Chapter Eight: Hi Dad...

Melanie places her hand on your shoulder. It's two minutes till five and you feel like you feel a bit nauseous. Seeing the black car out front, which is Michael's car. And an old rusty red pickup truck that's seen better days let's just say. So it had to be Trevor's vehicle.


Melanie: You got everything you need?

Y/n: Yeah, the papers are in my bag and I'm ready.


She nods before she rings the doorbell. The door opens and you see Jimmy there with a smile on his face.


Jimmy: Y/n, you're here! Good to see you again cousin. Come in, he's in the living room waiting for ya. I made sure my dad didn't say anything yet since I knew you wanted to be the one to say it. I-I kept in myself too.

Y/n: (Smile) Thanks Jimmy.


You three walk into the living room, seeing both Michael and Trevor sitting on the long couch far from each other. There seems to be some tension between the two as you saw your dad giving Michael an angry look. They both look up at you and stand up.

Melanie stands close next to you as Trevor is now in front of you. A strong smell emanates from him. The smell of sweat, dirt, you think maybe pee or blood and who knows what else, which causes you and Melanie to take a step back from him. You see his tattoo around his neck, which says "Cut here" with small line marks surrounding his neck. Scars on his face, his hair looks... weird... Wearing an orange t-shirt with the beer logo "Dusche Gold" in the middle, tan-colored loose jeans, and light brown work boots. You feel your fear returning as he stares down at you as you're only 5.2 feet tall and he's probably about 6.1 feet tall. But you know you have to tell him.


Trevor: So what's going on? You're the one who called me?

Y/n: Y-Yes sir.


Jimmy then places his hand on your shoulder, smiling as he nods at you. Signaling you that it'll be okay.


Y/n: I... umm


You take the papers from your bag and straighten them up before looking up back at Trevor.


Y/n: I wanted to tell you that... I'm your daughter...

Trevor: (His eyes widened and steps a bit closer to you) What?

Michael: You heard her T, show him the papers kid.


You hand Trevor the papers and he takes him. Taking the time to thoroughly read each paper, you just hope that he accepts you as his daughter so you could have a dad in your life. You know have a mom and a grandmother that care deeply about you. But it would also be so great to have a dad. As uncomfortable as you may be right now, you hope he'll care about you too.


Michael: I can definitely see a resemblance.

Jimmy: Me too! (Jimmy stands next to Trevor) The hair, the eyes, she's like a female clone of you uncle T! O-Of course, not an exact female clone y-you know, I was thinking more of a like uh-

Michael: We get it Jim.


Trevor's finally done reading the papers and looks at you. But the resting bitch face is no longer there and instead, is speechless as he tries to figure out something.


Trevor: What's your mom's name?

Y/n: Alice Peterson, from back in North Yankton.

Trevor: Alice?... Oh... Alice.


It gets quiet very quickly as neither of you doesn't know what to say. You can only look down on the floor while he continues to stare at you.


Y/n: I... I was hoping that... we could have a father and daughter relationship. B-But I'll understand if you don't want to.

Trevor:... This is a... but uh... yeah, we can. So where's Alice?

Y/n: She's serving time in prison in my home state for robbery. My grandma took care of me since I was born. And she told me that you and my mom were dead until I went online and took a DNA test.


Michael then hangs up the phone and walks back over to Trevor. You didn't even realize he was on the phone until he hangs up.


Michael: Hey, I don't wanna break this touching family moment, but we got a job to do. Come on.


Trevor: I'll see you after we're done.


Michael: Come on, we can't keep them waiting.


Trevor and Michael walk out the door, leaving you three behind in the living room. Well... it went a little better than you expected. At least he says he's willing to have you in his life, but we'll see what his actions say later on. You do have the whole summer here in Los Santos.


Jimmy: I knew he would say you're his daughter. I bet he's going to be a better dad than my dad. Trust me, he really cares about me and Tracy a-and now he's got you!

Melanie: He really stinks though.

Jimmy: Oh uh yeah. That's uncle T for ya. But he's a really great guy. He's just been through some things growing up.

