Chapter 30 The Confrontation Between Paul and Peter.

Paul was not angry at Sophie's loud and angry attitude, on the contrary, the boy shrugged his shoulders in disdain.

Sarah blinked at Sophie and then back at Paul. Why did she have a funny feeling that this person was very close and understood each other? However, Sophie's erratic attitude proved to her that Paul's words were absolutely correct. She suddenly had an interest in teasing Sophie.

"What's that shipper's name? Do you like him very much? Does he know my feelings for him? Where does he work? So next time I will support you often." Sarah smiled and blinked her eyes as she asked Sophie.

Sophie was bewildered, then lowered her face in shame. She really wanted to strangle Paul, because his small talkative mouth embarrassed her in front of Sarah. What if she thinks she's an outspoken, flirtatious girl? Her good image in her eyes dropped another rank, so what to do?