Chapter Seven: Los Santos is Weird...

Jimmy: No... fucking... way...

Amanda walks in front of you to face you. Her eyes are still wide. She can now see that you do look like you could be Trevor's daughter. She's completely speechless and you don't blame her. It seems like everyone who knows Trevor never thought he could have a kid. But more importantly, you have to get to him and tell him.

Jimmy: (Smiles) We have a cousin! And she's not a drug user or a criminal like our other cousins back home!

Amanda: Stop it Jimmy! Y/n, did Trevor know you were coming here?

Y/n: No, he doesn't even know that I exist. His neighbor said he'll be here to see his friend and I want to let him know that I'm his daughter.

She becomes speechless again as Jimmy walks up to you, smiling.

Jimmy: We got a normal cousin! Hey, I'm Jimmy. You met my mom and my 'father of the year' dad. You wanna play video games? Watch a movie? O-Or we can all go in the pool and chillax.

Y/n: Maybe later, but first I need to tell Trevor this.

Then Melanie comes down the stairs and asks what's going on. You tell her that you guys need to go and she follows you outside. Amanda and Jimmy just stand there watching you two leave without saying another word.

You and Melanie get in the car and she drives off after putting in the GPS that'll take you to the Maze Bank Arena. Thankfully it's only about thirty minutes away from here.

Y/n: I'm in the living room and these two are having a bad argument, so I thought maybe right now is a bad time, so I get up and tell Amanda that we can come back later. She apologized, completely forgetting that I was there the whole time. And their son walks in the room, he gets in trouble by his dad, and right when I thought I was just going to make a quick walk to the door-"

Melanie steps hard on the break causing you and Melanie to almost hit yourselves on the dashboard to avoid getting hit by a 10-wheeler truck with a 'Fame or Shame' advertisement. Thankfully, you both had your seatbelts on, otherwise, it would have been a bad day for you two.

Melanie: What the fuck!? (Beeps the horn)

Y/n: What the hell was that?!

Melanie: Stupid son of bitch almost fucking hit us!

Y/n: Jesus...

Melanie: .... Are you okay?

Y/n: (Sigh) Y-Yeah, I'm okay. Let's just get to the Maze Bank.

Melanie: Alright.

She collects herself and drives off into the streets. You're still in a bit of shock at want just happened. Hell, you could have been killed just now and you'll never see your mom and grandma again. It's best not to overthink about this, you'll save yourself the mental trouble.

Minutes Later you finally arrive at the Maze Bank Arena. But there's a bunch of people coming out of the arena either crying or pissed. You both exit the car and walk up the stairs towards the arena.

???: I waited over two hours and I never got to audition?! Are you fucking kidding me!

???: This is not fair! I wanted to be America's next star!

???: Fuck you, I'm going okay!

These people are pissed, but when you get inside the Arena, you see security and cops everywhere. They were questioning some of the people. A man walks away from a couple of officers and with his head hanging low in fear, accidentally bumps into Melanie.

Man: I-I'm so sorry! P-Please forgive me!

Melanie: Hey man it's okay. What happened here?

Man: T-There were these two middle-aged guys a-and one of them almost choked me to death asking where Tracy De Santa was. Next thing I knew I was shoved to the ground, and they walked away to the audition room.

Y/n: Jesus... This Michael guy is that crazy.

Man: I-I have to go. The security and cops are kicking everyone out but the witnesses.

Arms folded and close to his chest, the man hurries out of the Arena leaving you two be. Then a police officer walks over to you and says you two have to leave the building. Not wanting any trouble, you two walk out and head back to the car.

Y/n: (Sighs) Well that was a waste of time.

Melanie: The sun's going to set soon. Best to get to the hotel now since it's going to be a thirty-minute drive.

Y/n: Alright.

You two enter the car and Melanie puts in the address for the hotel in her GPS before driving off. You feel kind of disappointed that you saw Trevor and didn't have the courage enough to tell him you're his kid. But he does look scary in your defense. Maybe you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Sure he may seem scary, but that doesn't mean he is right?

The hotel is right by the beach, right behind stores selling beach-related things. There is a twilight glow in the sky, and Melanie parks the car before you two grab your things and enter the hotel lobby. Melanie checks in while you look at the dozens of brochures and magazines from the stand on the other side of the lobby. You grab a few, thinking they could be of use for your stay in Los Santos.



