Xiao He, at thirty-three years old, was the youngest marshal in the Galactic Empire.

He commanded thousands of starships. His private ship was called Marshal Number One, his fighter aircraft's code was 01 and he was given command when he was thirty-one, so he was called the First Marshal.

He was a legend in the Galactic Empire. He came from a first-class, aristocratic family, the Xiao family, and he had been versatile and capable since he was a child. He was valiant and good at planning. He enlisted at the age of fourteen and rose as a young soldier from the lowest rung, going through arduous training and hard work before finally climbing into a chief position in the empire.

He was a household name, and everyone passed on his merits and achievements. Almost the whole world followed his conduct and deeds closely.

Xiao He frowned slightly and tidied up a little.

To be honest, he genuinely admired this young marshal.

He was selfless and impartial toward the nation and its people.

In a military campaign on Luoluo Planet, with his impressive decisiveness and astonishing insight, he saved millions of ordinary people from the jaws of death.

He was reserved and severe, and he lived, worked and rested according to a strict standard. He rushed to deal with government affairs day and night, so that he had almost never really rested.

But this man who was perfect in public had actually done such disgusting things.

Xiao He was born on the capital planet, and all the glory of the Xiao family was tied to him, the eldest son of the direct line.

He was entrusted with great hopes and carefully cultivated, and he lived up to their expectations.

The Xiao family was connected to the royal family by marriage through the generations. Xiao He's aunt had married the emperor, and she had given birth to two children.

Fan Shen was one of those children.

Xiao He was ten whole years older than Fan Shen.

When he was twenty-seven years old, Xiao He's reputation and prestige had been at their height.

When he met the young prince, he'd been responsible for guiding him in the art of military tactics.

They were cousins, as well as teacher and student.

Xiao He had thrown himself into the army, but with his naturally elegant features, he had an eminent air, and didn't seem rough and impetuous at all. He seemed gentle and refined instead, and with his extraordinary fame, he really made people like him as soon as they saw him.

At the time, Fan Shen had only been seventeen, the most impulsive and hot-blooded age.

He was born into the imperial family and honored as the empire's heir, but what boy of his age wouldn't admire General Xiao He's reputation and look up to the young man's glorious achievements?

When he suddenly heard that Xiao He was to be his teacher, Fan Shen was so excited he didn't sleep all night.

And when they met the next day, though his face didn't show it, Fan Shen was extremely happy inside.

Xiao He was as learned and brilliant as he was said to be. He was a young man of talent that was rarely seen from the dawn of time until now!

A man like this was his cousin and his teacher. It would be hard for Fan Shen not to take him to heart.

But in the end, they were both men, and there was only a pure, clear, brotherly relationship between them in the beginning.

But Xiao He didn't know why…

Going through this stretch of memories, Xiao He couldn't figure it out.

Why that Xiao He...had to go and seduce Fan Shen.

Xiao He was born fair and elegant, but he had excellent skills, and he was a young general who had fought his way out of the battlefield. How could he be willing to submit to someone else?

But Xiao He had done so.

This stretch of memories was very clear. Looking through them piece by piece, Xiao He almost immersed himself in the scenes.

The young Fan Shen was a bit shorter than he was now, but he was still a little taller than Xiao He.

Xiao He was with him every day, and with an adult's insight, he soon saw the admiration Fan Shen had for him.

Everything was normal at first.

Until one day, Xiao He fell sick, and Fan Shen came to visit him. The two of them were alone together in a room in the dead of night, and under Xiao He's active seduction, they slept together.

The boy didn't know what passion was like, but once he tasted it, he couldn't stop no matter what.

However much Fan Shen admired Xiao He before was how much he was infatuated with him then.

The imperial general of brilliant fame, the young hero who had saved the galaxy, the young man who thousands of people admired, the general who received the citizens' respect, was now lying beneath him. Xiao He let go of himself, his cheeks flushed red, like a puddle of spring water, seductive to the extreme.

With such a contrast and such a temptation, the young prince who was only seventeen instantly lost himself.

Men all loved to conquer.

The higher the man's status, the stronger his desire to conquer was.

Being able to take possession of the man he worshipped and hold the man he admired gave Fan Shen a feeling of satisfaction that filled his heart and made him realize what heaven on earth was.

Those were very happy days.

Xiao He taught him during the day and held him at night.

In front of other people, they were teacher and student.

At night, he could make Xiao He let out the sweetest sounds.

It didn't take more than a few days of effort for Fan Shen to go from infatuation to deep love.

Everyone knew Xiao He as an outstanding, cultured and refined young general.

But Fan Shen's Xiao He was so soft, delicate and charming that he seemed boneless.

That was a Xiao He who no one else could see, who only opened up for him, and who belonged to him alone.

Fan Shen had obtained great satisfaction, both mentally and physically.

If it were possible, he was willing to love Xiao He all his life, and embrace him life after life.

Fan Shen poured all of his feelings into this.

A young man's wild infatuation was like fire when it heated up, like wind when it picked up, and nothing could stop it.

Dedicated, intense, bone-deep, and unforgettable for all his life.

Those were very happy days, so sweet that it seemed the whole world was rose-colored, and everything would be fine as long as they had each other.

But above the high clouds and beyond the clear sky, there had always been thousands of meters of emptiness.

It was terrifyingly black, and unbearably empty.

Several months later, a coup d'état made Fan Shen fall from his heights, and he lost everything.

His parents, his family and his friends.

As well as the right of inheritance.

