Chapter 16: War Games?

Noctis was in the Twilight Manor meeting room with Loki, Finn and Riveria. Loki was currently yelling.

Loki was fuming "You got Pass paraded an one of the Familia members who did it has the gall to ask for your forgiveness!!! What Familia was it we should start a war game right now!! This can not slide!!"

Noctis nodded "I agree. It was the Takemikazuchi Familia by the way."

Loki smirked "Finn get ready for a war game I am meeting with Takemikazuchi this instant."

Before Loki could move Noctis quickly said "I don't want a war game."

Loki almost fell over "You don't want a war game?"

Noctis shook his head "No."

Loki narrowed her eyes "Why would you not want a war game? Are you going to let this slide? You're not that kind."

Noctis shook his head again "I never said we should let it slide but I think there are other options."

Finn then asked "What are the other options. Honestly even I am extremely upset and wouldn't mind doing a War Game. A Pass Parade is an awful thing to do. It's an unwritten rule that no one should break."

Noctis thought 'Oh the hero is coming out. Must do no wrong.'

Noctis smiled "Well Loki if I wasn't trying to have a better public image I would have just left them to die. And Finn don't worry I just think a War Game is extreme."

Riveria questioned "Why would it be extreme. We would not take any risk as a Familia. The fact they probably knew you were going to try to help and just left you like that."

Loki nodded "This needs to be punished."

Noctis nodded "I agree. However can't that punishment be up to me."

Loki sighed "You know just because it's a war game does not mean that we will just disband their Familia or something. We could just win it and have a different kind of prize or punishment for them."

Noctis smirked "Oh really, I know just what to do then."

Loki narrowed her eyes "What would that be?"

Noctis sighed "Can you update my stats first. I think I leveled up again."

Loki huffed but she relented and started to update Noctis's stats.

Loki breathed our "Fuck."

Finn quickly came over "What is it?"

Luckily Riveria stayed back thinking she would find out anyways. Almost being able to glimpse at Noctis's actual race. Loki got a paper and transcribed it for Noctis.

Loki smiled but rubbed her head "Now people are really going to be after you."


Race: Vampire

Level 2 -> 3

STR(strength) SSS 1299-> I 10

END(endurance) SSS 1299-> I 10

AGI(agility) SSS 1299-> I 10

DEX(dexterity) SSS 1299-> I 10

MAG(magic) SSS 1299-> I 10

Magic Storage, Blood Magic, Hypnotic Eyes, Soul Search, Blood King.

New Magic is Blood King

Storage 10/10 Max level

Description Inventory that stays frozen in time. Holds the size of a medium sized house.

Blood Magic 7/10

Description Can use the users blood as well as the blood of fallen enemies or allies. While using this magic it heals the user. Possibility that blood lust reaches max while using this could cause frenzy.

Hypnotic Eyes 5/10

Description Is able to make a person who's strength or level is lower or equal to the user obey his every command. Depends on the persons will as well.

Soul Search 10/10 Max

Description Can see the souls of any mortal or God being able to see their personality as well as how they feel in the moment.

Blood King 4/10

Description Blood magic no longer requires their to be actual blood. The user is able to create blood out of the very air for spells and combat.

Skills Kings Aura, Predictive Killing Intent, Swordsmanship, Unarmed Combat, Extreme Regeneration, Unending Resistance.

Kings Aura 7/10

Description Can not be willed to do anything. Follows his own heart. Can also inflict users own will as an attack.

Predictive Killing Intent 7/10

Description Can have future glances of moves with Killing intent towards the user.

Swordsmanship 2/10

Description A better understanding of the sword. Uses a sword more naturally then any other weapon. Allows for extra damage to be dealt.

Unarmed Combat 10/10

Description Gives a higher understanding of close quarters combat. Does increased damage with fists and kicks.

Extreme Regeneration 6/10

Description Able to regenerate wounds faster. With Blood added regeneration happens faster. At higher levels the possibility to regenerate limbs is also possible.