- Hollywood's Top Drunk Celebrities

- Romantic Comedy Movie "Shoe Whore" Rated Top Ten Worst Movies

- Los Santos Hidden Restaurant Gems

- Del Perro Pier Delights & Sweets

- Reality Show "Wise Bitches" May Have A New Daughter of a Mobster Joining

- Anal Beaching in Teenage Girls Rises Up To Thirty Percent

- Los Santos Cheapest To Expensive Tourist Attractions



This city... is really weird and different from your home. But you feel like it's going to be a good summer for you. Besides, you're right by the beach and you can't wait to go swimming, build sand castles, walk around, visit the small carnival Melanie was talking about earlier, maybe get a good tan, and hopefully if your dad accepts you as his daughter you could spend time with him. Of course, it'll all be under Melanie's supervision.

Melanie then calls your name and you head towards the elevator. The third floor, room 305, is where you'll be staying for a couple of weeks before going to another hotel. You get to the room, seeing it's all prep up for you. Two full-sized beds in white sheets and blankets, a flat screen tv, a light brown wooden nightstand between the beds, white and baby blue stripe walls with sailor boat designs, and an almond white-colored carpet.

Melanie: You go ahead and unpack your things while I head out and get some food for us. Craving anything?

Y/n: Umm... Chinese carry out?

Melanie: You got it, I'll be back. I have the card key so if anyone knocks don't answer it.

Y/n: I know, I got it.

Melanie: Alright I'm just making sure I'll see you in a bit.

Melanie leaves the room, and the hotel door automatically locks itself, letting out a beeping sound. You let out a sigh and head towards the balcony. As soon as you slide the glass door open, your face is touched by a gentle breeze as you take in the smell of the sea. It's calming and refreshing. The last time you went to the beach was last year, and you were just with your grandma. Suddenly, your phone vibrates in your pocket, letting you know you received a text message. Seeing that it's from your grandmother, you open the message and it says...



*It's okay if you don't want to reply. I understand you're still upset with me. But I hope you and Melanie made it to Los Santos safe and sound. I can't wait to see you when you come back. Please stay safe. I love you. Goodnight Y/n.*



Holding back your tears, you send her a message. As much as you didn't feel like it, you still love her and you didn't want to hurt her any more than you have just being here for the whole summer without her.



*We just got to the hotel and so far everything's been great. I haven't talked to Trevor yet and we're staying at this really cool hotel in front of the beach. I love you too grandma, goodnight.*



You put your phone back in your pocket and go back inside, closing the sliding door behind you. After taking a shower and putting on your pajamas, you turn on the tv and sit on the bed on the left.



"Welcome to Los Santos. The city of cellulite, sin, and cellulite removal. From the dead starlets in Vinewood, to the gang bangers in Davis and Strawberry. And terrorist cells in Chumash, to the drunken tourists in Del Perro Pier. It's time to take a look inside this cesspit of destroyed dreams, drug-addicted degenerates, and deluded desperados that make up this... great city of lights."


The scene shows a blurred close-up of some drunk guy's ass before showing the title of the show. Which is "The Underbelly of Paradise". Then a man in a FIB uniform appears on the screen. He's kind of cute, you're not going to lie.


Steve Haines: Hi, I decorated FIB Agent Steve Haines. The FIB, the Police Department, and the Sheriff's Office are fighting a war out here every day. In a city where dreams too often become wet... with tears.


The scene changes to the supposedly bad parts of towns. Showing gang members either wearing purple, green, or leather jackets and drug addicts snorting and/or smoking drugs.


Steve Haines: This week, we're going to be focusing on the gang bangers' only source of income. Drugs. Selling drugs, snorting drugs, smoking drugs, and killing rival gang members for and because of drugs. These drugs are coming in fast from the high demand. You can blame the street junkies to entitled billionaires for that. Drugs like meth, heroin, PCP, and drugs no good and decent human being will ever hear of. Toilet Cleaner, Jock's Strip, Rainbow Mania, Pixie Stick, Granddaddy Candy, Devil Bull, and Queer Matham. These drugs are responsible for over three hundred murders a year, two hundred wild parties gone wrong, and over a hundred street junkies jumping on the hood of police cars. So far some of the biggest drug dealers from all gangs and mafias are in prison serving a life sentence for desecrating this city, but the war is still ongoing. Join us, as we dive further into the criminal underworld, while also arresting the occasional drunk trying to announce that the FIB is responsible for the murders of innocent civilians.


