Staying Home

"I've talked it over with Anita. It's more convenient to stay here with me, and it's closer to the school where Anita goes. It's also more convenient for me to travel to work, so we won't be going home to stay," Owen said into the phone. His voice wasn't very loud.

"Okay, don't worry. We'll go home for dinner when we have time," Owen continued to say.

Anita didn't hear what he said after that, but she was able to guess the general content. When Owen hung up, he saw Anita standing in the living room.

"Don't worry. I told Mom. They understand perfectly," Owen said while taking a few steps into the living room.

"Yeah, I'm not worried. I just wanted to thank you," Anita smiled and said.

"You've said thank you to me so many times today, so don't say it anymore," Owen said to Anita teasingly.