Chapter Five: Welcome To Sandy Shores

You already packed everything you need and it's in the trunk of the car. But you needed to bring your backpack and fill it with necessities as well.

Meanwhile, your grandmother was talking to an old friend, Melanie. After a couple of days since you visited your mother in prison, you finally convinced your grandmother to let you go find Trevor. But you only have until this summer to find him. You checked the DNA website again to use the information they have of him on there and use that information to use on the public arrested database. Turns out there's one man also named Trevor Philips and he's living in Sandy Shores California.

What made you think this man is actually the man you're looking for is when you pull up a record of him and see a recent mugshot. It's definitely him, just with less hair and he looks a little scary. He has been arrested for public intoxication, public indecency, and fighting. Those charges were reported over a year ago. Maybe he's changed his ways since then.

Then again, maybe he's or was an alcoholic. You don't tell your grandmother this for obvious reasons, and you don't blame or judge Trevor since you don't know anything about him yet. And once he knows about you, it'll definitely show if he does care about you or not if he's willing to take care of himself.

Melanie is a few years younger than your grandmother and is a traveler at heart. She's known for traveling all over the country and also worked as a security guard before devoting her life to traveling. She also has some hand-to-hand combat experience in case things go south. And when you were little, and she was in the state, she would always take you to all the cool places, like the indoor playgrounds and candy shops. She was like the cool aunt and friend you always wanted. So you already have some trust in her since you're going with her.

Thankfully she was already on her way to California and your grandmother asked her if she can take you with her to which she gladly accept.

You make your way outside and place your bookbag in the passenger seat. You look up to see Melanie give your grandmother a hug before heading to the driver's side. You walk up to your grandma and give her a hug. She hugs you tight, not wanting you to go, but she knows you need to see him.

Y/n: It's okay, I'll be back before September.

Grandma: I know...

You let her go and as you try not to tear up, you give her a reassuring smile.

Y/n: Well, I got to go. I'll text you when we get to the hotel.

Grandma: Okay, and please be careful Y/n.

Y/n: I will.

You then get into the car, and Melanie takes off. Looking at the side-view mirror, you see your grandma wiping away her tears as she gets inside the house, making you tear up a bit as well. You gently wipe away the tears from the edge of your eyes and take a quiet deep breath.

Melanie: Oh do you have the address of the hotel?

Y/n: Yup, do you need me to put the GPS on?

Melanie: Not yet. I know my way around the highway. Also, even if things don't go well with Trevor, screw him. We're still going to have a great time in California. The beaches, restaurants, hotels, and tourist attractions. Nothing but sunshine and sunscreen every single day of the summer! What do you think?

Y/n: That sounds really fun. I've never been to California before. What's it like?

Melanie: Well I've been to Del Perro Pier, Downtown Vinewood, The Maze Bank Area, Vespucci Beach, hotel parties, and a bunch of restaurants. All within the beautiful city of Los Santos. There's a lot of stuff to do even for kids.

Y/n: Sweet, you think we'll meet a celebrity there?

Melanie: An A-List celebrity no, but maybe we'll see an internet star. Maybe some models and weight lifters, the popular vegan junkies, you know. You might as well catch up on some sleep since it's going to be a while till we get to the hotel.

Y/n: Alrightly.

You look out the window, seeing houses on the highway. This whole situation feels like something out of a book right now, but at least you're on a good start to finding him. You have the papers, including the website's results and a copy of the paternity test that your grandmother kept in a box up in the attic. You'd think she'd thrown it away as soon as you were born since she said she hated him but maybe there was a chance she planned on telling you about Trevor. I mean, why else does she still have this? Anyway, you lean against the seat and close your eyes.

Three Hours Later...

You slowly open your eyes to see Melanie exiting the highway and the GSP says that the hotel will be on the right within a few miles.

Melanie: I'm glad you're finally awake sleepy head. Make sure you got everything in your bag for tonight. I'm going to go out and get some takeout while you stay in the hotel room and don't come out for anything. It'll get dark soon and I don't you outside when the sun goes down. It shouldn't take me long. There should be a buffet near the hotel.

