under. Almost 40% of their entire wealth was generated through the Lycans and that was a major loss for the Kingdom now.

" We will be fine" Gwen points out on the map and flips through some papers. " If you raise the tax on the further locations, it should make up the difference" There were at least a Dozen towns that weren't easy to get to. The towns also were doing economically well. Gwen knew this because she had been to them several times. Kara confirms by looking over the documents as well. " I think you are right " Kara then looks to Gwen. " I feel like I'd be lost without you" Kara kisses Gwen softly being relieved that the stress could now fade away slowly.

The doors to the main hall burst open and Queen Aurora comes through the door. She is bleeding heavily. She collapses on the ground as Gwen and Kara rush to her side, lifting her up and carrying her to the table and laying her down.

" What happened?" Kara asks her mother who doesn't respond. Gwen looks over her body and begins removing the clothes to see the damage. Claw marks ran deep through her flesh. This was a Lycan attack. Gwen could tell from the moment she layed her eyes upon it.

Kara tries to perform healing magic on her by waving her hands over the wounds but whilst they do heal, Aurora still seems to be in discomfort and unresponsive.

" We have to get her to her room " Kara says and as Gwen picks her up and carries her the Queen's room. They layed her upon the bed and Gwen watched as Kara stayed by her side. She stared down at her helpless mother and felt her heart crushing within her.

" This was the Lycans..wasn't it? " Kara asked. Her tone completely flat, making Gwen slightly nervous to answer. " Yes. From what I can tell...the marks Indicate Lycan to me.." Gwen was extremely concerned for Kara who had nothing to respond with for several minutes. " Come with me" Kara demands, Gwen following Kara out of the room.

Gabriel stops. And turns to Raven.

" She...what? " he asked, his tone had completely changed. " Pierce..he had got her pregnant. She was trying to use him to get to you and she knew if she said no, he wouldve not believed her and killed her. And so she slept with him. And she got pregnant. And then, when she tried to explain that to attacked her. You killed the baby Gabriel"

Everyone stared in shock at this revelation. Shawn had not even known this. " And she loved you still. Despite that. Because she knew you didn't know the full story. She chose to overlook that. Despite that she wanted to keep the baby" Ravens words stabbed through all of their hearts. All except Victoria. " He didn't know. He would have had no way of knowing " Victoria steps foward to Gabriel's defense. " If he had known that. He would have never done that. I know he wouldn't" her tone had changed to a more friendly measure though Noone seemed to respond to her.

" I..." Gabriel wasn't even sure what he could say in response to this. " I didnt..know..I...what have I done..I just..- " his stumbling over his words was interrupted by a Giant Green fire ball soaring above them. Heading back to the Lycan Kingdom.

Kara had left behind Gwen to look over her mother. She was enraged. She was hurt. And she knew this was Gabriel's doing. She knew he hatred her and hated her mother. But this, this was unforgivable. She had tried her best to be respectful. She had tried to hold back everything she felt. She had tried her best to fight against the anger she felt about the situation. But now. Her mother was almost killed. This had gone to far. If they wanted a war. She was going to give them.

Kara arrives at the Lycan, floating above it. Her eyes were glowing green now to match the flames that licked her skin. She could see the guards and the town take notice of her. But she didn't care. She hoped that he could hear what she was doing " Kara begin launching fire balls, destroying homes and business. Most of the Lycans managed to escape the blaze but some did suffer some horrible burns.

She was causing mass destruction with her rampage. She didn't care anymore. She wanting Gabriel to suffer as much as she had. She refused to allow him to have a hold over her anymore. Not after what he had done to her.

Once she was finished. She flew down and landed in front of the castle. She made her way inside, ready to confront her former Protector.

Gwen knew Kara was angry when she left. She had tried to calm her down but there was nothing she could say that would quench the fire that burned in Kara. She was worried what this would Mean. What would come of this. What would be the result?

She worried but respected Kara's wishes for her to stay behind.

Gwen entered Auroras room, and sat in the chair beside her bed. " Your daughter has lost it. I know she is hurt but she is going to cause more damage then good. We both know that" Gwen knew Aurora couldn't respond. " I'm worried for her" Gwen expressed.

She watched as Aurora's body raised up and down gently from her breathing. " But this was bound to happen " she Sighs and puts her hands on her head, staring down at the floor.

Kara had improved her skills so dramatically with magic. She would be practically unstoppable at this point and that is coupled with the training they had done together. And that is when Gwen realized something. " wait..why didn't you just.." Gwen stands to her feet and stands over Auroras body. She looks over here and could sense that something was wrong. Very wrong.

Aurora's eyes open and raises her hand which forces Gwen to fly across the room, colliding with the wall