Chapter 52 Training...

A sudden knock on the doors was heard.

"Oh? someone came to see me?"

Suddenly the white doors were opened and a group of three people were revealed.

"Hello Asia, can we come in?" Aksed Rias with a smile.

"Of course Rias, please come in, all of you" replied Asia with a kind smile and Rias, Akeno, and Koneko entered the room.

Rias sat on a chair near Asia's bed while the rest just stood around the white bed.

"So how are you feeling?" Asked Akeno.

"I'm feeling good Akeno, thanks for asking" Replied Asia with a never ending kind smile.

"How is he?" Asked Rias as she looked at a small figure in Asia's hold.

"The doctors said that he is perfectly fine and healthy" Replied Asia as she looked down at the small sleeping figure.

Yep....she gave birth to a child about a week ago in a hospital located in the underworld...

Even tho they were banished from the underworld, Sirzechs decided to bend the rules a bit and gave Asia the best hospital in the underworld because he knew how much Rias cared for her friends and peerage.

Sis-con of a brother wanted to hide that from his and Rias's parents, but he knew how mad Venelena would've been if she were to find out by herself.

After some convincing she agreed on two conditions.

First they had to do DNA tests to see who the father was, second she was to leave immediately after recovery.

Sirzechs agreed with her conditions and sent Asia to the best doctors in the underworld.

On that faithful night, a condom used on her was broken and she got pregnant, that's why she suddenly stopped coming to school before Trihexa's doom.

The Hyoudou couple were happy and angry.

Happy because their wish finally came true to get some grandkids, but angry as they didn't even know when she did the deed nor who was the father.

But they decided not to question her for now as she needed a lot of rest after giving birth to a small child.

"What name did you give him?" Aksed Koneko.

"His name is Kurenai" Answer Asia.

"That's a great name" Said Rias.

"Now the question is..."Trailed off Akeno.

"Who is the father" Finished Koneko.

In that moment the atmosphere changed.

The girls lowered their heads in shame and sadness as all of them wanted to have issei's children but Fate decided otherwise and they fucked up big time as they lost their precious lover.

"The doctors took Kurenai's DNA and they took Misla Bael's, Riser Phenex's DNA samples, and Saji's chess pieces....they said that we will get the results after three days from today and we will get the answer who the father is..." Said Asia with an emotionless voice as she stared blankly at a wall.

"By the way, where is Xenovia?" Asked Asia.

"She is staying in the mansion and barely comes out of her room, she barely is functional, after that night she completely was broken" Answered Rias with a sad tone.

"Oh... I see" Said Asia as she sadly looked down at Kurenai.

"Well, we have to go now we have a lot of work to do, it's really hard in university....we will visit you soon, stay well and have a lot of sleep" Said Rias as she stood up and left with the duo following her.

Asia turned to look out the window and looked at the underworld's sky.

"I'm so sorry Issei...." Said Asia.

...Line break...

"Hyaaaa! take this!" Shouted Valerica as she attacked with her demonic magic.

"You think that will hurt me? ha! let's see!" Roared Tiamat as she charged an ice ball before releasing at Valerica.

Both attacks clashed and fought for dominance but suddenly Tiamat's attack became weaker.

[DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE DIVIDE!] Roared Albion as Tiamat's chaos beam started to dim out.

"Ha! now not so tough HuH?" Mocked Valerica.

"Don't mock me sister or feel the pain for it" Groweled Tiamat as she swung her tail at Valerica and hit her head on.

She was sent flying into a distance at least fifty meters away damaging her balance breaker armor in the process.

She got up and the armor repaired almost instantly.

"Hahah I felt better attacks than this" Laughed Valerica as she charged full speeds at Tiamat.

Tiamat barely was able to block a powerful punch with an ice wall which shattered in seconds but luckily for her she was out of the way already.

"Not bad, you actually avoided my punch, but how about this!" Shouted Valerica as she shot a white and blue dragon shot.

She copied issei's dragon shot but modified it a little by using not only Albion's powers but combining her demonic magic making it way more powerful than a regular dragon shot.

"Ice barrier!" Roared Tiamat and an enormous and thick ice ball formed around her and protected her from the attack that Valerica sent.

The ice melted away and Tiamat smirked at Valerica.

"Well, let's see what you'll do with this!" Roared Tiamat as her aura spiked and a big blue ball formed in her jaws combination of her strongest and coldest ice with her condensed bone-chilling aura and her chaos element.

Valerica didn't have any time to dodge so she used one of the most useful skills.

"Reflect!" Shouted Valerica and as soon as Tiamat's ice beam hit Valerica it shot right back at her.

Tiamat literally froze from shock as she didn't prepare to counter such a huge attack after just releasing it, it was pretty exhausting.

So she just closed her eyes and the ice wall appeared in front of her but it wasn't as strong as the previous ones, they were fighting for more than three hours after all.