Y/n: Alright, can you also bring some dessert too? Like chocolate cake or ice cream?

Melanie: Sure, I'll see what they have.

Y/n: Man, I'm so nervous about tomorrow. I mean sometime tomorrow I'm going to see my dad for the first time and... I-I don't know...

Melanie: Hey I know things right now are looking... shitty. But hey at least now you get to a good relationship with your mom. Your dad, who knows? Maybe he'll be a great dad or the worst dad, either way Y/n, I'm going to make sure you have a great summer.

Y/n: Yeah, thanks. Also but another thing, my own grandma lied to me for fifteen years. Telling me that both were dead and taking me to their graves, only for me to find out they're probably empty and both of my parents are still alive. Like how would you react in this situation? Me losing trust in my grandmother for this, I... I just feel like I can't forgive her...

Melanie: Yeah, that's going to be tough trying to completely forgive her and trust her again, but at least look at it this way. She lied to protect you from what she thought was one, a bad influence and two, a dangerous man. And now, fifteen years later and going on sixteen this summer, things will get better. Trust me, tomorrow may be a good or bad day, but after that, you have the rest of the summer to do whatever and your entire life to live with your mom and grandma.

She parks the car and you grab your bag before you two check in at the hotel. After entering the hotel room Melanie leaves to go get some food, leaving you alone. Two full-sized beds with white sheets and blankets, a light brown nightstand in the middle, two lamps one on either side of the beds, and a tv. You take your PJs and go take a shower. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, and all you could think about is the conversations you could have with Trevor.

Having taken a shower and changed into your PJs, you head for the balcony. It's already dark out, and the city's lights are the only lights you see. It's a nice night tonight, but even with this, your mind is still occupied with what will come tomorrow.

The Next Day...

Melanie: Here we are, Sandy Shores.

You look out the window, seeing Sandy Shores. But honestly, this area looks more like a desert than you thought. You thought it was going to be a beach or something related to that, but there may be more here than meets the eye. You see some old vacant buildings, trailer homes, and a few people walking around. Some of those people don't look friendly. Not the town you were expecting, but maybe you shouldn't judge. Melanie then parks the car in front of a small bar and grabs her purse.

Y/n: What are doing here at a bar?

Melanie: If there's one thing I know about small towns, is that the bartenders know more information on its people than the cops. That they'll probably know more about your dad before we go see him. You can come with me if you like, but don't order anything.

Y/n: Alright.

You hop off the car and follow Melanie into the bar. Entering the bar you see that it's smaller than you thought. There's a middle-aged woman behind the bar and a man sitting on the stool passed out. Melanie casually walks up to the bar.

???: (Smiles) I ain't seen you ladies here before. What can I get ya?

The woman then looks at you and her eyes squint a bit.

???: My little miss, you look real similar to a man I know.

Melanie: Yeah, you see. We're here looking for a man named Trevor Phillips. (Hands her a hundred-dollar bill) Perhaps you know anything about him?

The woman chuckles as she takes the money. She then looks at the old man still passed out and makes sure he's still asleep before looking back at you and Melanie.

???: Yeah, I know who Trevor Phillips is. Comes to this bar bout twice a week. Nice man alright, as long as you don't look at him a certain way. He's been living out here for several years and made some 'friends'. (Looks at you) You know honey, you sure do look like him. I can see his eyes in you kid.

Melanie: That is his daughter there.

???: His daughter? I didn't know Trevor had a family somewhere. I always thought he was a solo kind of guy.

Y/n: But he doesn't know it yet. You wouldn't happen to know where he is right now? Or where he lives? It'll be a huge help ma'am.

???: (Chuckles) I haven't been called that in a long time. Well alright, but you didn't get the information from me, alright?

You nod your head and the woman takes out a piece of an old receipt before writing an address down. You're off to a good start already. She hands you the paper containing his address.

Melanie: Thank you ma'am.

Y/n: Thank you.

