The Truth

"I… I don't know. Owen, you know, I really can't stand it when people betray me," Anita finally couldn't control her emotions and said with tears in her eyes.

"Anita, look me in the eye. How did I betray you? You can't convict me based on a few photos." Owen was sad to hear Anita say so.

He had thought that there was trust between the two of them, but he didn't expect Anita to deny his feelings for her just based on these few photos.

"Owen, can photos be fake? You two were smiling so happily when you met at Xiyue Restaurant. What do you want me to think?" Anita said sadly to Owen.

Owen reached out and held her arm when he heard Anita's words. "Anita, listen to me. I can explain to you why Miranda and I met, but I hope you can trust me and not doubt our relationship just because of a few photos."