Chapter 37: Sizzling Steaks

Brooke leaned into Nathan and put an arm around his waist as she felt him tense in anticipation of Aunt Rayah’s response to Cole’s plea.

“Time will tell,” her aunt replied and received a nod and understanding smile from Cole. She felt Nathan relax against her as he draped his arm over her shoulders and gave her a slight squeeze. She rubbed his back gently in return. She noticed as a man, short and stout with a close trimmed bearded, approached their group carrying a tray.

“Hey, boss,” he addressed Nathan and nodded to Cole. “I brought some steaks hot off the grill and cold drinks for you all.” He handed the tray to Nathan and extended a hand to Brooke. “I’m Beau Davis the site manager on your cabin.”

“Hey, Beau.” She shook his hand. “What a great job you’re doing over there. Thank you for bringing the tray for us.”

“Thank you much, ma’am. And you’re very welcome. I hope you enjoy. Well, I better get back to the grill.”