Unending Resistance 6/10

Description Somewhat resistant to all elements. Somewhat resistant to all types of damage. Immune to disease. Somewhat resistant to all poisons.

Noctis smiled looking at the sheet of paper "Now I don't need to cut myself anymore."

Riveria questioned "What do you mean?"

Noctis was annoyed thinking about it "Well in order to use my blood magic I would need blood and since I don't have my weapons yet. I either use my own blood or the blood from monsters."

Riveria looked sad for a moment "You should not self inflict your own injuries."

Noctis rolled his eyes "Well I don't need to anymore so don't worry."

Loki nodded "You better not I did not know you needed to do that either. I honestly don't know how you fight at all."

Finn shook his head "I don't think any of us do."

Loki snapped her fingers "I got the perfect war game. We will just do an arena fight of you versus all four of Takemikazuchi children. With everyone of the frontier group watching."

Noctis smiled "That's fine if you want to do it that way but I get to decide their punishment."

Loki laughed "It's funny how you think you can just call the shots but I'm fine with it. Honestly the war game is more because what they did was very wrong and we can not appear weak."

Loki sighed "Finn go inform the Guild of the new level three record holder and Riveria go inform everyone else that tomorrow there will be a War Game as well as the fact that Noctis is level three."

Noctis then pointed to himself "What should I do?"

Loki looked at him like he was a lost puppy "Whatever you want just be ready for the War Game tomorrow."

Noctis was confused "Why is it already going to be tomorrow?"

Loki smiled "Because I'm going to get Ouranos to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the topic with all the Gods and Goddesses because we will also need to use Ganesha's arena."

Noctis nodded "Okay well I'm going to go to the Hostess of Fertility."

Loki narrowed her eyes as she got up to leave too "I swear you better not get as drunk as last time."

Noctis winked at her "I thought you had fun last time?"

Loki had a slight blush with a smirk "Kid you wish."

Noctis shrugged as he started to exit heading towards the Twilight Manor. Finn shook his head "Looks like Loki likes him as much as she likes Ais."

Riveria gave a slight frown "It appears so."

Both then went to go do their tasks. Finn walked with Loki to the Guild as well.

While Noctis was making his way to the Hostess of Fertility Riveria was making her way to the training grounds. Riveria saw Ais, Bete, Lefiya, Gareth, Tione, and Tiona all training. When many of them saw Riveria they were a little shocked as the elf princess rarely trained unless it was to help Lefiya.

Riveria motioned for all of them to come around. Each one of them quickly did thinking it must be something important. Everyone came over except for Ais who was too focused on her training. Riveria had to yell at her to get her to come over.

Riveria then said "Listen Loki wants you all to know that Noctis is officially part of the frontier group as he has already made it to level three in such a short time."

Lefiya was shocked and thought 'How much longer am I going to be useful to everyone when someone else comes along and makes it to level three so fast. How is he doing it?'

Gareth chuckled "Well good for the lad. Will maybe get down deeper with an extra person."

Tione smiled "That's good. Now we have another elf as part of the main group."

Tiona smiled "I can't wait to spar with him once he gets stronger."

Ais was confused "How is he leveling so fast?"

Riveria narrowed her eyes "We are not sure yet but there will be a war game tomorrow where he will face four level twos so hopefully we can get a grasp of his abilities after that."

Bete shrugged "Still a weakling."

Lefiya balled her fist up as she looked down. You could see some tears falling to the floor.

Riveria quickly tried to say "Lefiya don't…."

Lefiya quickly ran away heading towards her room. Everyone turned to Bete. In a rare instance Ais was really mad she slapped Bete across the face and followed after Lefiya.

Riveria was also upset like the rest "Bete think before you talk."

Riveria then walked in the same direction that Ais and Lefiya went. Tiona, Tione, and Gareth simply shook their heads in disappointment as they went back to training.

Bete snarled a bit "Whatever. I'm done for the day anyways. Might as well hit a bar."