The beam came back and destroyed the wall and hit Tiamat.

As the beam disappeared Valerica saw exhausted Tiamat laying on the ground.

"Looks like it's my win Huh" Said Valerica as she landed beside her.

As soon as she touched the ground her balance breaker armor disappeared.

"Yea.....congrats, now let's return back I wanna sleeeeep" Groaned Tiamat as she slowly stood back up and took flight with Valerica by her side.

"Tomorrow we will train with Crom Croach and Tannin again" Said Valerica with excitement.

"Yeah I please let's not speak of more training I'm really tired" Said Tiamat.

"Alright sure lazy lizard" Said Valerica with a smirk.

"What did you say!? come here!" Roared Tiamat as she started to chase Valerica.

"Catch me if you can hahaha" Laughed Valerica as she flew as fast as she could form the furious dragon.

Elsewhere in the same faction lands.

"Straighten your back! and watch your enemies movements and footwork to predict their next move, but don't lose your guard nor composure" Said Arthur as he was sparing with Katase while Murayama and Irina watched closely.

Arthur swung his sword elegantly with perfection while Katase was blocking all the time.

She got pissed off as she didn't want to block all the time so went for offensive and swung her sword at Arthur.

At first those were some good swings and her footwork was great but then she let her rage take over and she became sloppy and that gave Arthur a great advantage as he made her trip and pointed his sword at her neck.

"You did good, but remember not to let your emotions control you otherwise that might cost you your life as the enemy will definitely take advantage of your mistakes" Said Arthur as he helped Katase to stand up.

She lowered he read in utter defeat and felt stupid for letting her emotions take over her.... again.

Arthur of course saw that.

"But don't worry that will happen all the time so to stop that you'll need to train a lot and do meditation, today you did a great job" Said Arthur.

"Plus you know what?" Aksed Arthur.

The three girls perked up to listen to what he had to say.

"It is very easy to teach you as you are getting better just by the hours while it took me to teach Issei the basics for a really long time and he still was pretty sloppy" Said Arthur and made the girls giggle.

"We're done for today so got rest or something" Said Arthur as he summoned a magic circle to leave.

"Bye and see you tomorrow" Said Arthur.

"Bye!" Replied the girls as Arthur disappeared.

"I can't believe that I still can't defeat him" Pouted Katase.

"Don't worry we just need some more training and we will definitely defeat him, we are getting closer and closer to that goal" Said Irina.

"Yeah you're right I feel even stronger today" Said Katase.

"So now we will go and meet Grayfia again?" Asked Murayama.

"Yes, after an hour of rest we will meet her to practice more magic" Replied Katase.

"I really like her, she taught us so many useful spells already, she's so nice and doesn't rush us with learning" Said Murayama.

"Yeah, I like her too, she's so powerful with her magic" Said Irina.

"Well, she is the strongest queen in the underworld" Said Katase.

"Alright, let's return to the mansion for some rest" Said Katase as she summoned a big enough magic circle for the three and teleported to the mansion.

One hour prior...

Outside Grigori, Ingvild and Momo were training with their sacred gears while Azazel observed and took notes.

Right now Ingvild was singing in front of Fafnir who had dull eyes and acted strangely.

Ingvild's eyes glowed in a lavender color as the area around her was enveloped in lavender light particles.

That's because of her sacred gear, called Nereid Kyrie.

That is one of the new High-tier Longinus, which allows Ingvild to control Dragons and even the Sea itself, although the former is stronger, while the latter is still improving.

Nereid Kyrie can enslave Dragons and those who possess Dragon-type Sacred Gears.

But upon training hard she and Azazel found out that by using her sacred gear she can either control dragons or strengthen them for a limited period of time depending on a song.

She still cannot control which dragons to affect but with all of this training she can use her sacred gear to strengthen dragons to an enormous degree.

But trying to control the sea is a different story.

Turns out that it's way easier to control dragons than the sea as her ability to control the sea is too immature at least for now, but she is trying her hardest.

Being a descendant of the original leviathan she has an ability exclusive only to the Leviathan clan, she can control vast amounts of water, which can be manipulated into various shapes including creating a water beast as well as allowing her to transform a large snake like-dragon.

Once Azazel had an idea for her to create water snake-like dragon and use her sacred gear on them to strengthen them.

It worked much to her surprise and to Azazel's delight, but it drained a lot of mental and physical energy from Ingvild and passed out after five minutes of use.

She was hellbent to get better at controlling her sacred gear and ancestor's demonic magic.

She was determined and wanted to see Issei looking at her proudly, she wanted to be right by his side and to protect him like he protects her and the rest of the girls.

While Ingvild was training her sacred gear not too far from her Momo was training with her's.

Her was an artificial sacred gear created in Grigori by Azazel so it wasn't anything special but it could create strong barriers.

The gear was called Applause Wall.

