"...In any case...give him a way out."

Xiao He was abruptly startled.

The young man in white continued, "You know best what you did to him. It's already a miracle that he survived! Please, don't show up in front of him anymore, okay? Please don't scheme against him anymore, alright? I don't care if you want to harm someone, but can you change it to someone else? Don't always catch on to the same man!"

His voice was pleasant, crisp and sweet, like creek water flowing from a clear spring. When he pleaded with Xiao He softly like this, it was especially moving.

But Xiao He only felt his heart stop.

If he were the Xiao He from before, he was afraid he'd feel uncontrollably guilty at heart right now.

Unfortunately, he wasn't.

He could acknowledge that version of him had harmed Fan Shen, but he would never believe that he would continue to harm him in the future.

The past was irredeemable, but he could guarantee that he wouldn't disappoint Fan Shen in the present or the future!

"Please leave." Xiao He's expression chilled, and he quietly spoke words of dismissal.

The young man in white was a little shocked, and his pretty eyes involuntarily widened.

Xiao He looked at him calmly, and his voice couldn't be called very warm. "These are matters between him and me, and I don't need you to question them."

When all was said and done, he was the youngest marshal in the Galactic Empire, and the outstanding officer who had shocked the world.

Xiao He eyes darkened and his voice deepened, and the imposing air that came from him was hair-raising.

The face of the young man in white blanched, and at that instant, he felt a little afraid.

After all...he had once worshipped Xiao He like that too.

But soon, an image rushed into his mind of a young prince with eyes filled with dead ashes, struggling with all his might within a tide of insects.

That's right.

It was this aloof man before him who had done such disgusting things.

It was this role model who millions of people admired who was so utterly filthy on the inside!

He had taken advantage of the young prince for the sake of his own selfish desires.

He had seduced him, bewitched him and then ruthlessly pushed him into the abyss.

Such despicable methods, shameless lies and mad cruelty!

What right did a man like this have to stand here? What right did he have to speak like this? He'd already been reduced to a prisoner, and now…

The young man in white pursed his mouth tightly and said harshly, "He's about to become my spouse, he's about to marry me. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have survived until now! You harmed him to such a degree, while I'm the one who saved him and stayed by his side until now in the midst of hardship. What do you amount to? Who are you? I can't question matters between you and him? Don't be ridiculous! Xiao He! You have no principles and no sense of shame. He's about to have a partner, but you're still wrapping around him every night in bed. Aren't you dirty?! Aren't you disgusting?! Is it that as long as you can reach your goal, you can give your body to anyone…"

"Leave!" Xiao He interrupted his words with a heavy voice.

But the young man in white couldn't suppress his anger anymore. "Xiao He, how are you worthy of standing here? Do you really believe everyone in the world doesn't know about the filthy things you've done? You crawl into one bed after another...is it that you can't live without a man? You and Fan Chen…"

"Li Liuyun." The door suddenly opened wide, and a displeased male voice broke through the air.

The two men in the room looked over at the same time, locking onto the man by the door with a glance.

"Brother Shen…" When Li Liuyun saw Fan Shen, he couldn't help but call out to him softly.

When Xiao He heard it, he felt it pierced his ears!

Fan Shen didn't even look at Xiao He. He strode over and looked down at the young man in white. "I told you before that you're not allowed to come here."

Li Liuyun bit his lip and said unwillingly, "But it's been too long since you've returned."

The young man's tone held a trace of dissatisfaction and complaint. It was clearly a voice that only someone very familiar with him would use.

Xiao He looked on coldly. He knew that this was just a damn dream, but he still felt so stifled at heart he was irritated.

And right after that, as if he were soothing the young man in white, Fan Shen's expression softened slightly. "Haven't we already agreed on this? Once I'm done dealing with the matters on the capital planet, I'll go back."

Li Liuyun still wasn't too happy. He shot a glance at Xiao He and said, completely deliberately, "You can't let him bewitch you, you have to remember what a scumbag he is!"

Being openly, righteously scolded like this, Xiao He really wanted to...punch him twice!

And Fan Shen actually listened to his words, saying, "Don't worry, I remember everything."

Xiao He really couldn't listen anymore, so he simply turned and left.

Go on and make a fucking public display of affection, I'll wait for you two to break up fast!

He simply couldn't go on cooking a perfectly good lunch. Nursing a bellyful of anger, Xiao He was irritable enough to want to tear the house down.

Wonderful, Fan Shen. It'd be nothing much if you just set up an irresolvable past, but you even fucking made me this fiancé!

It's just a mental world, but you actually set up a shift in affections!

If you've shifted your affections then just forget it, but since you like someone else, then don't fucking go to bed with me!

What do you take me as? A toy to vent your lust on? A mistress you're keeping before marriage?


After forcing me, you washed your hands of me and left!

Xiao He was so angry his heart was spasming. After going through three worlds, he'd really never been this furious before.

In the last world, Yun Qing had tormented him as well, but Xiao He had lost his memories back then, and only believed that he couldn't obtain his master. He spent all day filled with heartbreak and worry, so how could he dare to be angry?

But now, Xiao He was so furious all his organs were aching.

He was clearly the main wife, but now he'd been reduced to a mistress...bah!

I'm neither a motherfucking main wife nor a motherfucking mistress!

