Turning Point

"You'll fight! Didn't you hear what I just said, you'll just be used for experimentation and probably die, there's almost no chance that you'll change anything"

" Even if that's the case, I'll bet my life on that chance"

" You're one crazy man," the stern-looking old man said

" What about your loved ones and friends, are they aware of this decision?"

" I have nothing left to care about mister, all I want right now is to avenge my family and help humanity"

" I'm sorry you feel that way, I'll take it that you don't intend to take anything or see someone before you leave"

" Yes" John replied

Just then, a group of the armed men proceeded to mount the corpse of the creature onto a carrier, others wore protective gear to pick up the lady's body.

" We are all good to go sir'' one of the soldiers reported

" Ok"

" By the way, did you by any chance see where it came from and why it chose to act?"

" It suddenly appeared to our front and started lashing out. I don't think it had any other objective than just to kill everyone then"

" I see, so basically a monster mad with bloodlust. This is the first time I've heard this happen"

" Is this an omen?" he thought.

" Let's move boys!"

" He'll be joining you in the truck," he said as he pointed to John.

After driving for over five hours, the trucks finally pulled out at what seemed to be their residential area, it was barricaded with huge walls and was situated right beside a seaport. Each man disembarked heading for their various residence when the leader suddenly approached John.

" Come over to my place," the leader said

" We will prepare a jet to take you to headquarters by tomorrow, just enjoy your stay here"

" Do you mind if I walk around? It's still afternoon and I feel way too energetic to just sit on a sofa and chat"

" I see, well if that's the case then feel free to do so. You don't need a guide now or do you?"

" I'll be fine"

" Ok then" he replied and headed towards one of the buildings in the Area.

" It's best I keep a book to record strange occurrences like this" John said as he thought of the woman that sacrificed herself to defeat that Monster.

" This'll be the Turning Point of my life!" He said with a smile as he felt the gentle cool sea breeze on him

It was now evening and John had seen most of the surroundings, he spent a great deal of time chatting with others around and getting along with them. He decided to head back to the spot at which he was dropped in hopes that he'll see the old man and surprisingly he was there. It seemed that he had guessed John would try to come back by now and placed it upon himself to guide him to his residence.

" What do you think of the place? He said

" I think it's well designed and it feels very safe around here"

" That's a good thing.... Let's go in for dinner"

" I'll take you up on that offer, thank you!"

" You seem happy," the old man said

" Yes, I finally realized something"

Later arriving at his residence, John stood in awe over the unexpected difference between the house's exterior outlook and the interior outlook. One would have guessed that it was just a low-budget building made to shelter the tough men of the military from just seeing the external part whereas that wasn't the case.

" Your house is beautiful sir," John said

" Thank You"

" I see you love bugs," John said as he scanned around seeing different bugs in containers

" Yes!" He said as he laughed lightly

" Do you hate them?"

" No No No No! I love bugs as well, in fact, I studied a bit about them"

" That's a rhinoceros beetle and that looks like a leaf beetle"

" Ohh you know your stuff"

" Well hobbies like this are what keep our sanity in check at times," the leader said

" I'll bring food now, just take a seat at the table there"

" Okayyy!"

Shortly afterward, John's host brought up the dish that he prepared.

" Dig in!"

" Will do" John responded

After taking a few spoons, John thought to ask some questions.

" Why are you being so kind to me?"

" What do you mean? Is it strange?"

" It is with the way things are going, you don't even know my name"

" You got a point there, maybe I was just drawn into you," he said with a smile

" Don't tell me you're gay?"

" I was just messing with you," he said as he laughed out loud.

" What's your name then?" he asked

" It's John"

"John! That's a good name, I barely come across people with religious names such as yours. I'm Yura by the way"

" It was nice meeting you Sir"

" Don't act all formal now" Yura said with a smile on his face.

" By the way, what are you planning to do with the bodies you received today?"

" We will send them off to the headquarters with you"

" I see"

" That woman was...." John hesitated as he argued internally if it was ok to tell him.

" That woman is special, she had strength that I only thought existed in comics."

" That's the work of the organization, they are trying to build up super soldiers to fight against the invasion," he said suddenly taking up a serious tone

" You'll find out soon enough, you offered yourself to them afterall"

It was now dark and John was on the bed in the guest room reminiscing on what had happened today.

" I wonder how it'll feel to have such power," he thought.

" I promise I'll avenge you all" John said as he placed his tightened fist up high like it was some sort of declaration.