This kiss was a little savage and rough, but since the scent was familiar and it had been so long since they'd last done this, Xiao He didn't resist at all. He compliantly lifted his head and let Fan Shen do whatever he pleased.

Xiao He's mouth parted and the tip of Fan Shen's tongue reached in, eagerly touching his sensitive points, igniting the kiss with a blazing heat. It was so intense it made his head feel dizzy, as if Fan Shen had tasted strong wine in his mouth, and they were intoxicated together.

Xiao He's cheeks were crimson and his eyes were moist. He stealthily looped his arms around Fan Shen's neck, holding himself up.

A kiss was the best way of expressing feelings.

He was in love, so just the meeting of their lips and tongues could bring great pleasure, so enjoyable even the strands of his hair were trembling.

The deeper and stronger his love was, the more demanding this kiss grew. But in the end, he was still impatient for more than this small area of lingering contact.

As they kissed and kissed, Xiao He wanted more, and he wanted to be touched more.

That kind of desire spread from the depths of his heart and then rushed into his blood, flowing throughout his body in the space between breaths.

His breathing grew stronger and stronger, and Xiao He moaned softly. His soft, sticky voice held impatient longing and arousal. His tone was like a tiny hook, catching the other man's heart, instantly making it hard for him to control himself.

The scent of wine bewitched him, and passion tempted him.

Overflowing feelings couldn't be said in words. He could only vent them out through the constant intertwining of their bodies.

Xiao He unexpectedly enjoyed himself for a night.

Fan Shen didn't torment him like he had for the last few days. They kissed, held each other and intertwined…

Like intimate, inseparable lovers, they made demands on each other in the most agreeable way.

When Xiao He wanted to kiss him, Fan Shen would kiss him until his cheeks were crimson and his breathing was uneven.

When Xiao He hooked his legs around him, Fan Shen would make him feel so much pleasure his mind went blank.

There was no torment or rejection, and they didn't have the slightest worries.

Xiao He didn't quite dare to believe in it, but he was reluctant to look farther into it. The way it was right now was too wonderful, and he didn't want to ruin it.

The night went on endlessly, but Xiao He rose rather early the next day.

Fan Shen slept at his side, his long hair spilling over the bed. Against his jade-like features, it was more beautiful than the first faint rays of the sun at dawn.

Xiao He actually knew that last night, Fan Shen had probably forgotten himself because he was drunk.

But even if it was like this, Xiao He still felt happy at heart. Everyone said "in vino veritas." Fan Shen must have him in his heart!

With this information, Xiao He instantly felt enthusiasm.

No matter what Fan Shen was like before, Xiao He had a lot of time anyway, so since he couldn't explain, he might as well not do so! He'd treat Fan Shen well from now on and love him wholeheartedly. He'd definitely be able to make him let it go! He'd make him fall in love with him again!

It had to be said that Xiao He was a little too optimistic, but it was better to be more optimistic. In any case, this was a mission he couldn't give up on. Rather than moaning and groaning the whole way, it was better to face it positively.

Xiao He got out of bed filled with joy and expectations, ready to do some good deeds.

Before, he hadn't really understood this futuristic world, but now that he had 'Xiao He's' memories, everything was familiar.

He studied the surroundings for a while and found the kitchen. He was ready to exhibit his skill and prepare a breakfast of love.

Marshal Xiao He was really amazing. He'd gone through arduous training and hard work in the military at a young age, and he was almost perfect at all sorts of life skills. His mastery of cooking was enough to arouse Xiao He's endless admiration as a diehard otaku.

Even though he'd inherited his memories now, he was afraid that since he hadn't done it before, he wasn't practiced enough.

But to Xiao He's surprise, as if this body had its own memories, it could actually wield a knife easily and skillfully take charge of cooking.

Not long after, Xiao He had finished breakfast for two. Once he plated the food and pressed a button, it slid automatically into the dining room.

Xiao He untied his apron, walked out of the kitchen and ran right into Fan Shen.

Fan Shen had just come out of the bathroom, and he was wearing nothing but a black bathrobe. The robe fell loosely open to his stomach, exposing his fair skin and the sensual lines of his chest. With the addition of those cold, serious features, it was enough to make Xiao He's blood surge at the sight.

Compared to breakfast, his own boyfriend was more delicious. This kind of thing was really enough to make him a little excited!

But...ahem...once he calmed down, Xiao He still knew how difficult his task was.

He took the lead and spoke first. "You're up? I made breakfast, let's eat it together."

He said this, but Fan Shen stood there motionless, looking at him without blinking.

Xiao He was wearing a piece of Fan Shen's clothes. It was a white shirt, but because of their different builds, it had a different feeling when he wore it.

He had soft, short hair, a docile appearance and spoke gently, as if he were expecting Fan Shen to dote on him.

This gentle young man was friendly and intimate, like a piece of warm jade. He no longer had that estranged, indifferent, cold attitude at all, nor that aloof, chilly tone, nor that heart-piercing, bone-gnawing, resolute stance.

Xiao He...Xiao He…

You really know how to seize an opportunity to act.

Fan Shen narrowed his brows. Without saying a word, he just turned and walked toward the dining room.

At first, Xiao He was afraid that he'd simply leave. He hurried to catch up with Fan Shen in small steps, but when Xiao He saw that he was going to the dining room, he couldn't help but feel his heart ease.

It was worth celebrating even if he'd only taken a thousandth of a step toward victory!

