A couple days later
Loki screamed "What do you mean there will be no punishment?"
Noctis shrugged "I think they learned there lesson. They have nothing to offer anyways an I rather not break up a Familia. I rather get something later when I actually need something. Who knows maybe they become strong later."
Loki narrowed her eyes when she saw Noctis's face when he said that "Fine. It is your choice after all. What are you going to do now."
Noctis smiled "I'm just going to go to floor 18 maybe try to fight the Goliath."
Loki smirked "Well it's a good thing the Goliath won't spawn for a couple more days. Lefiya an Ais just fought it together yesterday trying to get some legendary feats to level up but it did not work they need to do something better."
Noctis sighed "Well I will fight it next time I guess. Either way I'm going to floor 18."
Loki waved him off "Go ahead and be careful. I a have meeting with Hephaestus later. How is your new armor by the way?"
Noctis smiled "It's good. The same guy who saw his armor torn up during the tournament wanted to make me some more. It's better then the last set. I just need…."
Loki smiled "I know, I know I will talk to her about it today."
Noctis started to walk out "Thanks Loki-sama."
Loki made a hmph sound as she got back to work before the meeting with Hephaestus.
Noctis started to head towards the dungeon again. Once he got in he quickly started to run and kill anything in his way he wanted to make it to floor 12 before he got serious at all.
He sighed as he punched a Minotaur sending him into a wall. He stopped for a moment and then kept going. Noctis knew he was being followed normally he wouldn't care. He knew about Riveria following him the other day but this person was different. They were hidden an a higher level then him for sure. He could barely sense them.
Noctis did not like his chances he could feel it. He charged up his leg with pure blood magic and swung it behind him across the room. Both towards a lot of monsters mainly war shadows and then towards where the hidden person.
The long arc of blood magic cut through everything. All the monsters were either decapitated or cut in half. Noctis was upset though the presence had disappeared but he could tell the person was gone not dead.
He let his aura cover the whole floor but he could not feel anyone but some monsters and a group of adventurers that were ahead of him. Noctis did not like the feeling that was happening to him. He decided to leave the dungeon and just relax.
When he came out of the dungeon he saw Marin standing there by the guild entrance. He decided to ignore her this time even though he was still attracted to her.
Marin started to walk towards him and was about to say something but then Mikoto walked up to him.
Mikoto bowed "Thank you for not killing my Familia also for healing me after."
Noctis shrugged "It was no big deal you did a good job not giving up and betraying your team."
Mikoto smiled "Thank you."
It was quiet for a moment Noctis then said "Well I guess I will see you around."
Mikoto quickly ran back around in front of Noctis "Would you like to get a drink?"
Noctis looked at the girl not sure what to do but then he saw Marin he smiled "Yeah sure let's go to the Hostess."
Marin turned around and walked away Noctis could not see her reaction though.
Noctis and Mikoto then spent some time talking to each other at the Hostess of Fertility. Noctis then went back to Twilight Manor and started to look for Bete. He figured he was in his room so he just walked in.
Bete was laying down on his bed staring at a drawing. He felt someone coming and quickly put it away. Noctis then came in. Bete was annoyed "What do you want?"
Noctis sighed "I need you to come with me to the dungeon tomorrow."
Bete tilted his head and his ears twitched "Why?"
A very loud audible sigh was heard "Someone was following me around the dungeon and I do not know who it was."
Bete yawned "Ask Loki to make sure that she did not send anyone to follow you. She does it a lot."
Noctis sighed again "I'm pretty sure they are not one of us but I guess I will ask just in case."
Noctis scratched the back of his head "I might accidentally kill someone from our Familia if I keep getting followed."
He left Bete and then started to head over towards Loki's room. He opened the door quickly again to see Loki sleeping. He went over and flicked her forehead."
Noctis yelled "Loki!!"
Loki quickly got up "What?! What is it?! Did Noctis or Ais get hurt."
Noctis started to laugh "Well I'm so glad I'm on the same pedestal as Ais. But Loki I just came to ask a question."
Loki fell back into bed "What do you want brat?"
Noctis frowned "Did you send someone to trail me today?"
Loki narrowed her eyes and got back up "No but how long have you known that I do that? Also maybe you should not go alone anymore."
Noctis shook his head "I can handle myself just wanted to know. I'll get rid of them tomorrow. Also I knew about Riveria."
Loki frowned "So from the beginning. Also just hide the body and make sure Finn doesn't find out."
Noctis tilted his head "You are okay if I kill someone?"
Loki nodded "Who is going to find out in the dungeon anyways. Have someone go with you tomorrow. Make Bete, Riveria, or one of the Hyrute sisters. They won't care as much as the others if you do decide to kill someone. Your life is more important then any other Familia's members life anyways."
Noctis shrugged "Yeah I think the same way about it anyways."
He then left Loki's room and went to bed for the day and to find out if the stalker would return tomorrow.
The next day
Noctis walked over to Bete's room in the morning set on annoying him. However when he opened the door Bete was not there. He was confused and started to look for Bete to see where he had gone. Eventually he went to the training yard. There he saw Bete working out and practicing with his daggers. Noctis decided to wait for Bete to finish or for Bete to notice him there. An hour later Bete finally noticed Noctis and stopped his training.
Bete walked over "What do you want?"
Noctis shrugged "Loki said to grab you if I was going to the dungeon. I was going to wake you up but I was surprised to see you training instead."
Bete went over to grab some water "I always train in the mornings. When do you train?"
Noctis shook his head "I don't. I think it's better to spend my time in the dungeon and gain actual experience."
Bete waved him off "You will lose the fight against actual intelligent creatures or people if you do that. Plus you should hone your skills. Anyways let's go I guess I can babysit you for awhile."
Noctis chuckled "Don't get on too much of a high horse I only picked you since you could probably smell them and locate them faster then I could. They are very good at hiding their presence they probably have some sort of stealth skill."
They started to head to the dungeon Bete then asked "What do you want to do with him."
Noctis smiled "Catch him, interrogate him and then kill him."
(A/N Hey everyone thanks for the support. I just wanted to say that now every 150 powerstones will equal an extra chapter that I will write for that day.)