Applause Wall takes the form of two bracelets which are then worn on each of Momo's wrists.

It lets Momo create strong defensive force field barriers at will within a certain distance.

The barriers are sturdy enough to withstand basic level fire breath from Fafnir.

The good part is that it doesn't consume too much of her demonic magic, but the more powerful barrier the more it uses her magic to keep it up.

"I think I'm getting better at this, I can hold out way longer than I could before" Said Momo to herself with a proud smirk.

"Alright ladies, it's time to wrap up for today and we will continue next week, don't forget to train by yourself too but don't overdo it" Said Azazel with a smirk.

"Alright thank you Azazel" Said Ingvild as she stopped singing and her eyes returned to their normal golden orange color and Fafnir regained his senses as she canceled the effects of her sacred gear.

"That's such a weird feeling, so uncomfortable" Said Fafnir.

"You'll have to pay me more for this" Said Fafnir as he looked at Azazel.

"Sure bud! I have everything ready for ya" Said Azazel with a smirk.

Just if you are wondering what Fafnir gets out of this...panties...tons of panties to sniff....yeah Fafnir is more of a pervert than Issei now...great.

"Well, bye sensei" Said Momo.

"Bye bye!" Said Azazel as he teleported to Grigori.

"Thank you Fafnir for your help" Thanked Ingvild.

"No problem, i'm glad I can help issei's mates...and get the great payment" Said Fafnir as drool started to drip.

"What Azazel pays you with?" Asked Momo.

"Treasure" Replied Fafnir.

"Ah! you love treasure that's right" Said Ingvild.

Yeah not the kind of treasure they think.

"Well, till next time" Said Fafnir as he flew away.

"Now we get one hour to rest and then we will train magic with Grayfia again, yay!" Said Ingvild with excitement as she and Momo teleported back to the mansion and met up with Valerica, sleeping Tiamat, Murayama, Katase, Irina, and Valerie in the living room.

"Hey girls! how was your day?" Asked Ingvild as she sat on the couch?

"Great, we are just waiting for Grayfia's lessons" Replied Murayama with stars in her eyes.

"Yeah, we are excited too" Said Momo.

"Shuuuut uuuup and let me sleeeep" Goraned a sleeping Tiamat.

Everyone giggled at the sleeping dragon.

Normally you would think that the ice queen, the strongest queen in the underworld, would give nightmarish lessons.

That's what the girls were expecting but when she started to give them lessons on magic and how to improve them and etc. they were relieved that she was really like a nice and best teacher they could've find.

She had that motherly aura that calmed them down and gave a confidence boost.

The truth is that Grayfia herself enjoyed very much tutoring them too, it was a great time to spend after some hard work, it was relaxing for her.

After an hour Murayama, Katase, Irina, Valerie, Ingvild and Momo gather around to teleport to Gremory mansion.

"Good luck girls" Said Valerica.

They nodded as Ingvild teleported them to their destination.

"Grayfia we're here!" Said Ingvild.

"Oh? hello everyone" Greeted the maid with a small bow as she smiled at them.

"I see that you are ready for some more lesson?" Said Grayfia.

"Yes! we love your lessons! we don't even know how we will ever repay you for your kindness" Said Murayama.

Grayfia just smiled.

"No need for that, I'm glad to have talented students like you, so now let's not waste any more time and get started" Said Grayfia.

...Line break....

Four days later...

"I heard that you'll be discharged today and be able to return home" Said Rias.

"Yes, the doctors said that I have rested for long enough" Said Asia.

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door that was soon opened by a doctor.

"Good afternoon ladies, I have the results of DNA tests" Said the doctor.

Rias, Koneko, Akeno and Asia looked at the doctor with curiosity evident on their faces.

"Listen closely, Lord Riser Phenex" Said the doctor.

The girls eyes widened but before they could do or say anything...

"Is not the father" Said the doctor.

The girls let out a sigh of relief as they composed themselves.

"The previous pawn of lady Sona Sitri is not the father, so that leave us..." Trailed of the doctor as realisation hit the girls.

"Sairaorg....."Whispered Rias as she covered her mouth from the shock.

"That's right, lord Sairaorg Bael is...well, was the father" Said the doctor.

"Now please collect your stuff and you'll be escorted back to the human world shortly" Said the doctor as he left.

There was silence in the room for at least three minutes.

"Are you okay Asia?" Asked Akeno.

" just sad that the child won't have his father to raise him....." Said Asia.

"I always dreamt of having issei's child.....but now I have not only lost his love and trust but now my child is fatherless" Said Asia as she started to sob.

Rias and Akeno tried to comfort Asia while Koneko was just thinking about her past worst choices.

She like the rest of the girls was ashamed of herself for being disloyal, she wanted to have issei's children too not that she showed that, but that was one of her dreams like the other girls.

Akeno and Rias helped Asia to pack her few things before leaving back to the Hyoudou residence.