Changing Room

The door opened. Anita looked a little disheveled in her pajamas and her hair wasn't combed. Owen couldn't help but laugh.

"What's wrong? What are you laughing at?" Anita reached out to stroke her hair and asked with an embarrassed smile.

"Nothing. Go wash up. Breakfast is ready," Owen said softly and gently.

After Anita heard Owen's words, she froze for a moment, then went to wash up.

When Anita came out after washing up, she realized that breakfast had already been laid out on the dining table. Anita immediately felt even more embarrassed. It was her first day living in someone else's house, yet she had woken up so late and someone else made breakfast. No matter how she thought about it, it was inappropriate.

"Owen, thank you for last night." Anita thought about it for a long time but still felt that she should thank Owen. After all, she had occupied his bed yesterday.

"I'll sleep in the guest bedroom from now on," Anita said after a pause.