Inner Conflict

Witnessing the innumerable sweat beads oozing off John's body as he lay, Jaus knew that something was wrong. He had placed him on an elevated board, just two days ago, parts of a dead Mulker were on the spot under observation, now John was on it and that left a bitter taste in his mouth, he had become quite fond of the young man and seeing him in this state bothered him greatly.

He immediately instructed those that he met when he went back to his lab with John on his shoulder, they had helped him clear the elevated platform where John was placed and also helped in placing him there softly.

There were three of them, all around their middle age, a blonde with a clean very low haircut and a short beard, he wasn't very tall, however, just a man with an average height of five feet and 9 inches, he had his lab coat over his body like every other person in the place, his name was Nathe.

Along with Nathe was another man, again not quite tall nor short but a man with an average height as well, he was just a tad taller than Nathe, he had black short hair, a smooth face and he was fairly built, out of the three, he was the best looking one, the last looking the youngest amongst the three, the first thing that one might notice was his protruding belly, supporting that was his short height and slightly fat face, unlike the other two, he had all the hair on both his head and faced completely shaved. Their names were Wilson and Charles respectively and they had lab coats on indicating that they were personnel as well.

These three respectively were Jaus's buddies and one of the few that could come into his lab unnoticed.

Just then, blood started oozing out slowly from the holes John had gotten earlier when those transparent tubes penetrated his body.

" Quick! grab those gauzes and dressed them over his wounds" he instructed his colleagues and hurriedly they brought them and dressed them carefully over his wounds.

' Why? is this a side-effect of the test? Everything went so well, I can't bear to lose him. He has no choice but to stay alive" he was determined to save the young man.

However, what he met next bewildered him, the green hue that had dissipated earlier had appeared on the young man's veins again and it was spreading and spreading out into his limbs.

'The exercise he took must have hastened the circulation throughout his body

As he came to this conclusion, he went for a sterilized syringe and needle, he drove it into John's right arm, and took in a considerable amount of blood. He went for his microscope and placed a bit under it.

There, he saw that John's red blood cells had morphed a bit, earlier they had only integrated some organic components from the Mulkers fluid that appeared to look like a green ball occupying his cells however, the case was different now, the green ball Integrated inside of his cells membrane and cytoplasm had pushed out and divided into two bits attaching themselves at the sides of the cells just like how a covalent bond is standardly depicted.

His leucocytes as well had taken upon these changes and this took a toll on his body.

'His body particularly his muscles are tensing up due to the immense change that occurred, he might not keep up if I let him be'

Turning back, he shouted to the men that had their attention fixed on John " Nathe, Wilson, Charles, I'm glad you all are here"

" I need your help"

" What's wrong and what do you intend to do?" Nathe asked

" His body can't take the toll of the change, I have a plan however and that involves the core!"

Silence then shoved into the room although it wasn't quite long before it was disrupted.

" Hmmm, that should work."

" You three should continue to apply pressure to his wounds and apply antihemorrhagic agents on them"

" That should reduce the bleeding," he said and immediately went out of his lab.

Trotting between the passages, he reached his destination and there stood a large steel door in front of him.

Suddenly, a projection of blue light lines came over his face and scanned it.

MR JAUS LIONHEART. A voice devoid of emotion spoke and the steel door came open.

There, a bunch of people with lab coats on were around doing one thing or another over the large expanse of the room.

There were numerous long steel desks and chairs, an elevated platform perhaps for a speaker, and another elevated platform in the middle of it all with a giant light ball up above it.

" Jaus! What brings you here" An aged man around his sixties called, he had a bushy blonde beard, a nice haircut, and a pair of glasses over his face.

" I've to get something in the special room," he said walking past him.

" Ohhh do tell, what do you want to pick exactly?" he asked and walked towards him covering the distance between them

" A core"

" Don't tell me you mean that of the Mulkers"

" Did you get a new test subject?"

" I did!"

Just then, he arrived in an elevator at the center of the opposite end of the room. He went he and the old man joined as well.

" You seem quite feisty, what happened"

" I'm not in the mood Will"

He then went for the panel of buttons at the side of the door and clicked on number 2.

" Give me a break, you didn't tell me anything about this and you expect me not to bother you"


The door then came open and the two scientists came out. In their field of vision were numerous metallic shelves and personnel walking about the large room.

" Mr. Jaus!" An excited voice cried out.

" Oh Good Morning Jane, I'm in hurry"

" What do you want to get your hands on this time around?" she asked

" The Mulker core, I can get it myself"

He made a few turns with those two behind him and then he arrived at another door.

There again, his face was scanned and he was allowed entry, and behold! Classified tech, eerie body parts all came into view.