The World Under

" How do you intend to test my powers?" asked John.

" You'll see, let's move to the training room" Jaus replied.

" Okayyy?"

" I don't need to test your physical abilities any longer after seeing your irresponsible display earlier" At the mention of this, John cringed and noticed that Jaus was still mad about the hole on his lab ceiling.

The two later made their way into the lab, Jaus instructed John to go in and that he'll join him soon after.

Jaus went to a side of his lab where he made contact with the wall and a bunch of buttons sprouted out, his fingers went up the object inputting numbers and a small portion of the wall came open.

There, two black robotic arms glistening came into view, immediately, he ran his arms into them.

The doors came open and in it came Jaus equipped with two fitting medium-sized machine gear, it occupied about two-thirds of his hand just before his elbow and covered his fingers completely. At the center of his wrist, a blue glow shone boldly.

" What are those?" asked John

" Just components of the Mecha Avaris, the mass-produced average-sized Mecha"

" And what do you intend to do with them," John asked.

" I want to see how fast you can react, don't worry, the walls are pretty solid, just a few dents will be made on them" Jaus replied.

" And what if they hit me?"

" You'll reconstruct the parts lost, I'm sure you can do that and this is also a test to ascertain your regenerative properties" Jaus explained.

" Wait! I can regenerate my body parts!" John shouted with a face filled with surprise.

" Oh that's right you were unconscious, well I hypothesized you wouldn't have any issues regenerating unless I hit any vital parts, so make sure you dodge all these beams," Jaus said and brought up his arms aiming for John.

Two golden beams shot off from the object and traveled towards John, the two had agreed to place a bit of distance between each other earlier. The shots of light rapidly approached and appeared like they were going to hit their target.


'I can see them, they aren't quite fast as well' John's eyes glowed green now and his body reflexively crouched evading the streams of light.

" Ohh, that was a good reaction!" Jaus praised.

" Let's step it up a notch" Suddenly multiple beams came off linearly making their way towards their target.

Meanwhile, John had calculated the trajectory of the attack, a linear obvious attack wasn't going to hit him as he turned to each side easily avoiding the attacks.

" Impressive! Melinda replicated this as well but it is still amazing, I think I'm going to tear up now" John said sounding sentimental.

" That's okay for now, I have no doubts you're going to top the test now," he said and went to give John a pat on his shoulder.

" You did good"

" Thanks"

Two days had passed by, and Jaus had faced the turbulence of John littering his precious room every time he comes to get his meal for those two days. Today was the day John will display his abilities in front of the board of scientists.

" You got this, don't think of those fixing their gazes upon you, just focus on overcoming every trial you face, alright!" Jaus said as he walked with John towards an elevator.

They both went in it and down it went, stopping at their intended floor.

" What the heck!" John couldn't help but yell.

A giant space came into view, one large enough to occupy a town, giant contraptions, huge metallic uncompleted structures, and a large building strangely resembling a Colosseum.

" Are we underground?" John asked.

" Yes, we certainly are" Jaus replied

"Just how was this created without making disturbances above, there hasn't been news of earthquakes in this geographical location"

" And don't tell me all this was built under a year!" John said appearing perturbed and surprised.

" You see, this place has been found for more than two decades now, A natural underground site where a bunch of excavators managed to come by, the location was given and the government choose to make good use of the available space, it's strange though, it was like they predicted a disaster such as this will take place and they were preparing"

" Whoa! So where are we off to?" John asked.

" The Colosseum there"