Chapter Six: Welcome to Los Santos

Melanie turns on the radio, and as soon as the host starts talking is when you wake up from a long nap. You see that you guys are not on the highway and more like the narrow mountain roads. Not that many cars out.

Melanie: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.

Y/n: (Yawn) It's okay, I needed to wake up anyway.

Radio Host: It's been three weeks since the death of one of Los Santos's greatest innovators in the tech world. Okay Diana you can your head up from under the table. Yes folks, there will be a memorial service held for the death of Jay Norris, the man who saved America, or at least some part of it. The service will be held in front of the Life Invader Office Building this afternoon.

Melanie: Jeez, you heard about what happened to him?

Y/n: Who doesn't? The video of his head exploding as soon as he took the call went viral, and it got passed around all over my school.

Melanie: Did you see the video?

Y/n: Yeah, my friends and I saw it, and I wasn't able to sleep for a few days.

Melanie: Yeah, same here.

Radio Host: Also news coming from Vangelico in Rockford Hills, there still has been no arrest made for the robbery of millions worth of beautiful cut diamonds and gemstones. The four men wearing exterminator uniforms took out the security system, gassed out the entire building with gas knocking everyone out, and broke every glass case to steal the precious jewelry. Folks all of this happened in broad daylight. How incredible! Though police claim to still be investigating, it's safe to say that these criminals have made it Scott-free. I mean come on; it doesn't take almost two weeks to come up with a line of suspects does it? Vangelico has been seeing a decline in customers in the past few years and now that these criminals stole millions from them, it's almost safe to say that Vangelico may soon be out of business. Unless a millionaire out there wants to purchase millions from them.

Melanie: Maybe it's also a good idea not to go shopping in Rockford Hills. That and it's mainly where celebrities go shopping since they're mostly the only ones that can afford everything in stores there.

Y/n: No kidding.

Radio Host: And now with our important news today, beloved American's Newest Sweetheart Poppy Mitchell will be making a visit to the Saint Mary's children's hospital where she plans on throwing a birthday party for a very special girl celebrating her fifth birthday and still battling cancer. Such a sweet thing for Poppy to do.

Melanie: I wish more celebrities were like that.

Y/n: Like Poppy? I heard about her but I never watched the show. Is America's Newest Sweetheart like a beauty pageant?

Melanie: Something like that. If we had more celebrities like Poppy, this country would be in a much better place. Always donating to charities, taking selfies with us common people, and becoming an inspiration for both kids and teens trying to do good for the world.

Y/n: Yeah, that would be great to have.

Melanie: But as of right now, it's mainly Poppy doing all the good work.

Y/n: Woah... Look at the size of these houses.

You finally made it to Los Santos, but the first thing that catches your eye is the modern mansions. Of course, you can see the buildings and skyscrapers of the city, but it's the neighborhood of mansions that's right in front of you that has your attention.

Melanie: Looks like we're in the rich neighborhoods.

Y/n: No kidding, I can only imagine what the inside of their place looks like.

She drives by over a dozen mansions, each with its own modern to vintage designs. Most of the mansions have large outdoor pools, tall palm trees, and decorative gardens, and some even have big animal stone statues.

Melanie: Over here, I think the average cost for a mansion is at least two million.

Y/n: Look how big their outdoor pool is. It's incredible!

Melanie: You always wanted to live in a mansion?

Y/n: I always dreamed of living in a big country house and having my own farm of horses. But staying in one of those mansions for vacation will be nice too.

Melanie: The GPS says we're about fifteen minutes away from the location the guy sent us.

Y/n: Oh yeah.

Melanie: Moment of truth, you ready to finally meet your dad?

Y/n: I am, but I'm also still nervous.

Melanie: I know I can't relate to what you're feeling right now, but keep in mind that even if things go south we still have the whole summer to relax by the beach and go to almost every tourist attraction. I know they got a small carnival right by the docks. We can go on the roller coaster and eat a bunch of funnel cakes.