Fan Shen sat before the dining table, and Xiao He swiftly sat down as well. He said expectantly, "Have a taste. I haven't cooked for a long time, so I don't know how my skills are."

On the clean, white table, there were two cups of steaming hot alfieri milk, as well as two tender taganel steaks sautéed to perfection. There was also a fluffy puro grain cake and a large, fresh salad that brought together various expensive vegetables…

It was a very sumptuous breakfast, and it looked, smelled and tasted great. One could see that the person who made it put a lot of thought into it.

Fan Shen looked at it silently, then looked up slightly and saw Xiao He's eyes. They held a little expectation, a little nervousness, some uneasiness and indelible, deep love.

Deep love…

Hah...ten years ago, that's what he thought it was too.

But what did it turn out to be.

A lie.

A heart-piercing pain spread from his chest, and the delicious breakfast before him turned dry and tasteless.

He knew that Xiao He was using his usual tricks to set up a trap for him.

He knew that he was putting on an act to lull him off his guard.

He knew that he didn't have a heart at all.

But he was still reluctant to walk away.

Even if it was only another lie...even if…

"Is it not to your liking?" Xiao He asked softly, a little uneasy at heart seeing Fan Shen silent.

His quiet voice called back Fan Shen's thoughts, and he frowned slightly. He still didn't utter a word, but he picked up his fork and knife and began to cut his steak.

Seeing his movements, a happy smile bloomed unconsciously on Xiao He's face.


There really was a way out of this deadlock. He had to persist!

He didn't know whether it was his good luck or what, but Xiao He actually managed to avoid provoking Fan Shen's anger for a whole month.

They wrapped around each other at night. After sobering up, Fan Shen still wouldn't kiss him, but neither would he deliberately torment him or prick him with his words.

Besides not being able to kiss, which left Xiao He a little dissatisfied, everything else was so good it couldn't be any better.

And Xiao He thoroughly trained up his cooking skills. He took care of breakfast, lunch and dinner, and as he cooked and cooked, his interest in it rose. He carefully matched the dishes together every day, busy to the extreme.

Fan Shen rarely communicated with him, and he wouldn't say a word to Xiao He for almost three or four days in a row. But he came back on time and ate punctually, and he ate up all of the food Xiao He prepared every time.

This gave Xiao He more and more enthusiasm, and he even believed that if he just kept working hard like this, he'd be able to melt Fan Shen's frozen heart.

No matter how terrible the past was, as long as the future was good, there was hope, wasn't there?!

Gradually, Xiao He began to think he was doing pretty well. He stealthily found the frequency for Fan Shen's communication device, and once he got through, he secretly sent him a message.

He didn't say anything special, and only asked what time he'd be back.

Xiao He hadn't expected Fan Shen to reply to him, but to his surprise, he received a message.

"Twelve o'clock."

It was only two simple words, but it made Xiao He burst with joy. He was so excited he wanted to jump in the air.

In the end, once his emotions calmed down, he felt a little embarrassed.

He really got more and more pathetic without knowing it. Before, he'd felt it was a matter of course when Fan Shen pampered him to heaven. Now that he put in so much effort to curry favor with him, and couldn't even get a single warm word, he grew so happy just because of two words without the slightest feeling in them.

He sighed...it was hard, really hard!

Xiao He's brows were knit, but his eyes were filled with a smile. Fan Shen replying to him was a huge improvement, he had to take hold of this opportunity!

So...from that day on, his interaction with Fan Shen, having moved from the bed to the dining table, then developed into a few lines of words on his communicator.

The process was arduous, but Xiao He was pleased to see the results anyway.

Another month passed like this. Just when Xiao He thought that the days would go on like this for a long time, an uninvited guest came to the house.

Xiao He was preparing lunch at the time. His expensive computer had become the tool he used to search for recipes and choose the best combinations, in a complete waste of equipment.

It was a good thing his computer didn't have intelligence, or it would sulk itself to death.

When the door opened, Xiao He thought it was Fan Shen returning. He went out full of joy and expectations, but saw a completely unfamiliar man.

Startled, Xiao He frowned and took the measure of him.

The man outside the door was about twenty-five or twenty-six. He wore all white, with short black hair and unreasonably pretty features. When his uptilted eyebrows slowly lengthened, he was simply bewitching.

Who was this?

Xiao He didn't recognize him.

And the visitor was sizing him up as well. His long eyes narrowed, and after looking him up and down, he sneered and said, "Xiao He, since you love acting so much, why join the army? If you mixed into the entertainment industry, you'd soon be able to stand out as well."

This visitor didn't have good intentions! Xiao He was immediately on his guard.

But he felt a little confused at heart. This house had defense restrictions on the door, and Fan Shen was the only one who could come and go freely. Even Lin Fei had to get authorization every time he came in.

But this man...had walked in easily.

The young man in white saw his vigilance, but didn't take it to heart at all.

He walked in slowly, his eyes sweeping sarcastically over Xiao He's clothes and the apron around his waist. After walking further in, he said lowly, "Let go of him, okay?"

Xiao He frowned slightly and asked quietly, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" The young man in white laughed softly, a hidden light flashing through his eyes. "I'm his lover, the one about to marry him!"

Xiao He's pupils abruptly shrank.

The young man in white closed in on him. "Xiao He, don't provoke him anymore, alright? You've already harmed him cruelly enough. In any case...give him a way out."