Chapter 17

When Lance finished speaking, Xiao He almost didn't dare to believe it.

"You're saying...that everyone…"

"That's right," Lance said softly and intimately in his ear, "He's lived for too long, and he's been in power for too long. If he doesn't die, this world will never change."

"But…" An inexplicable burst of rage bubbled up in Xiao He's heart. He wanted to loudly say, "If he wasn't there, you wouldn't even be alive, and you're discussing change?!"

But he couldn't say it. If he said it, he'd let the cat out of the bag.

"Have you gotten softhearted on me?" Lance looked down at him.

Xiao He's heart jumped, and he abruptly returned to his senses. He hid the emotions in his eyes. "He killed Cowen, and I have to avenge him!"

"That's right." Lance looked at him tenderly. "He slaughtered your lover, destroyed your life, and even tried in vain to despoil you and imprisoned you. You should resist, take vengeance, and...hate him!"

Xiao He didn't make a sound, and only tightened his fists, his fingernails piercing into his palms. "Tell me, how should I do that?"

Lance's eyes flashed slightly, and his voice deepened and softened. "You just have to…"

Xiao He's pupils shrank abruptly, and he said in a low voice, "I understand."

Lance came in absolute secrecy, and he left quietly as well.

And when he was the only one left in the room, Xiao He felt chilled to the bone at last.

He had originally believed that he only had to pry Lance's plans out of his mouth and inform Ayr of them a step ahead to avoid this.

But now it looked like...this was far from as easy as he had thought.

Rather than celebrating their elven king's birthday, the Brilliance Ball was more for the purpose of digging a gorgeous grave, and pulling down their god, who towered between sky and earth, from his altar.

Xiao He had believed that Lance was the only one who wanted Ayr dead.

But actually, everyone did.

They were the elves that Ayr had created himself, the ones he had conferred noble titles upon, the ones he regarded highly, trusted and personally aided.

They all...betrayed him!

Xiao He didn't dare to tell Ayr this.

If he said it, he felt like everything would end.

He could ignore others' lives and deaths, and he wouldn't distinguish between others' gains and losses or their rights and wrongs, but he always had his mission in mind.

He had to treat Fan Shen, but after learning about all of this, could Ayr still be cured?

He woke up in the darkness alone, and endured thousands of years of loneliness. He created this beautiful world out of the thorny earth with his own strength.

And now...his people wanted to lead him into a deathtrap.

He had better not tell Ayr. Xiao He thought about putting himself in his shoes, and if it was him, he would collapse.

He sighed deeply. Xiao He didn't know what he could do.

He couldn't stop Lance, and he couldn't tell Ayr. Could this be a hopeless situation?

After dying once and returning to life, could it be that there was nothing he could change?

Xiao He's thoughts whirled. He pondered a great deal, but couldn't come up with an idea.

And at this moment, the door opened.

Xiao He looked at the time, and knew that Ayr had returned. He hurriedly gathered his thoughts and looked up.

Night had just fallen, but the cloud-like palace wasn't stained by darkness at all. The bright white lights glittered, keeping the heavy darkness out of doors.

The elf walking slowly toward him was like the bright moon on the horizon, brilliant even in darkness, enveloped in thin clouds. Through the haze, he was gorgeous and elegant as an immortal.

Xiao He looked at him unblinkingly, and when Ayr walked in, his eyes crinkled and he said, "Your Majesty."

Ayr's voice tonight was a little cooler than usual. "You still haven't slept?"

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." Xiao He rose, lifting aside his cloud-soft blanket, and said with a smile, "Do you want to sleep together?"

They had shared the same pillow for several weeks, and they were already used to it.

Ayr didn't move, and only looked down at him.

Xiao He was a bit insensitive, but he could sense that something wasn't right. He looked at Ayr, and when he gazed into those azure eyes, his heart suddenly palpitated.

Those eyes were very beautiful, and he'd admired them countless times before, but they'd never moved him as they did tonight.

In the instant their gazes met, he thought he was in a world of ice and snow. He could see shattered ice falling from a cliff, and the sound of the crash carried with it an indescribable sorrow and desolation.

Xiao He's lips moved, and his voice was so small it was almost inaudible. "Your Majesty? Has...something happened to you?"

He was a little hesitant, a little nervous, and even more scared and anxious.

Could it be that Ayr knew? Could it be that he knew of their plot? Could it be he knew that everyone had betrayed him?

His heart beat extremely fast, and he didn't know what he should do next, or what he could do.

Could he still comfort him? Could he make it so he didn't mind?

He couldn't tell at all!

The little elf couldn't conceal the fear and anxiety in his eyes. Ayr looked at him quietly, and felt as if ice water was flowing through his chest.

Without expectation, there would be no disappointment.

Without hope, there would naturally be no despair.

He understood this more than anyone, but he was always dreaming that there would be an exception.

It was a pity that fortune had never smiled upon him.

"You're shivering." Ayr's voice was low and rough. "Are you cold?"

Xiao He abruptly came back to himself. His voice was a little tense. "I…"

"You must be cold." Before he could finish speaking, Ayr answered for him. "If you aren't cold, why would you be shivering? You wouldn't be afraid of me, right?"

Xiao He replied so quickly it was almost instinct, "I'm not! How could I be afraid of you?"

"That's right." Ayr gently kissed Xiao He's fair neck. "How could you be afraid of me? You like me."

Xiao He was startled when Ayr swept him into his arms. His voice was gentle, like the most pleasant melody in the world. "If you're cold, I'll hug you, okay?"

As his words fell, his body warmth passed through his clothes.

Xiao He still felt like something wasn't right, but he couldn't tell what it was. The way Ayr embraced him seemed to be just like it was in the past, but he had a strange feeling that he was in a cage, one that wasn't too small, but trapped him firmly in place.

It was a vague feeling that he couldn't make heads or tails of. He couldn't understand it, and could only remain lost in thought, but slowly, he didn't want to reflect on it anymore.

Ayr's embrace was warm, and his temperature, scent and body were all what Xiao He liked. Leaning on him gave him an indescribable sense of reliability, as if as long as this man was here, he didn't have to care about anything, or have any worries. He only had to wholeheartedly rely on him, and that would be enough.

Ayr gently stroked his back, and in that instant, Xiao He almost wanted to tell him everything he knew. He had a feeling that if it was Ayr, he must have a way, and he would definitely solve these problems perfectly.

There was a small voice in his heart bewitching him and telling him to say it. Xiao He finally opened his mouth. "Your Majesty…"

When he had just called his name, Xiao He suddenly woke up. Something Qin Su had said flashed through his mind — "If there's ever anything you aren't sure about, you can find a time to come out and discuss it with me."

That's right! Xiao He suddenly felt centered. He could go find Qin Su! Qin Su understood Fan Shen, and he'd definitely know the right thing to do.

He had an idea all of a sudden. Xiao He felt at ease.

Ayr asked him, "What is it?"

Xiao He quickly replied, "It's nothing, let's go to sleep."

Ayr looked him up and down. His eyes dimmed slightly, and he said softly, "Okay."

Since he'd found a solution for now, Xiao He soon fell asleep, but Ayr, who held him all the while, didn't have the slightest intent of sleeping.

When he felt that the boy in his arms was deeply asleep, he rose slightly, and his silver hair fell down, landing on the little elf's collarbone. Silver and white intermingled, so intimate it seemed they would meld together.

How ironic.

The corner of Ayr's mouth rose into a smile, and his fingers moved slightly, undoing the clothes of the boy under him.

His gaze landed on that fair chest.

It was tender, soft and easily pierced.

And afterwards, he wouldn't have other inclinations anymore.