Come to Dinner

"It's not so bad, the people here are nice to talk to." Adeline said looking out the window before her. She was in her room, and there was snow coming down slowly. The balcony to her room was coated in about a half inch of the stuff. She really liked this room, done in purples and a crème colored rug.

"Yeah? But I rarely see you as of late Addy!" Jamie said and Adeline smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Addy, really what am I two?" Jamie laughed and sighed.

"So I don't have such good news." Jamie said. "Bernard let some people go today, said that he had to cut back on staff." Jamie worked at a hotel that was in their main city. It might not be massive, but it was pretty large, and they did have visitors from other planets that came regularly to the city. The hotel was pretty busy, but this was their slow season, the wet season.