Y/n: Yeah, and at least we're at a good start.






Michael: I've never seen you this quiet. You're that shocked?

Trevor: It's... still processing in my head. I know she's my daughter and... That old trailer trash bitch! She kept me away from her and I didn't know she existed until now!

Michael: Woah, take it easy there T. I'm sure she had her reasons for keeping her away. I can think of a couple.

Trevor: I could have been a great father! And you wanna sit there and make fun of the situation?

Michael: You still got time to be a father. She's here ain't she? Coming all the way to Los Santos just to find you. Sure you lost some years, but you can still make it up to her.

Trevor: I don't even know where to start.

Michael: Also, you made a baby with Alice? All in Alice? (Laughs) I was not expecting that.

Trevor: Don't make fun of her! She was a sweet lady and I'm sure she still is now.

Michael: Yeah, until she smoked crack, and next thing you know she was "hanging" around with the employees at the pawnshop. Yeah, sweet lady.

Trevor: You're the only guy I know who has kids. You're not the best father or decent father from what I've been seeing. But you're a father at that. You wouldn't be my first choice for advice on dealing with kids, but you're here.

Michael: Thank T, that really means a lot coming from you.

Trevor: So what do I do? I mean, I have some ideas.

Michael: Whatever you have in mind, I'm sure she's not going to be into that. I don't see her as a robber, killer, or psychotic like you. How about going to Del Perro Pier, the beach, boating, kayaking, fishing, going to the park, movie theater? Of course, you have to be on your best behavior T.

Trevor: Yeah... I was thinking more like hunting.

Michael: I hope you mean hunting animals.

Trevor: Hunting it is! I can teach her how to use a shotgun and a rifle. I know a good place.

Michael: Sounds good. You know, I'd never thought I see this day coming. I mean you, a father? But congratulations.

Trevor: I'm going to be a great dad. And I'm not going to spoil her with thousands of dollars worth of make-up and plastic bullshit. Because she doesn't need them. No. I'm going to teach her what real America is.

Michael: Well maybe not make-up and surgery. I know she doesn't need that, but a father is always going to spoil his daughter. And this is your only kid and daughter, so you're going to want to protect her from everything and everyone. We're here.






You, Melanie, and Jimmy are at the beach building sandcastles right now. Melanie grabs a surfboard and heads for the ocean while you and Jimmy are trying to build the biggest sandcastle you can create.


Jimmy: Thanks for letting me come with you guys. It gets so boring at the house.

Y/n: No worries, besides it's good to spend some family time. But where's your sister by the way? I still haven't seen her yet.

Jimmy: Oh uh... She's been busy trying to get into Vinewood. You know, with acting, singing, and dancing. She's probably hanging out in the studio or with her friends.

Y/n: Well I hope I get to meet her. Hey, do we need any more water?

Jimmy: Yeah, I can go get it if you want.

Y/n: You're cool, I'll get it. Maybe I'll find a seashell while I'm over there.


Grabbing the bucket, you head for the water. You see Melanie talking to a couple of other surfers before they take on another wave further out. The salty smell of the ocean makes you smile. Although it is hot outside, it's a wonderful day to be outside. You fill the bucket with water and then a small wave hits the shore, the cold water just reaching above your ankles making you shiver. But as soon as the wave goes back in, you see a beautiful clamshell. As quickly as you could, you grabbed the shell before it could be taken back by another wave.


Y/n: Sweet!


You place the shell in your beach shorts pocket before taking the bucket back to where Jimmy is.


Y/n: I'm back! How's the sand castle going?

Jimmy: Pretty good. Hey, I'm going to get some lemonade. Do you want anything? There's lemonade, funnel cakes, and fried pickles for some reason.

Y/n: Ooh, a lemonade sounds good right now.

Jimmy: You got it couz.


As you continue building a sandcastle, you hear a little girl laughing from a near distance. You turn your head to see a little girl, maybe about three years old, in her little pink bathing suit and her father following right behind her. You couldn't help but smile at the scene, a father spending time with his daughter. The father then picks her up and place her over his shoulder and pretends to be an airplane, making her laugh.

