

The rest of the afternoon alternates between carefully staged activities—talent shows! arts-and-crafts displays! soccer games!—and obnoxiously upbeat song medleys played over the PA while the board of directors goes through their tour.

Even Dylan is starting to run out of cheerful energy by the time dinner rolls around.

Which, of course, is when the board decides it's time to talk to you.

They've been doing this all day: cornering counselors and asking them questions like, "What does Camp Cedarcrest mean to you?" and "You were a camper here—what made you come back as a counselor?" and "Tell me what it's really like here." (That last one was from Frowning Polo Shirt Man. He's definitely on the "close the camp" faction.)

When it's your turn to answer questions, it's Optimistic Red Dress Woman's turn to ask. "Tell us, Pika Shimon Capela," she asks, in a voice that makes you wonder if she's an elementary school teacher as her day job, "what do you think is the best thing about Camp Cedarcrest?"