Nathan helped Brooke put her coat back on after she’d had her blood drawn. He couldn’t help feeling helpless in the face of all the science and technology around them. He wished he could do more. “We are having dinner at Timeless to celebrate the kids’ engagement,” Uncle George mentioned as Dr. Vining escorted them to the front door. “Would you like to meet us over there?”
“I would love to but it’s best I get to work on those samples while they’re fresh. Congratulations guys! Please do invite me to the wedding.” She gave them all a hug goodbye and they were on their way to the restaurant.
Once they arrived, Nathan felt a familiar sensation run through him although he wasn’t certain why. As he helped Brooke and Aunt Rayah from the car the sensation ran through him again stronger and more familiar. It felt like home. As they reached the door of the restaurant he realized why. Cole, Marcus, Clara, and the baby were seated inside the door waiting for them.”