Season 1 (CH16):

(A/N: Sorry can't really decide which girl I want it to be, the only choices to me are Allison and Lydia, don't really care for the rest much. Maybe by later I will figure it out.)


"You are really going to do this for me?" He said with a raised brow while looking at her in the mirror.

"For the ten millionth time.... Yes! Your hair is really fluffy, soft and I love how black it actually is, these silver and pink tips are cute too. I think it is time to change the color up though don't you, how long have you had these? Two years?" She said while rubbing her hands through his hair as she was washing it.

He raised his brow at that, he did change them to those colors two years ago, it was just something that he did, "How do you know that?" He asked her with a small teasing smile.

"Don't think I didn't notice you in middle school. You were always ignoring everyone though so it is hard to talk to you, I was afraid that you would ignore me if I even tried. Hell I think before Allison you haven't had any friends." She said while washing the soap out of his head.

He looked down smiling, honestly he didn't really have many friends it wasn't until this year that he met the guys so that he had some, even then they didn't hang out much. Like he had told her he didn't think most people liked the real him, they only really cared about his looks.

After meeting the guys he tried more then once to get other friends but they were fake, it wasn't until Allison that he got a real friend.

"Well then what about you? Why not try and be real and come talk to me, who knows we could have been friends way sooner if you had done something like that." He said while looking back up at her through the mirror.

She shrugged, "I was an awkward teenage girl no matter the brave face I put on. I wasn't until later that I really learned to fake it all, it made things easier when I did so too."

He nodded at that, a lot of teenagers had more awkwardness then they let on, he wasn't to surprised by her answer, "At least we are hanging out now, I have to admit that you aren't that bad of a person to hang out with."

"You aren't so bad yourself, now lean back so I can dry your hair." She said while pointing the hair dryer at him.


At the moment they were sitting in his room while he was drawing a picture of her, she demanded it after seeing the one he had of Allison on his wall. They ended up back at his house after getting his new colors in at the moment they were maroon red and royal blue, he thought it looked really good together.

Telling her that just made he smile smugly at him.

So she was now sitting on his bed while texting away with someone, "So what is your big secret?" She said suddenly looking up at the phone from him.

He didn't look up but raised a brow as he finished drawing the wings sprouting from her back, "And why do you think I have a big secret? Furthermore why would I tell you about it?"

"Because you already know mine. But I don't know yours. I doubt that you being an outcast who can draw amazingly well is your biggest secret. There has to be something more there that no one else knows, and if you are going to know mine isn't it only fair that I know yours too?" She asked with a big grin on her face.

He paused and thought she was right, from what he could tell she had been open about everything about herself, well at least from the information he vaguely already knew. Looking up he stared at her for a moment, there was a big part of him that wanted to tell her about the supernatural world, he already had his clone watching his mom, and Allison knew herself.

If Lydia was going to be their friend wasn't it only right that she knew about what they were doing? Wasn't it a good idea if she knew about the hidden world that was a threat to her?

Putting down his supplies he crossed his fingers while looking at her with a serious expression, "If I tell you my biggest secret you need to keep it, cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead....why do you smile like you've been told a secret!...."

"Alright stop! I don't want to heat that song, be serious here. Tell me your biggest secret since you know mine." She said with heat in her voice but he could also hear a little hint of nervousness and fear like she thought he was mocking her or wouldn't tell her.

He stopped and looked her in the eyes, "Alright my biggest secret that not ever Allison knows is that I have powers," He put up a hand when he saw her pout about to complain again, "No joke I really do. I will even show you then I will tell you a little story."

She paused and looked him in the eyes, the room was quiet as the two of them looked each other in the eyes, she must have found what she was looking for because she nodded. He smiled slightly while standing and indicating for her to do the same thing, "Take my hand and no matter what don't let go. You have to be holding at least some part of me or you will be trapped."

For a moment she looked worried but nodded seeing his smile, within the next moment he Shadow Walked, they were still in his room but everything was gray and dull like when he used the skill. At first she didn't think anything of it, but Ryan didn't wait and took her walking right through a wall making her speechless.

"It is called Shadow Walking. As long as there is a shadow nearby I can walk into it, it takes me to a gray and dull version of our world where I can go anywhere I want." He explained as they were now walking the streets, the little light they saw coming from houses and street lamps.

"And how often do you do this?" She asked amazed as they walked right by someone who didn't even notice them, her shoulder bumped the guy but it fazed through instead of physical contact.

Ryan frowned while shaking his head and laughing a little, "You know not that often really. I got the power and thought I might be using it for everything but really this is only my second time using it. Other then traveling unnoticed and hiding something I don't want found this place isn't much use."

She nodded squeezing his hand some, "When was the other time." she felt him tense and looked at him with a raised brow, "What is it?"

He sighed knowing she wouldn't let up unless he did tell her, "Well the first time I actually ended up at your house, just because I was testing the ability out. It worked like a charm since you didn't notice me, but at the same time I kind of walked in to you changing. Let's just say that at the movies wasn't the first time I saw your breast."

She was shocked but then hit his stomach, "Warn someone next time you perv!" Ryan let out a breath happy that she wasn't mad at him, "Now why don't you tell me the rest of the story, along with how you seemed to got this power."

Ryan nodded, he went into detail of what he knew about the supernatural world, he also included how he got his powers, well not really mentioning the system. He didn't think he could explain that to anyone really, if they did hear him talking about it they would think he was crazy.

Lydia though seemed to be taking it all in while nodding, she didn't seem put off by any of it in fact. When he mentioned that a werewolf was the cause of the attacks she got a little scared, but other then that like the genius she was she asked for all the information she could get on it.

"So... You, Allison, Stiles, and Scott all know about it. But Allison and her family don't know Scott is the beta since you think he was bit to be turned and it wouldn't be your secret to tell," She tapped her chin nodding, "That makes sense. I would want to tell people in my own way too. I can keep this secret for you, I actually want to see how long it takes for Allison to tell me."

He was happy that she would keep the secret, though he didn't know if she ever got mad at him would she spill it or not, even if she did it wouldn't matter. No one but her knew he had his power and no one could force him to use it, as for her outing Scott he wouldn't care, the kid would just have more problems later the way his life is going.

"Yeah this is basically it. Thanks again for promising to keep this secret, it was also good to see you and get to know you more today Lydia. I think we will be great friends." He said smiling at her.

She didn't seem to notice but they were standing at her front door as he brought them back to the regular world, "Well I had a fun day. It is also good to know what is out there, I can understand not telling everyone too, it would just cause mass hysteria."

He nodded, "Well then I guess this is goodnight then."

She finally noticed where they were smiling before frowning, "I left my purse at your house though!! Can you bring it to me on Monday?"

"Of course what are friends for if not that?"

"You're right, it is going to be great having you as a friend Ryan. Goodnight." With a sly smile she stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek before going into the house before the door closed her heard her say, "Next time you come into my room, make sure to text first. I might just show you something even better."

His eyes were wide but he smiled, the next moment he was gone leaving the porch empty. Though he didn't see the person standing across the street who had wide eyes that was staring at them, in a flash that person was gone too heading back right for the Ryan's house but stood across the street hidden rather then out in the open like before.