Man vs Monster

" That's an interesting resolve". Just then, its arms morphed into a set of giant blades.

"I'll cut you to bits!"

" Come at me monster!"

THHUMMPP! It leaped raising its hands midair and flipped. Just then after seeing its movement, she leaped back and evaded its attack.

Booomm! The floor resonated as it made contact with the bare ground. Dust and debris followed clouding the entire area

" Ohhhh, very impressive. You managed to respond to my speed.

However she chose to ignore its compliment as she ran towards this monster, she tighten her fist showing her bulged-up arm.

" You're so predictable"

"I hope you'll take that back," she said and instantly she appeared right behind it leaving a mirage, the mulker slightly noticing this instinctively turn its face at her hoping to counter however it was too slow as she inclined her arm around an angle of ninety degrees and went for an uppercut right to its jaw.

" Boooom" the punch connected and sent the monster flying right through buildings, later crashing on a bungalow. The bungalow took a huge blow from the impact and more than half of it fell apart fortunately, there was no one nearby thus avoiding casualties.

" Ahhhrrghh, how could you have so much power?" It slowly came back on its feet looking all roughen up with a green liquid dripping out from what seemed to be its jaw.

" I'll...." Just before it could finish its statement, the woman came at it with full force looking even more menacing than earlier.

" Just what are you?!" It appeared alarmed.

" This change is too much!".

" I'll just absorb her attack and use the momentum against her" with this, its arms morphed into what seemed like flesh shields, elastic and yet rigid.

Seeing this, she lept up and place her left leg up high to strike down...

Although her strike connected, the monster managed to react in time with its shield and blocked that devastating attack.

Grasping the opportunity, it sent out a horizontal kick aimed for her torso but then she could easily read its movement, she twisted her body and backflipped avoiding the blow.

" Auh Auh Auh" she was breathing heavily and showed signs of exhaustion.

" I'm at my limit, even so, I'll take him down even if it costs me my life"

" I'll end this with an all-out attack," she thought. She bent down and built up energy within her as she took the stance of a sprinter to charge forward. At that moment, steam began to erupt out of her body and she appeared to be shrinking even slightly.


Deep footprints were left on the hard ground as she sprinted towards the monster. Closing up the distance, she took a giant leap and took the position of a flying kick projecting herself at great speed towards the monster.


Her final attack connected just before it could become aware of her movements driving both her and the monster towards countless buildings crashing into them mercilessly.

" Impossible, she just took on that monster by herself, there's no way she's human!" John got fired up when he managed to catch a glimpse of that fight.

" I'll just have to follow this trail of damaged buildings, it shouldn't be hard"

" Well then, I'm sorry Rio but I'll have to leave you here, don't leave here ok," he said to the unconscious drunk middle-aged man with him.

After running for what seemed to be close to a hundred meters, John finally found the trail stop at one rundown factory. They crashed right into the center and had shaken up the landscape.

" Amazing!"

" To think there exists power even greater than that of that monster"

Running to a fresh hole made in one of the factory's biggest buildings, John saw the Mulker all squashed up with a gaping hole right at its chest

" Savage!"

Just then, he heard weak moans coming from his side.

" That must be her, I hope she's ok," he thought

Seeing her all battered up from the distance, John quickly increased his pace. Arriving at her side, John was shaken. She was naked with steam emitting from her body and she was currently less than half of her initial size.

" Hot!" John said out loud as he attempted to come close.

" Is anyone there?" she said lightly, just from the sound of her voice, it was clear that she was finished and using the last of her energy to speak.

" I'm here, thanks so much for your help!"

" I have to make sure that monster body gets to my organization... Coughs coughs.. call on this number and report all that happened, my time is up and I can't go on"

" That's the least I can do for my savior," he said and brought out an extremely slim, small transparent device.

" Thanks"

Ring Ring

" Hello..... Hun? This number isn't registered on my records, please state your business."

" The woman that saved me gave me your number, she wants you to know that she successfully defeated one and the body is available for possession"

" She's too weak to speak now and I'm afraid she doesn't have much time left"

" I see, she reached her limit"

" Anyways, she defeating one of those Mulkers is good news!"

" Our Experiment was successful, that was the first confrontation against those monsters"

" Hahaha, this is awesome!" The voice sounded genuinely happy even though they had just lost one of their own.

" Well, she wants to ensure that its body gets to you"

" I see, reinforcements are on the way."

" Ok, I'll stay here until they do"

" Hmmnn.... I'm interested in your work!. I want to help fight, after witnessing the power of that monster, I realized how weak we are in the face of those monsters, the human race won't go on if we continue to act like this"

" I see, if that's the case then go with those that'll come to pick her up"

" We're shorthanded and need all the help we can get"

A while later, vehicles stormed the place and out of it came armed men.

" We'll handle the rest, you should take your leave now" A slightly old man amongst them said and unlike the rest, he had his face exposed.

" Perhaps he's their leader, If that's the case then.."

" Didn't you hear me the first time? I said scram"

" I was told to go with you"

" Hold on, are you the one Boss talked about?"

" Kid, you'll regret this. Leave when you still can"

" I want to be useful for humanity," he said

" At best you'll be used for experiment"

" I considered that but even so, if I can at least give people hope then I refuse to back down, not anymore!"

" I'll fight"