After Xiao He fumed in the kitchen for a long time, sounds finally stopped coming from outside.

Fan Shen sent Li Liuyun out. Just before he left the door, Li Liuyun added, unreconciled, "Brother Shen, you can't be soft-hearted. You should know that he's a master at acting! Now that the new emperor's disappeared and the empire is leaderless, he's just doing all of this to placate you, for fear that you'd simply kill him!"

Fan Shen's expression didn't change. He only nodded lightly and said, "I know."

Li Liuyun couldn't read him, but couldn't be any clearer about how deeply attached this man was. Fan Shen was so deeply in love Li Liuyun felt envy and hatred for the man inside.

But after so many years, Li Liuyun had long since gotten over Fan Shen. It was just that he couldn't help caring about him. "Brother Shen, I provoked him just now and said I was your fiancé, and we were about to get married."

Fan Shen frowned slightly.

Afraid that he'd get angry, Li Liuyun hurriedly added, "I only did it for the sake of exposing his true colors! Let me tell you, Brother Shen, if he really has you in his heart, then knowing that you're about to marry, he'll definitely be unbearably jealous and furious."

Fan Shen drew in his eyebrows and said, "There was no need for you to do that, it's impossible for him to have me in his heart."

Sensing the bitterness within the man's calm words, Li Liuyun's heart felt as if it were filled with gall, and he felt bitter as well. But he continued, "If he was really only lulling you off your guard over the last two months, then he'll definitely pretend as if he never heard it, and continue complying with you as before…"

"Alright." Fan Shen didn't want to listen any longer. "Go back, I'm well aware of the situation."

Li Liuyun looked back at him anxiously several times as he left, but there was nothing he could do. There were some things that Fan Shen had to see for himself to truly understand.

In these ten years, there were many times when death was better than life for this man, but even so, he'd never let go of his feelings.

Rather than dragging this out all his life, taking this opportunity to break it off completely wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Li Liuyun sighed and finally left.

Xiao He had lost his temper, but once he heard the sound of the door opening and closing, he miraculously calmed down again.

Getting angry was completely useless!

This was just Fan Shen's mental world, and whatever he wanted would happen. Xiao He couldn't take it as reality.

That Li Liuyun wasn't a person who really existed. Getting jealous until he was about to choke wasn't worth a damn thing!

When all was said and done, he was here to cure Fan Shen.

Don't fail to cure him and make him more depressed instead!

Calm down...calm down...Xiao He, buddy, please, you have to calm down!

The revolution had already halfway succeeded, seeing that their interactions had already settled down a lot over the last two months. If he lost his temper now and blew up, all his efforts would probably go down the drain!

If that happened, wouldn't his hard work be wasted and all of it come to nothing?

The more he thought about it, the more Xiao He felt he was right, and the more he mulled it over, the more he felt this was reasonable.

Li Liuyun wasn't worth a thing! He was just an insubstantial mental fragment!

Xiao He was the one who was going to stay with Fan Shen for a long time, he was Fan Shen's only lover!

As long as he could heal Fan Shen, it wasn't a big deal to suffer a few grievances!

Xiao He felt more and more like he was a man of high principles, to the point where he couldn't resist wanting to give himself a like.

Once he got over it, Xiao He calmed down. He looked at the half-finished dishes on the counter, and simply rolled up his sleeves and continued cooking.

Fan Shen had sent Li Liuyun away, but at the moment he opened the door and entered the house, he hesitated a little.

When he'd heard Li Liuyun's words, his expression had been steady and unmoved.

But he had remembered all of it in his heart.

For two whole months, it was as if he'd been drinking poison mixed with honey. He well knew that it would rot his organs, but he wasn't willing to lose the sweetness on the surface.

Xiao He was so docile and so lovable.

With him at his side, the empty, endless nights were no longer so lonely.

With his company, he had a warm feeling even living in this temporary residence.

Fan Shen knew very well that Xiao He was acting.

However...his heart was made of flesh, and after ten years of this obsession, he had long since been unable to tell whether he hated or loved this man more.

No matter which it was, he was unable to let go of him.

So while he reminded himself to see reality clearly on one hand, on the other...he secretly held out hope.

Perhaps Xiao He would feel guilty, guilty over what had happened back then.

Perhaps he was making up for it, making up for the things he'd done wrong.

And perhaps…

There were always countless excuses, and they constantly tempted Fan Shen, so that without him noticing, he seemed to have fallen for all of them.

Fan Shen entered the house, and the sight of Xiao He turning and leaving just now flashed through his mind.

Xiao He was angry, very angry.

Had he misunderstood his relationship with Li Liuyun?

Was he angry because of this?

Li Liuyun's last words to him lingered in his mind, and Fan Shen's depthless eyes, like an ancient pool, held a few faint ripples.

No matter how he rejected it, he still held out hope…

Fan Shen strode into the house, soon entering the kitchen.

But when he saw the bustling young man and the hot dishes steaming with fragrance, Fan Shen's heart, that had been continuously pounding, returned to deathly stillness.

—If he's irritated and furious, then that proves he has you in his heart, and he's jealous.

—But if he behaves like nothing happened, and continues to comply with and fawn on you, then...he's only acting.

From start to finish.

It was all another lie.