In front of numbers

John took a long stare at the Colosseum, from where he stood, he and Jaus were far from where it was so it happened to look diminished in size but he could still tell that it was massive.

" Hop on," said Jaus as he mounted a small vehicle, which resembles a common golf cart with just seats for two people. A row of it was made available just at the side of the entrance. From the looks of it, a bunch of them had been taken.

The two went on a path right in between the incomplete tall buildings, they were black and went so high.

In awe of the technological advancement of this place, John then decided to look up. The overhead closure appeared to be plated with a dark silver metal over most of where his eyes could see, some parts were still left bare and had spikey black rocks protruding out of them.

"It sure moves fast for something so little" John said.

"Right! The downside is that it consumes fuel way too fast and the tires wear out fast. We could always integrate technology used for building Mechas to boost their performance, but that would be wasteful. Don't you think?"

" The economy is in a dire state so yeah, I think it'll be wasteful to focus money and technology that could be used for the military and the people over this!" John yelled over the loud sound from the vehicle.

" Do you think you can outrun it?" Jaus asked

" I don't know about that" John said with a wry smile, the truth was that he was faster but only just slightly. He truly didn't know if he could outrun it.

The two got right in front of the Colosseum in about 20 minutes, outside, voices could be heard. It was evident that a large number of people were inside.

" Just do what you ought to do," Jaus said hoping to encourage John and dismiss the look of nervousness on his face.

" Sure"

The two walked to a metallic door and with Jaus credentials they got access to enter. The metallic door retracted back up and let the two in.

Upon entering the passage, the voices got louder, those inside had noticed their awaited guests and suddenly stood up clapping which made John a lot more nervous.

After some steps, the two finally arrived at the center of the large building with eyes focusing on them.

Those around had lab coats on, they were the workers in the institute. Many of them were given to chance to stay here and observe the actions of John up close while others had indispensable duties.

Rows of seats went high in circles and there happened to be an elevated spot in between with three old-looking individuals seated with stern faces. These three were executives, two solely were executives of the institute at which John stayed while the other belonged to MAF( Mecha Action Force).

The one right in the middle of the three stood up, he had a very wrinkly face, white hair, and a pair of glasses.

" We got messages of a breakthrough from one of our most brilliant scientists and we are here to observe his masterpiece!" He yelled which coursed silence throughout the room.

Immediately he spoke, Jaus had taken it upon himself to leave the spotlight to just John and he was amidst his colleagues answering questions that they posed.

John was now alone right on the steeled platform with about a hundred eyes locked on him. Then, from the round walls which barricaded him, one opened and suddenly released a huge trunk which accelerated towards him.

'What?!, Should I stop it and evade it? ' he thought within that little expanse of time when the large truck drove against him.

What happened just after stunned the audience, John was still at his spot and the trunk had split.

" Feeling showy hun?!" Jaus muttered.

The truth was that due John was contemplating so much in his mind about whether to evade the truck or stop it with his brute strength when this happened.

" Nothing impressive," Said the MAF executive with disdain written all over his face.

" That was most impressive Mr. John!" The executive at the center shouted once again meanwhile John remained affixed in his position looking dumbstruck.

" Let's proceed to the next" The executive spoke yearning for further bewilderment.

A Mech suddenly appeared hovering above with a round huge black ball of metal with a height spanning around 2 meters. It slowly descended and placed this round weighty object right in front of Jaus.

" This object weighs approximately ten tonnes which makes it comparable to the weight of a light military tank "

" And you expect me to lift that!" John yelled with his jaws dropped.

" Mr. Jaus certainly believes that you can" John then took a glance at Jaus, their eyes met and Jaus shot back an encouraging smile.

" Sure"

He clenched his palms in anticipation, crouched, and sent tiny arms slowly under it, this was quite hard for him as the surface area of the ball was large compared to what his hands could cover, it being round only added to his problems.

However, against all odds, the huge ball slowly levitated until it was right above John. He didn't look the least bit strained and had a smile on his face.

There, another roaring clap filled the room, for a human to progress this much in just so little time was so astounding that they couldn't keep their excitement to themselves.

" The common Mech Avaris can easily replicate this you know," The MAF executive said.

" Speaking of the Mech Avaris, they are up," the last of them said and then, two grey robots flew at astounding speed, hovering above the Colosseum.

" Let's see how these two will stand against him" the last one uttered.