Chapter 31 Sarah hates Peter.

As soon as Paul came out of the hospital room, he let go of Peter's hand and walked quickly forward. Peter glanced at the little boy's small back and raised his eyebrows, shrugging his shoulders, as if he had done nothing wrong for the boy to show a cold attitude towards him. He followed quickly behind the boy, until he got into the car, Paul still didn't say anything to him. He thought for a moment, then decided to speak first.

"What did you do to keep Lee from showing up in the hospital room?" This is what interests me the most right now, I'm really curious to know.

Paul glanced at his father, blinking confusedly at him. Lee not showing up in Sarah's hospital room has nothing to do with him. He pondered for a moment, then spoke coldly.

"My phone ran out of battery since I was at the restaurant."