

"The kids are happy and well cared for," you continue. "They've got all the activities they could possibly want, and all of the activity counselors do a great job of teaching them new skills. Campers can learn and have fun here, and they can feel safe."

You have to raise your voice at the end as a flock of campers comes shrieking by, their frazzled counselors chasing helplessly after them. The woman in the red dress winces and turns politely away—only to see a pair of lifeguards coming up from the pool, voices raised in what looks like the beginning of a nasty argument.

"Right. Stable," says Frowning Polo Shirt Man in a sour voice.

One of the khaki-clad men shakes his head, looking around sadly. "This place isn't anything like it was when I was a kid."

It looks like more and more of the board members are starting to believe that Camp Cedarcrest isn't such a great place after all.
