Nathan returned to the cabin not certain what he would walk into. Aunt Rayah had found a shell casing in the guest room and Brooke didn’t have the heart to lie to her.
“They attacked the cabin!”
He heard her yelling in outrage as he approached the front of the cabin. Brooke was explaining that the security detail stopped them as he reached the door and opened it. “How can you let her stay here after that? Brooke you must come home.”
“They’ll just follow her there,” Nathan stated as Brooke looked between him and her aunt helplessly. She can go with you of course but as long as she owns this land they will harass her.
“Why haven’t you called the police?” She looked at Brooke in disbelief.
“They are the police.” Nathan stated. “These are the same people that burned my family to the ground and got away with it. How do you think that is possible if they don’t have law enforcement and government agencies on their side?”