Chapter 12: Welcome Home

Nathan was getting used to the sporadic texts from Brooke asking for odds and ends to be done before she arrived to stay. The latest ask had been to install markers around the perimeter with ‘KEEP OUT’ and ‘NO HUNTING’ signs. He figured the reality that she was about to move all alone on an uninhabited island was finally sinking in. Part of him wished that she would just lean into the feeling and stay in New York. He’d even casually hinted at being able to finish the entire cabin by spring if she wanted to wait for better weather.

“I believe the winters in New York are much more brutal than any weather your island could throw at me,” she’d replied.

When it became clear that she was determined to proceed as planned, he’d petitioned Cole to install a temporary command post on his property with a 24/7 security detail.

“It’s in our own best interest as well,” Nathan had reasoned with him after a run along the river.

“You feel protective of this woman,” Cole had stated in response.