Y/n: (Smile) Ha, yeah.

She drives out of the rich neighborhoods and makes it to the first intersection. The light turns green and she drives off to where the GPS says to go. Only a few more minutes till you get there.

While you stare out the window, you watch the people walking, cars moving, gigantic buildings, all while under the bright hot sun. You also think about the possible conversations once you tell Trevor you're his daughter. You hope this turns out well. If not, at least you have a mom and grandma waiting for you back home.

Melanie then stops the car, parking across the street from a small mansion surrounded by stone walls with tall trimmed bushes and a sliding black door gate. Melanie turns off the car and you two head out.

With the paternity test results and the results from the DNA website papers in your hands, you two cross the street and stand in front of the black gate.

Melanie: Two cars out, that's a good sign someone's here.

She then starts pulling the gate sideways hoping to open it by force.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Melanie: What does it look like? We're getting in to see your dad right?

Y/n: Yeah but why can't we just wait for someone to come outside and open the gate for us?

Melanie: Because the odds of someone letting us in even to the front porch are very unlikely. Considering how we're still in this part of town.

She then manages to forcibly open the gate wide enough for you and her to get in. You hurry in while she closes the gate back as if nothing happened.

Melanie: See? Now we're in and now let's go.

You follow behind Melanie to the front door, and she rings the doorbell. Less than a few seconds later, a woman wearing tight dark purple yoga pants and a pink tank top while also wearing a pink tennis cap answers the door.

???: Can I help you?

Melanie: Hi there, we were just wondering if-

???: (Cuts her off) I'm sorry but I'm not interested in whatever is it that you're trying to sell.

Melanie: What? No, we're not here to sell or preach anything.

???: (Smiles) That's good to hear. Come on in then. It's been so long since we've had any normal visitors.

You and Melanie enter the home as you follow the woman.

Y/n: Wow, this is a very nice house. I love the decor around here.

Amanda: Thanks, it was mainly my idea. Oh, my name's Amanda by the way. But I'm thinking about remodeling it, you know, out with the old and in with the new. Including someone.

She almost whispers that last part, but both you and Melanie heard that, but you pretended that you didn't. The woman takes you to the living room and you all have a seat. She sits on the chair in front of the long white couch while you two sit on the couch.

Melanie: I'm sorry to ask, but may I use your restroom? It was a long drive here.

Amanda: Go ahead, I don't mind. It's upstairs last door down the hall.

Melanie: Thank you so much.

Melanie quickly walks towards the stairs, leaving you and Amanda alone in the living room.

Amanda: (Smiles and looks at the papers you're still holding) So what's your name? And what are you got there?

Y/n: Oh uh, I'm Y/n Peterson and I got these um-

Then a middle-aged white man in a light blue button-up shirt and tan shorts walks into the living using the door leading to the backyard. He's holding a small glass cup, and he sees you and Amanda.

???: Oh hey, (Sorta waves his hand to you) I didn't know we were babysitting someone's kid. (Goes into the kitchen)

Amanda: Michael! (Turns to you) I'm so sorry about him Y/n. (Stands up) Do you want a drink? Water? Juice? Soda?

Y/n: (Smile) I'll take some water. Thank you.

She nods and angrily walks to the kitchen where Michael is. You assume that must be her husband. Maybe he's in a bad mood right now. Either way, it's best just to sit here and wait. But even though you're in the living room, you can hear every word coming from the kitchen.

Amanda: You know I wish you could be a little nice to our guests and-- is that yours?

Michael: Course not.

Amanda: (Sighs) I only got myself to blame for the mess these kids are in. You are either drunk or staring miserably at the clouds or (Raises her voice) you're out there doing God knows what.

Michael: Oh yeah, I've done horrible by you. Pulled you out of a midwestern trailer park, got you a big mansion in Rockford Hills. Hell, the only thing you gotta worry about anymore is what part of your body you want to have chopped off or sucked out again.

