Chapter 21: Surprise Catch

Noctis and Bete entered the dungeon. Bete scratched one of his ears "Now I understand why I was pretty much picked to come with you."

Noctis nodded "Loki said you would be more okay with killing someone then the rest."

Bete nodded "This world is dangerous after all."

They both made their way through the dungeon. The floors were super easy. Noctis had already thought that they were super easy with just him. But with Bete the floors became even easier. Then on the 13th floor they both suddenly stopped at the same time.

Bete and Noctis both frowned turning towards each other. They gave each other a little nod. They were about to move but then they could tell another person was coming. A loud boom was heard and they quickly looked towards the source.

They both ran over to see what had happened. They looked down to see Marin Kitagawa tying up an adventurer.

Noctis kept a neutral expression "Marin what are you doing here?"

Marin finished tying the girl up. "I was at the guild entrance an I saw you two go to the dungeon an I then noticed this girl stealthy move through the shadows. I decided to follow her and she ended up following you."

Bete did not like the situation but he decided to go with it "Whatever we can take it from here."

Noctis nudged him "He meant to say thank you but we got it from here."

Marin shrugged "I only came because I thought it was interesting to see someone sneak into the dungeon. Do whatever. I'm leaving."

With that Marin left Noctis waited to say anything and motioned Bete not to say anything either. Once Noctis no longer sensed her on the floor. He then looked down at the girl who was tied up.

He kicked her in the stomach sending her flying into the wall of the dungeon. "So why were you following me?"

The girl started to gasp for air and coughed up some blood. She did not say a word however, she just stared at the two. Bete sighed "She looks like the type not to talk."

Noctis smiled "Its fine they always do."

Noctis looked her in the eyes and used his hypnotic eyes. "Who's Familia are you apart of?"

The girl mindlessly said "The Ishtar Familia."

Noctis smirked "See Bete easy money."

Noctis looked back to her an asked "Why were you following me?"

The girl blankly said "Ishtar wanted to see if you were special or not so I was sent to investigate you and kill you if necessary."

Noctis nodded "What level are you?"

The girl mindlessly said "Level four."

Noctis smiled "Final question does she have any other plans regarding me?"

The girl shook her head "I don't know."

Noctis got up and shrugged "What do you think Bete?"

Bete sighed "I think this is a hassle. This is not enough to go to war for as you were not directly attacked. Other Familias spying on each other is a common occurrence. Plus Ishtar has a lot of Familia members we are stronger but it would take some effort. What you going to do with her?"

Noctis looked towards Bete and then back at the girl Noctis took a knee an asked the girl "Do you know about all the sex slaves and do you actively participate in getting more slaves."

The girl had a euphoric grin as she said "I love having slaves. Just the idea of owning people and making them do whatever I want gets me so feverish."

The girls blushed deepened as she started to rub herself between her legs. "When I get to punish them is the best. When I see their expressions of pain. It's mmmh….. just too much sometimes."

Bete looked over at Noctis and was stunned for a moment the amount of killing intent he felt was surreal. It rivaled Ais when someone brought up a dragon. Noctis made a blood dagger and quickly slit the girl across her major ligaments making sure she could not move her legs or arms.

He then said "You are now free."

The girl snapped back to reality an initially screamed from the pain that she did not know she was experiencing until now. "What happened!? When?! How!?"

Noctis did not reply with an answer and saw some hell hounds in the distance. He took her weapon and made one final long cut in her stomach and he then tossed her to the pack of Hellhounds.

Bete started to walk away but then noticed Noctis was not following. When Bete turned back around he saw Noctis sitting down watching the girl get eaten alive. Bete was confused "What are you doing Noctis?"

He just kept watching the girl get eaten "I want to make sure she dies. Then I'm going to take everything on her and give her guild an adventurer cards to the guild and say I found her down here dead. Only Ishtar will understand what's going on. Everyone else will just think I found a dead body."

Bete was a little concerned that he wanted to watch but in his mind he knew he would gladly watch the monsters who killed his village die. Bete decided to sit down next to Noctis and just hear the screaming.

Bete had a slight smirk "Definitely a good thing you did not bring the Captain or Lefiya. The captain would have stopped you and Lefiya well she probably would have cried."

Noctis grin was getting wider as he saw the girl was about to die. Noctis threw a low grade healing potion above her and then sniped it with a blood shard. This caused her to heal a minor amount prolonging her suffering.

Bete frowned "What did you do that for?"

Noctis smiled "Dying that quickly would be too easy for her."

Noctis paused for a moment and then frowned "Plus I'm analyzing her soul."

Bete tilted his head "Why are you doing that?"

Noctis's frown deepened "Someone tainted it."

Noctis kept watching "It's almost like the soul is fighting itself it's very weird."

The screams eventually stopped. They got up and killed the monsters that were around the body. They grabbed her cards an anything that she had of value and started to make their way back up. After awhile they made it to the guild and handed the cards in and then they went back to Twilight Manor.

They both went into the meeting room with Loki and they started to explain what had happened.

Loki leaned back and sighed "I figured something like this would happen. It was only a matter of time. I'm surprised Ishtar is making a move though."

Noctis spit out "I hate her Familia with every fiber of my being anyways. Can we go to war and erase them off Orario."

Loki shook her head "No not yet. She is a big Familia in Orario an a unprovoked attack could be bad. What I'm more curious about is the tainted soul of her Familia member. Could it be from you hypnotizing her?"

Noctis scratched the back of his head "No especially in that moment if anything her soul would have been even stronger as I was making her tell the truth. What I saw was almost like the soul was trying to set itself free from within."

Loki narrowed her eyes "There might be someone else besides Ishtar pulling the strings. Does anyone else know how much you hate the Ishtar Familia?"

Noctis shook his head "No. No one outside you an Bete knows."

Loki sighed "Well there is nothing we can do about it now. Just be careful when you go in the dungeon I will see what I can find."

Noctis shrugged "If you want I can go around interrogating people."

Loki shook her head "You go focus on leveling up let your goddess take care of it."

(A/N Thanks for all the support. Please comment and leave powerstones."