You let out a yawn as you switch the channel to the news. Even though the news back home mostly shows bad news, you hope that the news here will show advertisements relating to tourist attractions, events, and restaurants.

Then you hear the hotel door unlock and Melanie comes in with the food. Finally, you were getting tired and ready to go to bed.

Melanie: Sorry it took a while. There was a long line when I got there. How you feeling?

Y/n: Pretty okay, just watching tv.

Melanie: Well, I got your favorite. Also I was thinking tomorrow we'll go to Downtown Vinewood after we go back to the house and ask if they have Trevor's information.

Y/n: Yeah, I think Michael should have it. It seems like those two have some history together.

Melaine: Sounds good. Well, you eat up. I need to shower and stuff. If you plan on falling asleep soon, good night.

Y/n: Night Melanie.

She walks into the bathroom with a towel and night clothes before locking the door. You eat your Chinese food for a little bit while watching the news before calling it a night.



The Next Day...



It's the first thing in the morning and you and Melanie head back to the house, hoping that either Michael or Amanda can give you Trevor's information, at least a phone number. But what if Trevor is there? No, you don't think that since it's morning and maybe he's busy doing something.

Melanie stops in front of the house, then her phone goes off. You tell her you can go in yourself while she takes the call. She agrees, letting you go on since she's been in the house and knows that it's just a normal family living there and not some murders or something like that.

Grabbing your bag which you kept the papers just in case, you slide through the gate and walk towards the front door before ringing the doorbell. Expecting Amanda or Michael to open the door, instead you see Jimmy open the door. In a blink of an eye, his frown turns into a bright smile making his day.

Jimmy: Y/n! Cousin! Couz! Couzette! U-Uh come in!

Y/n: (Smile) Hey Jimmy.

You enter the home and you don't see anyone else but Jimmy.

Y/n: Where's your mom?

Jimmy: She's with her tennis trainer or yoga trainer. Why?

Y/n: Well, is your dad here?

Jimmy: He's out back chilling by the pool. Uh, hey! How about we play some video games o-or watch a movie, or play tennis? We got our own tennis court in the back. You can borrow my mom's gear.

Y/n: Maybe later Jim, I need to ask your dad if he has my dad's information.

Jimmy: O-Oh yeah, go on ahead couz. S-Straight out back, I'd go with you but uhh... I prefer to leave my dad be when he's drinking.

Y/n: It's okay, don't know. I can handle myself.

The first thing you notice when you arrive in the backyard is the large pool. Now, you see Michael laying on the pool chair either sleeping or relaxing while possibly getting a tan. Walking towards Michael, he soon turns his head towards you. He only stares at you for a couple of seconds before staring back at the sun, his dark sunglasses protecting his eyes from the sun.

Michael: My wife's not here, and I'm not on babysitting duty.

Y/n: Uh no I uh... I wanted to ask if you have Trevor Philips' information?

Michael: Woah kid, take it easy. Trevor's too old for ya. Just go with a guy your age, it's better. Definitely better.

Y/n: What? Ew no. I want to know if you have his information because he's my dad.

Although he wore sunglasses, his eyes widened as he sits up and takes off the glasses.

Michael: What?

Y/n: Y-Your wife didn't tell you about yesterday? She knows. And um... I wanted to know if you have Trevor's phone number at least so I can find him.

You take out the papers from your bag and hand them to him. Taking the time to read each paper thoroughly, soon he is at a loss for words. He then gives you back the papers and looks straight into your eyes.

Michael: Listen kid, you don't want to get involved with that guy. Even though he's your dad, you do not want him as a father figure.

Y/n: I appreciate the heads-up, but I need to see him for myself and decide that.

Michael: I'm doing you a favor. You seem like a good kid, and having a dad like Trevor will only send you downhill.

Y/n: Then let me regret seeing him if he's a bad father. I'm not going to blame you or anyone else, but please. He doesn't even know I exist, and when he does know and he isn't a good father then it'll be the first and last time I'll see him. Please, Mr. De Santa, I need to tell him.

Michael: (Sighs) Alright, I already gave you a warning. Here.