Jesus, it really sounds like they really need to have some marriage counseling. You think either they forgot that you're here or that they don't think you can hear them. Either way, you feel bad for both of them since it looks like they're going through a rough patch.

Amanda: Screw you Michael!

Michael: Ah, but you won't.

Amanda: I was faithful to you up until I found you in a stripper. I would divorce your ass if I could!

Okay, now you don't feel bad for Michael anymore. Did he really cheat on her? With a stripper? And what does she mean she would divorce him if she could? What's in her way of doing that now? You could think on and on of thinking more questions about their situation, but you know you're not going to get any answers since their marriage problems don't concern you. But hey, at least this will be one hell of a story to tell.

Amanda: You are nothing but a murdering, cheating hypocrite! Thank you Michael, whatever the fuck our fake last name is. You have ruined my serenity yet again! My yoga is fucked!

Wait what? Murdering? Fake last names? You quickly stand up, as you're beginning to think coming here was a bad idea. You just wanted to see your dad, not to hear and witness their conversation. Then you see another man enter the kitchen wearing a black tank top and dark tan shorts reaching just above the knees. Not to assume, but he just looks like a hippie.

Michael: Oh, is that what they're calling it now? You and your fucking yoga!

???: Did someone say yoga?

Amanda: Oh hello Fabien darling.

Fabien: Namaste.

Amanda: Namaste.

Heading towards the kitchen, you plan to tell Amanda that you and Melanie have to leave. You'll do this politely and pretend you didn't just hear their dilemma. You pass by the small kitchen table and pass the corner of the white wall as you now enter the kitchen. You also notice that large brick size weed right on the kitchen table, but you quickly focus your vision on Amanda instead of that.

Fabien: You must be Michael, Namaste.

Michael: Nama go fuck yourself.

Amanda: Michael!

Fabien: You got to work on your anger brother, it's killing you.

Michael: Tell me about it.

As you approach Amanda, you gently tap her shoulder. As soon as she sees you, her face turns into shock as she did forget you were here.

Amanda: Oh Y/n! I'm so sorry you had to hear all that.

Y/n: (Smile) It's okay really, but I have to leave. I just wanted to say thanks for letting me and my friend come in and--

Michael: Aw, there you are you little shit.

You then see another man come into the kitchen. He's a bit overweight and wearing a jersey and back sweat pants. He looks like he's in his late teens or early twenties, you can't tell. Michael grabs the brick of weed and shows it to the guy.

Michael: Are you looking for this?

The guy tries to grab the weed brick but Michael quickly takes it further from him.

???: Very funny. You know you're a real asshole.

Michael: (Angrily turns around to him) What did you just fucking say to me?

Amanda: Stop it you two! You're ruining my fucking yoga!

???: Somebody say yoga?

Everyone's gaze including yours, all turn to the man who just entered the kitchen. As Amanda gasps, you immediately recognize the man... it's Trevor Philips... Your... Your dad...

Trevor's eyes were quick to fall upon Michael, but he doesn't look too happy to see him. Michael takes a couple of steps towards him, seeming like he can't believe he's seeing him here.

Michael: Trevor?

Trevor: Michael.

Michael: Hey, it's good to see you man.

Trevor: (Nods) Yeah I bet it is. Course, I'm not the one that's been resurrected.

Trevor looks around but not completely and lifts his arms as he says,

Trevor: Ain't this grand?

His gaze then quickly goes back to Michael. You have a feeling he was being sarcastic when he said that. Your legs just refuse to move even the slightest as you feel your heart weighing your chest heavily in... not fear, but... is it? Trevor looks intimidating, certainly intimidating.

Michael: Yeah well, I got a bit of an awkward situation. (Lightly moves the guy in the jersey behind him)

You're starting to think that the guy in the jersey must be Michael's son. Then Amanda turns her head to you and, with her hand, silently signals you to get behind the wall. You follow her command and quickly back away and hide behind the wall, but you can still hear everything. You lean your head a bit over the wall just letting your right eye to still see what's happening.