You two head back to the car. On your way there the woman couldn't help but stare at you as she really does see Trevor in you. It never occurred to her that someone like Trevor could be a father, but maybe you could help change some of his ways she thinks to herself. You hop back in the car and Melanie puts the address in the GPS.

Melanie: We're almost there, how are you feeling?

Y/n: Very nervous. What if he isn't home?

Melanie: Then we'll wait for him to come home. You still got the papers? Don't forget to take those with you when we do see him.

Y/n: Yeah, I still have it.

She drives off. The GPS says it's only less than a ten-minute drive from where you guys are at right now. You stare out the window. You are thinking about possible conversations with Trevor again. In the end, it depends on him whether or not you'll have a good or a bad conversation with him once he finds out you're his daughter. You just hope you can have a father figure in your life. You hope that Trevor will be a good dad.

Wasn't long before Melanie parked the car in front of an old trailer. You don't see any vehicles around, so maybe there's a chance Trevor isn't home right now.

Melanie: Alright, stay behind me.

She then takes the taser out from the glove compartment on your side and hands it to you.

Melanie: If shit goes down, you remember where to aim?

Y/n: If it's a man, his junk. If it's a woman, her boobs.

Melanie: Right, okay let's go.

You follow Melanie to the front door of the trailer, holding the papers of the DNA results and the paternity test. This is it... you're finally going to meet your dad, but you can't help but get anxious with almost every step you take towards the door. Melanie knocks on the trailer door. Waiting a few seconds and no answer, she knocks on the door again but a little louder. You are almost relieved and at the same time disheartened as you think he isn't home now.

???: H-Hey! What are you two doing here!

Turning your heads, you both see a middle-aged man wearing a dirty white tank top almost covered by a red plaid long-sleeved shirt, shorts, glasses, and a weird fishing hat.

???: You can't be here!

As he quickly walks towards you two, Melanie stands in front of you and you take out the taser but make sure he doesn't see it, not yet at least.

Melanie: Look mister if you don't back the hell up-

Y/n: We don't mean any harm. We just want to talk to Trevor.

???: N-No! You're not speaking to anybody, and you're not staying here!

You quickly stand between Melanie and the old man and show him the papers as proof to him that you're not here to harm Trevor. Assuming he and Trevor are really good friends since why else would he be this protective of him?

Y/n: Look sir! I'm Trevor Phillip's daughter and I'm here to see him.

His eyebrows furrowed, not believing a single word you're saying.

???: Trevor doesn't have a kid! If he had a kid then he would have told me about it. You're just making accusations!

Melanie: Why would we be lying about this? Just look at the damn papers!

Y/n: I'm not lying sir, just please look.

Taking the papers, he reads each of them thoroughly to make sure. Suddenly, the angry expression on his face transforms into shock. He looks at you, looks at the papers and looks at you again before slowly handing you back the papers.

Y/n: You see? I'm his daughter, and all we came to do is let him know about me. I want to talk to my dad for the first time, especially since he doesn't know I exist.

???: O-Oh my God... You do look like him.

Melanie: Exactly, we're not lying. So if you could let him know that we're here and we want to talk to him then that would be great.

???: W-Well you still can't talk to him. He's in Los Santos right now to visit his old friend.

Y/n: He's in Los Santos?

???: He left last night, and he won't be back for a while. I don't know how long.

Y/n: Do you have the address of where he's going?

???: U-Umm...

Y/n: Please sir, I need to see my dad.

???: A-Alright uh...

Taking out his phone, he texts someone. In less than a few seconds, his phone dings, signaling that he received a message back from whoever he's texting.

???: O-Okay, here (Shows the phone to Melanie) This is where he's heading.

Melanie copies the address down on her phone while the man glances at you before looking back down at his phone. You guess you can understand where he's coming from, but then again, he didn't have to be hostile at the beginning of it.

Melanie: Thanks, (Looks to you) Let's go.

You and Melanie get back in the car and you see the man go inside the trailer. Well that was interesting. Your dad is all the way in Los Santos, and that's a few hours away from here.

Melanie: Well at least he's in the city we're going to be staying at. Buckle up Y/n, it's going to be another long trip again.

Y/n: Yeah...