Fan Shen was driven out of the imperial capital, and he fell from the luxurious, gorgeous palace into the mire.

And the one who pushed him down there was the one he loved most.

Xiao He.

In his desperate struggle to flee, Fan Shen received a piece of news that shocked the galaxy.

Xiao He—the youngest general in history. The new emperor granted Xiao He the title of Marshal, due to the young man's meritorious service in guarding him. Xiao He controlled the galaxy's military power, and obtained universal fame!

From a dark corner, Fan Shen watched the man in a white uniform on the TV screen, who looked as graceful and refined as the delicate wind and the green willows, and his own eyes reddened.

How could he still not understand?

How could he still have any doubt?

From beginning to end...it was all a ridiculous lie!

Browsing to this point, Xiao He felt a little faint.

He simply couldn't imagine how Fan Shen must have felt back then.

Just how despairing he felt, just how humiliated, and just how...he survived.

As Xiao He continued to take in this information nonstop, he slowly figured it out.

This thing that looked like a pair of glasses was Xiao He's quantum computer. It was bound to him alone, and only he could use it.

It was a private, unbreakable instrument, so the previous Xiao He had stored many things inside it.

This included some intellectual concepts, endless military regulations and some memory fragments that he hadn't discarded, but didn't want to remember.

Xiao He looked at a lot of them, but the ones he saw were all very one-sided.

He only knew that the previous Xiao He had used Fan Shen, deceived him and ruthlessly betrayed him.

It was really an extremely despicable, disgusting and unacceptable way of doing things.

Xiao He was so angry he gritted his teeth, but he didn't know what the previous Xiao He had done this for in the end.

Was it purely to destroy Fan Shen?

But was that worth using these kinds of methods?

And this new emperor, who was he?

Xiao He had many doubts, but he had no way to figure them out.

There was lots of miscellaneous information in the quantum computer. If Xiao He took in too much of it at once, his mind wouldn't be able to bear it. Once danger appeared, the gains wouldn't make up for his losses.

But this was enough.

At least Xiao He knew why Fan Shen hated him so much…

But immediately after that, Xiao He just wanted to hold his head and groan.

With a damned past like this, how could Fan Shen accept him!

This...he couldn't even accept this himself!

It'd be fine if he just took advantage of Fan Shen's feelings, but he even trapped him so miserably.

Wait, that's right, Fan Shen was back now, so then...what had happened?

Xiao He still wanted to find some more information, but the computer reminded him that he'd overloaded himself, and it would be better if he continued linking up tomorrow.

Xiao He had no choice but to disconnect.

Just as he woke up, he found that Lin Fei was still waiting for him.

Seeing that he'd taken off his glasses, the crybaby immediately asked, "Sir, did you finish dealing with it?"

Xiao He blinked… Damn, I forgot about that!

It seemed like he was going to deal with some military affairs, but he'd only cared about going to watch some melodramatic angsty romance, so how could he still remember whatever bullshit military affairs?

But...he should still put on an act.

Xiao He coughed lightly and said, "My body hasn't recovered yet and I'm still a little tired, so I didn't manage to finish dealing with all of it." He'd better not say that in fact, he hadn't looked at it at all!

Lin Fei was very sympathetic, so sympathetic that his eyes grew teary as soon as Xiao He mentioned this. "Sir...why...why did he have to humiliate you like this! Imperial disputes should be open and honorable, the way he humiliates and torments you is really too hateful!"

Xiao He didn't pay attention to Lin Fei's righteous anger. He keenly seized upon the key word.

From what this child had said, Fan Shen had staged a comeback, and had returned to the capital planet to begin his vengeance?

Xiao He let his imagination run away with him for a moment, and actually felt a little pleased.

Shit, scumbags should be abused! Serves you right for deceiving him, playing with his feelings and betraying him!

It's your own fault, getting caught and taken captive!

Wait, that's not right…

He seemed to be that scumbag right now.

Fuck, Xiao He instantly had a rage face.

Why did an innocent little civilian like him have to take the blame for the bad things this scumbag did!

This wasn't fair!

Alright...things like fairness had long since gone to the dogs.

Xiao He calmed down and began to try and think of a way to make a breakthrough.

That scumbag had hurt Fan Shen deeply, but even so, Fan Shen hadn't killed him yet, so clearly he still had a little affection for him?

Um...that wasn't right either. Xiao He soon thought that maybe, Fan Shen was only discontented. After all, dying would end all of Xiao He's troubles, and Fan Shen would only be able to keep tormenting and retaliating against him if he were alive.

Then...Xiao He's mind continued turning, should he try to explain himself a little?

For example, he could say that he'd done that all for Fan Shen's sake…

Shit, for his sake my ass!

Who would believe that!

Xiao He drove Lin Fei out and lay in bed alone, dispirited.

This was really a hopeless situation. He couldn't find a solution no matter how he looked at it.

He stayed tangled up over this until nighttime, and when he felt drowsy and wanted to sleep, he vaguely sensed that someone had come in, carrying a strong odor of wine.

Fan Shen...had gotten drunk?

Xiao He was just about to rise when the other man pressed him down, kissing him with lips that carried the scent of strong alcohol.

Their lips met, and Xiao He's eyes abruptly widened.

Ever since he came to this world, Fan Shen had never been willing to kiss him. This time, it was…

A trace of happiness flashed through Xiao He's eyes, but before he could react, Fan Shen grasped his head and forced his way powerfully into his mouth, almost biting him.