Trevor: Hm, you're telling me bro. Yeah... One of those fake your own deaths to your best buddy and then run off with the dough and then live in a big mansion. Awkward situations.

Trevor balls his fist as Michael does the same to stand his ground. They both look pissed. This could go really bad really quick. You hope they don't fight. You keep staring at your dad more than anyone else in the room but for some reason... you feel scared to go near him...

Michael: That's one way of looking at it.

Trevor: Yeah, do you have any other ways of looking at it? Cause I am all out.

Michael: It was a long time ago man, I've been in witness protection. I still am.

Trevor: (Inhales) That's great... that's great. (He almost whispers)

He quickly turns to everyone else, making you pull yourself back against the wall away from his view.

Trevor: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Where are my manners right? (Chuckles) Amanda, it is good to see you. (Walks over to her)

You hear his steps as you see Amanda take a couple of steps back from him in discomfort. He stops about two feet in front of her and is now in your vision. You just stood very still and stay quiet.

Trevor: I missed you, you used to be fatter. (Makes a weird sound) Nice new tits by the way.

He then turns to the guy wearing the jersey and points at him.

Trevor: Jimmy, you, you used to be thinner. (Walks away) But ah, can't blame you.

If he would have turned the other way he definitely would have seen you. You felt like your heart was going to explode as a part of you didn't want him to see you standing there hiding from him.

Trevor: Who are you?

Fabien: Namaste, I'm Fabien.

Trevor: Ah, good lord. Where's Tracey?

Michael: Where's your sister Jim?

Jimmy: Um, she's um... she's uh... she's trying out for TV.

Michael: She's what?

Jimmy: Yeah, she's auditioning for Fame or Shame.

Trevor: Fame or Shame?

Michael: The fuck are you talking about?

Jimmy: You know, it's that talent slash skill show. She loves it, you guys know that.

You then lean your head over the wall again, just letting your right eye see everything.

Michael: What's her talent?

Jimmy: Dancing.

Michael: Oh Christ, she's a horrible dancer.

Amanda: Michael!

Jimmy: She might disagree with you on that.

Michael: (Sighs) Jesus Christ. What? Now? Now? Where?

Jimmy: Um, the Maze Bank Arena.

Trevor: Our little Tracey being humiliator, let's go, we go get her. (Points to the door)

Michael: (Chuckles) We?

Trevor: Yeah we. What are you gonna stand here and argue while your daughter becomes a national laughing stock, huh? You're worse than I thought. Now let's go, c'mon!

Michael looks at everyone for a second or two, including you before looking back at Trevor and walking towards the door.

Michael: Alright.

You see both Michael and your dad Trevor head for the front door. Amanda and Jimmy take a few quick steps toward them but do not follow them. You hear the front door open and that's when you come out of your hiding spot from behind the wall. You see that Michael is the last one out as he shuts the door behind him.

The house falls silent. Though you aren't exactly sure what happened, you know there was some sort of history between those two and that your dad does not like him. You walk past Fabien who gets jumped scared seeing you as he didn't see you at all until now. You slowly walk past Jimmy and Amanda, who are standing a few feet from the front door.

Amanda: Y-Y/n, I am so sorry you had to witness that. I had no idea he was coming. I'm so sorry.

Y/n: Trevor?...

You look at the papers you still have in your hands, seeing where the paternity test says that Trevor is your father.

Y/n: T-Trevor, he's... he's my... my dad.

You hear both Jimmy and Amanda gasp as they don't believe it to be true, but are still shocked to hear you say that. Then Amanda walks towards you and from over your shoulder sees the papers you have and reads them. Not even five seconds later she gasps again, this time a little louder and more in shock. You then stare at the closed front door, remembering seeing and hearing Trevor just now.

Jimmy: No... fucking... way...