He hands out his phone showing Trevor's phone number and you copy it to your phone contacts. It's good that you're one step closer to seeing your father now that you're on the right track. While you're doing that, Michael couldn't help but think deeply into what you said. And he realizes that even if you hadn't shown him the paternity test, you do look like Trevor.

Y/n: Thanks Mr. De Santa. Now if you excuse me, I have to go.

You turn around and walk away without another word, a bit pissed but Michael's attitude and tone about your dad. Everyone is saying that Trevor is bad, that seeing him is a mistake. You don't need all of these negative thoughts in your head. Jimmy sees you coming back inside from the living room and sees you upset.

Jimmy: H-Hey, what's wrong?

Y/n: It's nothing Jimmy, don't worry. I'll you see you later.

Jimmy: Oh wait! Can I have your number? You know, n-nothing weird or anything like that. I-I just think us family should stick together you know.

Y/n: Yeah sure.

You give him your number before you walk out the door still upset about having that conversation with Michael. Jimmy knew his dad had something to do with this, and he isn't surprised that his dad is the reason you're upset as he makes everyone either uncomfortable, upset, and/or pissed. He then hears the back door open and he angrily walks towards the kitchen where his dad is. Jimmy became even angrier at his dad when he saw him pour himself another glass of whiskey.

Jimmy: What did you say to Y/n?

Michael: (Turns around) Don't worry about it Jim.

Jimmy: No! I am going to worry about it. That's my cousin and you hurt her! What did you say to her?!

Michael: Calm down, Jesus. I told her what was best for her, and that's not to see Trevor.

Jimmy: Trevor's our family. He loves us and he'll love her even more when he finds out. You don't just say shit to her and make her feel like she's making a mistake.

Michael: She is making a mistake. I've known Trevor way before you kids were even born. I know what he's like. He's crazy, psychotic, and dangerous. The list goes on with this guy and she's going to regret seeing him.

Jimmy: Uncle T is not dangerous.

Michael: Oh right, like you known him for years.

Jimmy: If he's dangerous, then he's not dangerous towards family. He was always there for me and Tracy growing up. He cares about us and he's going to be a great dad. Maybe even better than you.

Michael: (Chuckles) Right, right.

Michael puts his drink down and starts to walk away from the kitchen and towards the front door leaving Jimmy standing there watching him.

Jimmy: Where are you going?

Michael: Don't worry about it.

Michael walks out the door and gets into his black car before driving off. While driving he takes his phone out and makes a call to someone.

Michael: Hey Lester, I need you to get me some information on someone. Y/n Peterson. You're not going to fucking believe this. Trevor has a kid.

Lester: What?

Michael: You heard me. I didn't it myself until she came to my house and showed me a paternity test. She's Trevor's daughter and God knows how many other illegitimate kids he's got. But look, I'm coming over there and there's something else we need to discuss about.






You and Melanie stopped by a vegan breakfast restaurant, eating breakfast sandwiches and organic fruit juice outside.

Y/n: This is so good, I got to have their raspberry juice recipe. They got to put something else in it.

Melanie: Wanna try a Pomegranate Passion? This is also really good.

Then her stomach starts to growl and she gets up.

Melanie: Oh wait, maybe I ate too many vegan mini breakfast sandwiches. I'll be right back!

In a hurry, she runs into the building to use the restroom. You already finished your food and you're just drinking your juice with a steel straw. You take out your phone from your bag and look through your contacts seeing Trevor's number. You didn't put "Dad" as your contacts. Maybe not yet, only one way to find out.

You press the call button and put your phone up to your ear. It's

Trevor: Who's this?


You're completely speechless, and you were just thinking of what to say before you called him.

Trevor: Hello?


Trevor: Well bye then.

Y/n: No wait! I...

Trevor: Who's this?

Y/n: I... my name is Y/n and... are you available t-today or tomorrow afternoon?

Trevor: I don't know a Y/n, how did you get this number?

Y/n: Michael gave me your number. I-I was hoping we can meet at his house. T-There's something I have to say to you and show you.

Trevor: Why can't you say it over the phone?

Y/n: B-Because this is extremely important that you should know and you need to see me in person. S-So are you... available today or tomorrow or... this week?...

Trevor: Yeah, meet me at Michael's house today. At five.

Y/n: O-Okay! Y-Yeah, I'll be there. Okay, um... bye!

You quickly hang up the phone before he could say anything else. Okay... now things just got real... you're going to see your dad today.