Double onslaught

The Mech Avaris, the most produced military robot created to fight effectively against the Invaders, although they've been rendered ineffective.

Two hovered right above John with little bursts of light at their feet.

" Don't you think it'll be dangerous to go on an all-out fight against them?" John proposed.

" Don't bother with that, these two are one of the few prototypes we've built, nobody occupies them, they can be remotely wired from a short distance" The MAF executive replied.

" I see, what about you all then? the possibility of them crashing on you guys isn't that low" he yelled, his earlier feat had brought up the flickering confidence within him and made it burn brighter.

" You don't worry about that, just focus on those two," the MAF executive said.

Suddenly, the bots took a turn and descended with astonishing speed.


The ground was pummeled and a large dent was made.

" Whew, that was fast, I almost got hit," John said with a bit of relief as he pats his shirt to brush off dust.

At great speed, one flew and lunge its arm toward John in an attempt to hit his torso.


Eyes all agog as John had stopped the punch with arms crossed against the floating push. The bot didn't stop however, it continued to propel itself forward while John remained fixed scowling his face against the force.

The other hastily arrived at John's side and delivered a battering kick right to his flank which sent him crashing into the wall.

" They can't use artilleries here so they're holding back if this is what you guys have to offer, it surely wouldn't do," The MAF executive said looking all smug.

" Tch... That hurt a bit"


From the debris of the wall shot out John as he clenched his palm and sent it towards the head of one however, it was stopped.

The bot shielded its face with its two arms in an X shape, it was losing its footing and getting pushed back, dragging the thick ground behind its foot with it.

Like Gale wind, the second swept behind John, lunged its hand to the side to gather momentum, and sent it towards John's face.


It was like the bot tore the air with that punch however, John had disappeared from its field of vision, now appearing right behind, and then with a great force dug a punch to its back causing it to collide with the other against the wall.


" Ohhh, Astounding" The executive in the middle yelled, his face filled with delight. His colleague had a lazy smile while the MAF executive looked stunned.

Sounds of sparks were made as dust clouded the air. A humanoid metallic being stood with a battered body and small crevices adorning it, right behind its heel was its partner, it wasn't moving, the glow in its eyes had disappeared and it was lying on a pool of blue glistening liquid.

Lights came up the bot's feet once more but just before it could do whatever it wanted to do, Someone yelled.

" Stop! That's surely enough." The MAF executive yelled and the bot remained still, it turns out the beat down his prototypes received wasn't appealing.

" Well, you've certainly succeeded in creating a Superhuman, one stronger than our Mechs Mr. Jaus! but what now? just a man isn't sufficient" The MAF spoke.

" I don't have an answer to that now but something will come up soon" Jaus answered.

" I don't believe that, that doesn't sound like the famous scientist I know" he blurted once more.

" Perhaps you don't know me much then"

"Tch.." he grimaced and turned his face away.

" That's more like it"

" We have always been proud of your achievements Mr. Jaus, this one included, however, you must come to reason how he'll serve us on a greater magnitude, if you don't want to, we can always give it to another...."

" That wouldn't be necessary sir" Jaus responded with a strange smirk.

An hour had passed, two young men were in a large room with scientific instruments all about. John sat on a rotating chair and twirled around occasionally while Jaus stood, his face serious.

" Uhmm umm... You did well back there, as well as I expected and I'm glad you pulled through. Now, aren't you a bit curious about this institute and you moving forward henceforth?"

" I am..."

" Why are you jolly all of a sudden then? Was it because of the trifle performance you made? I thought you had a reason why you subjected yourself to my unconventional practices, your depressed eyes told me so."

" I....?" John couldn't find the right words to spew out, he certainly wasn't a people pleaser, he grimaced as he realized that he was setting off his track.

" Well, now that you're one of us, there are things you should know"