A small frown replaces the smile you just had. If only your grandmother would have told Trevor about you, would he have been a good father? Would things be different now? Probably. Fifteen years later and you just met him today. You just hope for when you come back home by the end of the summer, you can gladly say that you have a father figure in your life.






Trevor makes it back to the condo he's been staying in with Wade and Floyd. He enters the home and while thinking of what to do next; he sits down on the couch.


Wade: Welcome back Trevor. (Hands him a beer)

Trevor: (Takes the beer) Thanks Wade.


He sighs before putting the closed beer bottle on the coffee table and heading toward the bathroom. He opens the door and sees Floyd peeing on the toilet.


Trevor: Move! I gotta use the shower.


He shoves Floyd out of the bathroom and shuts the door. Floyd had to quickly zip up his pants as he was just pushed out of the bathroom. Trevor turns on the water and undresses before stepping into the shower. He knows it's been... a while since he used the shower. But he knows his usual smell keeps everyone at a great distance. So taking a shower before seeing you would be a good idea, and wearing clothes that don't have any traces of his victims' blood is also a good idea. He definitely doesn't want to scare you away. Have you fear him like everyone else.



Later That Night...



After spending most of the day at the beach, Jimmy went off home in a taxi. So now, you and Melanie just got off the rollercoaster having the time of your life. It's night out and thankfully not as hot as it was earlier.


Melanie: Okay, I think that lemonade is really starting to hit me. I'll be right back. Stay right here okay?

Y/n: Okay.


She hurries to the bathroom nearby while you just hang around waiting for her to get back. But while you wait, you then get a call from Trevor.


*Y/n: Hello?*

*Trevor: Y/n hey, I know it's late for a call, but I need to let you know that I need to get some things done before you can come over. It's going to take a day or two.*

*Y/n: Okay, that's fine, no worries.*

*Trevor: I'm not ignoring you. I just got to Los Santos myself and I need to make sure some things are in line with my business. Right now I've been called to do some business for a FIB agent and it might take me all night to get it done.*

*Y/n: That's okay, and I know me dropping the I'm your daughter bomb must have been a huge surprise.*

*Trevor: I know I wasn't there for you since the day you were born. I wish I knew so I could have been a good father to you. Hell, I'd give anything to know and be there for you. But now that you're here and I'm here, we can definitely have good quality father-daughter time. I even have a couple of presents for you when I see you.*

*Y/n: Really? Aw, y-you didn't have to.*

*Trevor: Nope. You're my daughter, and I want you to know that I care about you. I'll see you in a couple of days alright?*

*Y/n: (Smile) Okay, I'll see you later.*


You hang up. Meanwhile, Trevor is leaning over the white wooden railing of the place he's been staying in. This is still so new to him. He's never been a father before and didn't think he could be a father if he's being honest to himself. He thinks about his own father... and he realizes... he doesn't know how to be a father... But this is his chance to be one and to finally have a family of his own. Sure, you're not a baby or a little kid and your mom's in prison right now, but that doesn't matter right now.


Trevor: Wade!


Wade then hurries out the door and sees Trevor standing there with blood on his hands.


Trevor: Take care of that.


Trevor points to the possibly dead man lying on the ground and bleeding from the head. That's when Floyd comes out to check out what's going on since he did hear a guy scream for half a second.


Trevor: (Points at Floyd) You, get rid of everything in there. Everything.


Trevor points to the other apartment room right across from Floyd's apartment before going down the stairs and getting into his truck while Wade drags the body to the back of the building and into another building's dumpster. Floyd hurries into the dead guy's apartment building and gets rid of everything he sees before eventually, Wade comes in to help him.

Trevor is telling the truth about doing something for an FIB agent. In fact, that FIB agent told him, Micheal, and some other guy named Frank to kidnap a guy today from the IAA. But while he's doing that, he's going to have some things prepared for you.