Holiday Cheer

"Right into the side of the tree, it was simply amazing." Lewis said, as he shared another memory. Adeline was enjoying this and Lewis was great at telling stories. Mary was wiping at her eyes from laughing so hard. Adeline was also laughing, unable to help it. The story was funny, about a time in Lewis's youth and another man that she didn't know. However she felt bad for this unknown man, because he was the one that ended up wrapped around a tree having gone down a hill in an idiotic way with a sled, with a few drinks in him. 

"You know Lewis, I think you were a dangerous youth. One that you needed to stay away from." Adeline said.

"Or film, so that you could laugh at later." Todd commented and there was a bit of laughter. 

"I wasn't the danger, well sort of. I could talk people into doing things. Never did too many of them myself." He told her with a wink and she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Adeline commented.