Chapter 44: Nevena

Before we left, I insisted that we eat. Ivan went out and caught a few wild animals and cooked them for me. I stayed in the underground cave pool room because I didn’t want to be alone with Baba Roga again.

I told Ivan that he needed to drink some more of my blood, but he politely refused.

“Not until I know how long the effects would last,” he told me. Then he told me everything that happened after I buried him in the ground while I was eating.

I gave the remaining rog to Ivan, just in case, and we both grabbed as much Charovny Razsyp as we could carry on ourselves without slowing us down. I knew that I had the power to do Magic now, but I still wasn’t trained on how to access it. I also didn’t understand how could I be half-vampire, and not need blood, but that was a mystery that we could solve later.