Everyone's Attitude

"Okay, bye." Anita got out of the car and waved.

When Anita got out of the car, Owen looked up at the time. There was only half an hour before work, so he didn't stop too long outside the school before quickly starting the car and leaving.

Anita got out of the car and went to her mentor's office first.

"I'm here," Anita said as she knocked.

"You're quite early. I'm going to the laboratory today to announce this to everyone," the mentor said with a smile as he looked at Anita.

"Thank you, teacher," Anita said while bowing to her mentor.

The mentor looked at Anita and said nothing. He just reached out, picked up the lesson plan on the table, and walked out.

Anita followed her mentor toward the laboratory. They didn't say anything the rest of the way. When they reached the laboratory, Anita realized that everyone was present today.

"Everyone, quieten down," the mentor said while placing the book on the table.