Sweet Daily Life

"I know you're not asleep. Why aren't you saying anything?" Owen suddenly whispered in Anita's ear again.

Anita blushed even more. At this close distance, she didn't know if Owen could see her clearly, but she knew she couldn't pretend anymore, so she flipped over suddenly.

She said, "You're talking non-stop, so how can I fall asleep?"

Owen didn't expect Anita to suddenly turn around and was startled. "I'm sorry. I thought you weren't asleep, so I talked to you," Owen said while patting his chest to calm down.

Anita snorted at Owen's words and said nothing more.

"Anita, I think we're really good like this," Owen said.

Anita didn't respond to Owen's words, but she felt the same way. It was really good.

Owen waited a moment to see if Anita said anything, so he reached out and quietly placed Anita's hand to his.

Anita felt the heat from his hand and smiled. "Go to sleep."