Chapter 18

Ayr's fingers made gentle circles on his stomach. As if he felt a tickle, Xiao He curled up a little.

Ayr's eyes were dark, but at the next moment, he was a bit startled.

The young elf's sleeping face was quiet and beautiful. He moved towards him defenselessly, and placed his head on his arm very naturally, even rubbing it comfortably like a cat.

There wasn't a hint of falseness. It was a completely random position, but it made Ayr's eyes soften all of a sudden.

He took the opportunity to lie down and take him into his arms. The feeling of his breathing and heartbeat calmed his emotions.

Maybe he could wait a little longer.

"Ayr…" The elf's soft call seemed to come from a dream.

Ayr's brows smoothed out, and he kissed him gently on the forehead. "Go to sleep, I'm here."

He'd wait a little longer, for three more days, until the Brilliance Ball ended. He wanted to see Xiao He's decision with his own eyes.

If he was destined to deceive him, then that was no matter.

Because he could only belong to him.

Whether he was dead or alive, conscious or unconscious.

It was all Xiao He, and it was all his.

There was no difference.

The silver-haired elf smiled faintly in the hazy night. The smile was gentle and mild, but his azure eyes were like a sea of frost, deep and translucent, incomparably gorgeous, but indifferent as ice.

The next day, Xiao He finally had some free time. He took the chance during lunch break to try and return to reality.

This couldn't be called difficult. He just had to keep saying the words they had decided upon in his head. Not long after, he felt his vision turning dark, and his consciousness sinking slightly. When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to that white room.

Qin Su was at his side. When he saw him wake up, he immediately asked, "Did something happen?"

He was very worried. After all, Xiao He had already had one dismal experience. Qin Su thought he'd died again.

Xiao He's head was still a little dizzy. He got a little used to it, then said quickly, "I'm fine. It's like this, listen to me…"

He explained what happened in general, then looked at Qin Su and asked, "You know him better, what do you think I should do? I feel like this is a critical point, and if I handle it right, it'll definitely have a curative effect."

After all, they had to treat Fan Shen, so Xiao He couldn't act relying only on feelings or reason. He had to cover different possibilities, and find the right solution with the help of Qin Su's reasoning.

Qin Su muttered irresolutely to himself for a moment, then looked at him and said, "What do you want to do?"

Xiao He said, "I want to tell Ayr. I feel like saying it will be a great blow to him, but not telling him is a kind of harm as well, especially since I don't have a way to prevent this from happening. If we wait until after it happens, and he learns about this without having his guard up, it'll probably be a greater blow. It's better for me to gradually tell him in advance. On one hand, it'll give him the time to try and accept it, and on the other hand, we can think of a plan of action. We can't let those elves get far enough to harm him!"

After he finished speaking, Qin Su couldn't help but let his eyes linger on him.

This guy looked like he was always in a daze, but he wasn't actually stupid. He still had some brains.

And he knew that he shouldn't act rashly, so he came out to discuss it with him first. That was the correct course of action.

It was just a pity...that he thought the way a person with a normal brain would. He wasn't even on the same track as Fan Shen.

Doing it like this definitely wouldn't have a curative effect, but…

Qin Su went over what happened in his head for a while, until he had a basic understanding of the situation.

"Listen to me, Xiao He. You can't tell Ayr the truth."

Xiao He said quietly, "Tell me the reason." He felt like this wasn't right.

"You don't understand him." Qin Su took a deep breath and said slowly, "Telling him the truth won't make him sad at all."

Xiao He frowned and said, "Since he won't be sad, then isn't saying it good for him?"

"But the problem is that his lack of sadness doesn't mean it's safe." Qin Su looked at him and said, "Trust me, if you tell him, then everyone will have to die. He absolutely won't leave behind anyone who wants to betray him, and he has the ability to kill them without hesitation or doubt."

Xiao He was about to blurt out something when Qin Su interrupted him. "Please don't be headstrong, this is very dangerous. Excessive slaughter of mental fragments will cause an enormous backlash. Not only will this have no curative effect, it'll also cause him to worsen further!"

These words made Xiao He calm down, but he was even more depressed. "Since it's like this, then what can I do? Watch it happen with my eyes wide open? And what's more, even if I don't say it, when Lance sets his plan into motion, in the end, Ayr will still…"

"That's why we have to stop Lance."

Xiao He looked at him doubtfully. Alright...he admitted his IQ wasn't high enough. He couldn't think of a way to stop all of this.

"You've been thinking about it wrong." Qin Su looked at him and said to guide him, "The reason Lance needs you is that he can't kill Ayr with his own strength, so he has to have your assistance."

"I understand that. I've thought before of striking back at the last moment, and attacking Lance. But that's no use. Even if Lance's dead, there's still thousands more high-rank elves. I can't possibly have them all…"

"So I said that you've been thinking about it wrong. Listen to me, you only have to kill Lance. With Lance dead, the remaining mental fragments definitely won't dare to be rash."

Xiao He was startled.

Qin Su's voice continued in his ears. "You're overestimating those elves. Their characters are derived from human nature, so they have human weaknesses as well. With Lance as their leader to incite and bewitch them, they thought of rebelling, but when their leader is dead, this seemingly impregnable fort will fall apart like loose sand. They definitely won't dare to rebel again. When that time comes, all of our problems will be easily solved."

Xiao He gritted his teeth. "Do I really have to kill someone?"

"Don't have such a great psychological burden." Qin Su's eyes darkened slightly, but his voice was mild. "In Fan Shen's mental world, besides the main personality, none of them can be regarded as human."


"Have you played games before?" Qin Su made a good analogy. "Think of this as a game. Killing in a game doesn't carry any burdens with it."

Xiao He retorted, "This is far more realistic than a game."

When he said this, Qin Su smiled. "It's not realistic. Xiao He, the real world doesn't have elves. The real world doesn't have a gorgeous palace like that, and in the real and Fan Shen wouldn't meet."

The last sentence crashed into Xiao He's heart like a hammer.

He abruptly calmed down, and his eyes lowered. He said quietly, "I understand."

"Trust me." Qin Su placated him. "If you do what I said, it'll definitely have a curative effect. We just have to cure the young master. Everything else doesn't matter at all."