Chapter 24: Marins Bloody Reign

Marin Kitagawa was of the same Earth as Noctis but while Noctis was the King of Vampires or Blood King of the East. Marin was the Queen of Vampires or the Bloody Mistress of the South. While she and Noctis had similar abilities and powers, her upbringing was quite different.

Instead of being experimented on like a lab rat like Noctis, she was a natural-born vampire. Noctis being created by humans using the blood of Gods or Ichor. Marin was different than that. Meaning she was born from vampire parents. She was a pureblood vampire. While the East early on was ruled by humans who were experimenting to reach the level of Gods. The South was run by Vampires who had human slaves that were no more than cattle.

Marin grew up as a pureblood princess. She was taught etiquette as well as Vampire based combat. She took classes where vampires were ranked by their magical abilities. Being a pure-blooded Vampire directly from the King and Queen of that region she was at the top of her class. However, it was not all happy and go lucky.

It was a cruel world for Marin. She would always question why the world was the way it was. She would see all these humans in their land used like cattle. It was normal to many but it did not sit right with Marin. She saw the pain and lifelessness in the eyes of the humans. While she was taught why it was necessary and taught about the wars where humans persecuted vampires she still felt bad for them.

One day while she was attending school in her younger years around ten she had stumbled across a hiding human who was running from the authorities. Marin who was about to alert someone nearby looked into the girl's eyes and saw the sadness and fear. Marin left and the young girl who was hiding did not move just waiting to be taken again.

However, that did not happen. The next day Marin came back and brought the girl food as well. Marin tried to talk to her but the girl was still too scared. Marin would do this for multiple days until the girl finally spoke. Marin asked, "What's your name?"

The girl whispered out "Megumin."

Marin would continue to talk to Megumin as much as she could. They learned a lot from each other. Megumin began to live on the streets in hiding but always at the same time every day. Marin would meet Megumin in the same spot.

This continued on for years as the two grew closer together. Marin was getting close to the age of eighteen. She would finally be considered an adult and be able to make actual changes. She could campaign as the princess under her parents. She shared this dream with Megumin many times. However, over the years she was not able to see Megumin as much but would come as much as she could.

They started to become really close like sisters. In a sense, they grew up together. The many years they spent together they formed a close bond. Marin had even talked to her about turning into a vampire, that way she could be in the light with Marin. But Megumin was stubborn.

They would constantly argue about it. There was no guarantee that Marin could actually change her people's minds about humans. The ways of the Vampires of this country had been set in stone for too long. So Marin would always ask Megumin if she would like to turn. But Megumin wanted to hold onto her humanity so desperately and did not want to turn into the same race as the people who killed her parents.

Until finally Megumin had agreed to turn tomorrow but sadly that decision would prove to be too late.

Marin was followed one day by her bodyguard. Thinking she had evaded him again Marin went to meet up with Megumin. In eight years Marin had always escaped him but the guard finally got lucky. Sadly the bodyguard had found them. This was then reported to the King and Queen. In order to not to cause a stir in the public, it was announced that Megumin had attacked Princess Marin.

A public execution was then held. It was in front of the whole country as well as broadcasted. Many wanted the head of anyone who would hurt their dear Princess. Megumin's life in a sense was not the only one lost that day as Marin lost a lot as well.

Her emotions were gone. She only had the drive to grow stronger to exact her revenge on her parents. She became heartless. Marin at the time of the execution had begged her parents to spare her life but they would not budge. After that when Marin weighed in on any matter she insisted the perpetrator would be sentenced to death. She eventually got the nickname Princess Guillotine as many thought she might as well have been the blade that took people's lives.

Once she was strong enough she framed her own parents for crimes against the country. They eventually got their heads chopped off as well. But this did not satisfy Marin she only craved more blood.

Eventually, Marin did replace the Guillotine as she was the one to perform public executions with her own hands. No one could stop her either. The only person stronger than her in the entire world would possibly be the Vampire King of the East. But many knew he stayed in his castle rarely coming out.

Eventually, after hundreds of years, Marin found herself making a similar request as Noctis had in his previous life.

Marin looked in the sky as many bodies were still around her that she had killed she screamed "Somebody fucking kill me already!! I have nothing left here!!"

Centuries of suppressed emotions and rage pouring out "I have nothing left in this accursed world!!! There is only pain and suffering!!!"

A flash happened. Marin noticed a flash of light land in the East and shook the earth. Marin frowned "If only that had landed on me."

In the next moment, it did. Marin was sitting in front of God. However, instead of the anger, she was feeling earlier. She was laughing incredibly hard.

Marin while laughing "Oh God I can't believe your name is Steve."

The same God Steve who helped Noctis a couple of seconds ago had his arms crossed with a frown on his face as Marin kept laughing. "Do you want to get reincarnated or not? Because it's either that or hell."

Marin stopped laughing but still had a wide smile on her face "Where am I going?"

Steve smiled "I can send you into that anime Danmachi two years before cannon starts. How does that sound?"

Marin being a closet Otaku who found anime to be her only enjoyment in life quickly nodded her head. She then asked, "But why would you let me."

Steve shrugged "Entertainment."

Steve then snapped his fingers as Marin disappeared. Steve rubbed his chin now I'll give her a little present as well.

(A/N I know this chapter is on the shorter side but this was my planned Backstory for her to add to her character a bit.)