Chapter 23: Old Power Can Not be Contained

Noctis after talking to Ais decided to start making his way towards the dungeon. He hoped that he would run into Marin again. After viewing her soul for the second time and seeing her more he wanted to see if his theory was correct.

Noctis made his way to the dungeon to start another dive. As he was walking up he got a tap on his shoulder. Noctis turned around and smiled "Marin Kitagawa how can I help a fellow blood user."

Noctis made sure no one could hear him say that and Marin realized that as well. Marin frowned "My powers are not like yours. I don't know how you became one or how you even came into existence."

Noctis made a fake scared face as he smiled "Who really cares about all that. So what do you want?"

Marin smiled "I want to see if you would like to go into the dungeon together?"

Noctis rolled his eyes "Why would I do that?"

Marin smiled "What you don't want to go with a beautiful girl into the dungeon?"

Noctis grimaced "I don't know you might be older than me."

Marin hit Noctis over the head causing him to be embedded in the ground a bit. Marin frowned "You owe me for looking at my soul anyways. Twice. I'm curious about you is all."

Noctis dusted himself off "I didn't know you already liked me."

Marin had a neutral face "I just need to make sure you are not a threat to anyone here. I know what my kind are like. Although you seem to be a different type."

Noctis sighed "Well come on. Not like I could stop you from coming with me anyways."

Marin smiled "Well at least you are smart."

Noctis started walking and asked, "By the way why have you not looked at my soul yet."

Marin frowned "What do you mean?"

Noctis shrugged "Well you clearly have the power too. How else could you know that I looked at yours."

Marin sighed "Well unlike you I try not to invade other people's privacy."

Noctis turned his head to her "But it's so fun."

Marin rolled her eyes "Whatever let's just go down the dungeon."

Noctis and Marin went through the dungeon together making it all the way down to floor 16. Noctis was surprised the way down was actually nice. They had a good energy with each other Noctis then decided to ask "So does Freya know?"

Marin was silent. Noctis shook his head "I'm just asking if she knows we are both vampires and that we can clearly both see people's souls."

Marin stopped walking and turned to Noctis "Of course, she knows she is my Goddess after all."

Noctis sighed "So she wanted you to scout me then to either see if I was a threat or to try to win me over and leave Loki to join her."

Marin frowned "Yes that would be the case."

Noctis kept a neutral expression "What do you think?"

Marin smirked "I rather have nothing to do with you. Nothing comes good when dealing with my kind. Who knows how many innocent people you murdered."

Noctis stared her down "Not like you are any different you have just as many bodies holding onto you as I do."

Marin was getting angry and her aura started to leak out. Noctis was not worried however as he knew that she would not risk starting a war. In the next moment though Noctis and Marin became surrounded by twenty different adventurers.

Noctis's mind went blank. His thoughts were scattered at this moment, he did not expect Freya or Marin to do this. Only two words were clear in his mind "Betrayed" and "Again".

Noctis's mind was going frantic 'Why did I trust her. She was not even Familia. Just because she was of the same race I trusted her. Can I even trust my Familia? I have been betrayed again. How?!?! How?!!? They must die!!! Betrayers must die!!!'

While Marin was not a close ally or even someone Noctis knew for long. His mind could not help but go back to when his group turned his back on him in his last life. One man from that group did not even wait to build up an army he attacked Noctis not even a month after the situation.

*Noctis Flashback*

Geralt was a well-built man who looked like Henry Cavil in the Witcher series. He was the first to try an attack on his old teammate Noctis. He had brought together a group of a hundred men. They found Noctis's location in an inn at a random town. The inn owners immediately told them where Noctis was and Noctis was forced outside as he was surrounded.

Geralt moved in front of Noctis and yelled "What say you, monster, demon-devil conceived by the bleakest womb? What's say you a vampire who should have never been born."

Noctis was hesitant "Please Geralt don't do this. We were comrades. We helped each other out I even helped you with that contract so that you could afford a new sword for your daughter."

Geralt hesitated for a moment as well thinking about the good moments but steeled his will "You are a monstrosity that must be dealt with. You are a danger to humanity."

Geralt started to charge with his war axe. As Noctis was slowly grabbing his katana. Noctis yelled "Geralt stop!!!!"

But Geralt kept charging Noctis was breathing heavily as he gripped his katanas handle extremely tight. He looked down for a moment. When he looked back up blood-red tears were leaving his eyes. Geralt's war axe came down on Noctis's shoulder as it seemingly stopped barely drawing blood.

Noctis looked up in Geralt's eyes "May your heaven be peaceful."

In the next moment, Noctis drew his katana and seemingly teleported forward. When Noctis sheathed his katana a clicking sound was heard as Geralt's head came off in the next moment.

Once his head dropped a roar was made by the remaining hundred-man army as well as some villagers. However, it was over in seconds as Noctis decided to level the whole village in grief. He had lost control he was just betrayed by someone he considered a close friend. Someone who had saved him from experimentation and torture. The village was destroyed. He stood over the remains of men, women, and children crying. This was the first story of that world's Blood King as a couple of outskirt buildings were left standing with their families. Noctis did not even spare them a glance as he left.

Back in Danmachi Noctis with Marin surrounded by twenty adventurers.

Noctis's mind was running rampant. Only two clear words in his mind "Betrayed" and "Again". This being the only thing on his mind, his whole aura leaked. It caused a couple of level threes to bend down on one knee but most of the group around him were level four or five.

His aura however had reached up to the 10th floor causing level ones and twos to faint. Noctis looked around as rage kept building up. His aura then broke.