Chapter Sixteen: Fast Cars & A Helicopter Joyride

Before the tennis ball could hit the ground on your side of the court, you manage to swing your racket upwards at the right moment. Hitting the tennis ball, it flies over the net and hits Jimmy's side of the court.

It's not too hot outside, but it's definitely sunny with a few clouds in the sky. The radio nearby plays the local news in the background as you and Jimmy play tennis.


Radio: In tragic news, yesterday, four members of the jury selected to be in the case against Redwood Cigarettes have been killed. All four had a single gunshot wound to the head. Some say this was possibly a planned assassination, as these murders happened within nine hours. But other resources have suggested that they got what they had coming. Stick around, and when we come back from the commercials we're going to interview one of the victim's ex-fiancee.

Fiancee: This is exactly what he fucking gets for breaking up with me for some dumb bimbo. When we were together, he used to always say he was working late, when he was actually getting swallowed while sitting out in the middle of the ocean on his boat.


Then the radio plays a commercial as you and Jimmy take a break.


Y/n: Why are the news channels so weird?

Jimmy: What do you mean?

Y/n: Like for one, regular news channels would censor curse and sexual words. And the commercials are pretty weird too.

Jimmy: It's not normal? I thought all the news channels are like this. Well, this is Los Santos. A lot happens in this city that I guess I'm so used to it.

Y/n: Oh.

Jimmy: Hey, you want some lemonade? Or water? I can get the maid to come bring us some.

Y/n: A lemonade will be good thanks.


As Jimmy walks away, you get a call from Melanie. You haven't spoken to her since she left.


Y/n: Hey Melanie, how's things going over there?

Melanie: Y/n! I am so sorry for not texting and calling like I said I was. My mother has been going on and off and I'm still here in the hospital. For now the doctors say she's doing okay, and I just realized that I haven't talked to you in days and again, I'm so sorry.

Y/n: Hey, it's okay.

Melanie: How are things over there? Are you okay?

Y/n: I've okay, no worries. In fact, it's been great over here. Right now I'm playing tennis with Jimmy. And Trevor, he's a great dad. I had him all wrong.

Melanie: Really? Oh. Well, I'm glad he's stepping up to the plate. Oh, I have to go, the doctor's here. I promise I'll try to text you as often as I can.

Y/n: Alright, see ya Melanie.


She hangs up the phone. Man, you hope her mother is doing okay. You can understand she's been staying by her mother's side in the hospital. You hope she gets better soon. Then Jimmy calls for you from by the pool.


Jimmy: Hey Y/n! The pizza's here!

Y/n: Oh fuck yeah!








Michael: Get out of the fucking car! You pint-size prick!


Michael swings the car door open and forcibly pulls the young man out of the orange lux car before getting in. Trevor does the same by pushing the other man into the street.


Trevor: And you, you little shit. Get the fuck out of here! Go on!


Trevor gets into the dark blue Lux car and he, along with Franklin and Michael, speed off into the highway. The plan is to take these two lux cars to a rich guy name Devin Weston. The three men in crime have their phones on a three-way call so they can talk.


Franklin: Man, I'm sick of driving so slow, staying with these fools. Can we have a real race?

Trevor's: Devin's lonely lawyer says do to Hayes Auto in South LS, so that's where I'll be waiting.

Franklin: We'll see about that.

Trevor: I vote, we indulge in his childish need to play. Besides, it's his head on the block if they get scratched.


As Trevor takes the lead in this wild race on the highway, he hangs up the call and calls his business partner Ron. He needs to make sure Ron's been doing the work and seeking more opportunities to steal from Merryweather or some other criminal organization.


Ron: Trevor. You called?

Trevor: No shit. What's happening?

Ron: My ex-wife called me again.

Trevor: Man, there is nothing worse in the world than an ex-wife. A perpetual reminder of life's mistakes.

Ron: A dreadful mistake. She's thinking of suing me again.

Trevor: For what? You live in a trailer.

Ron: She heard my radio show.

Trevor: If she heard your radio show, she should pity you, not sue you.

Ron: (Laughs) That's nice Trevor.

Trevor: No Ron. It's not. It's unkind, but it's also true. Your ex-wife was a bitch. I did you the favor of a lifetime when I scared her off.

Ron: You did, you really did.

Trevor: If after twelve years of a happy marriage, one simple threat of dismemberment was enough to send her running... Well, I don't know. And she was having an affair. We proved that.

Ron: You're right Trevor. She wasn't committed enough.

Trevor: Exactly, Ron. Now get back to fucking work, alright? What are you yabbing to me for?


Trevor hangs up and gets back in the three-way phone conversation with Franklin and Michael.


Trevor: What's your angle Mike?

Michael: What do you mean? How I'm going to beat your ass in this race? Don't worry, I'm taking care of that.

Trevor: I mean, is it just the smell of green? Or is there some other thing with this guy and you? It feels funky.

Michael: I'm just trying to do what's best for Frank. You know, help him make the best of the chances he's given.

Trevor: If it's about the girl, I saw her first.

Michael: Don't get too creepy, alright? She's a professional woman who's doing a job and leave it at that.

Franklin: No sexual harassment in the workplace T. Not on my watch.

Trevor: I'm serious, both of you. Back off her.


The three men get to the AutoStop, with Trevor winning the speed race. There they speak with Devin Weston and his assistant about the next luxury car they're going to steal. But this time, it's just going to be Trevor and Franklin.




...Later that day...




Just as the sun finally settled for the day, Trevor walks into the police station. He's done a lot of dumb and probably some "unnecessary" things in his life. But walking into a police station is the one thing he wouldn't really do. Luckily for him, Devin bribed the police not to look twice at him and what he'll be doing with the helicopter.


Trevor: Devin Weston sent me.

Officer: Oh. Oh, right. Uhh, the helipad is on the roof.


Trevor proceeds to walk into the locker room of the police station, where there's a door that leads to the staircase. He goes up the stairs and soon makes his way up to the roof, where a member of the police department greets him.


???: You here for the ride along? Jump in.

Trevor: Ride along? Sure, let's go.


Trevor gets in the passenger seat of the helicopter and buckles up just as the officer starts the helicopter and they soon take off.


Trevor: Boot up the scanner thing. It can pick up those new ID cards, right? When it's on, just fly where I point.

???: Okay, booting up. You can use the sticks to move the camera, zoom in and out. It'll pick up pedestrians carrying the 2012 SA state license. If you target them, the scanner accesses the database and pulls their record.

Trevor: Fine, I got a pal on the ground we're gonna go see.

???: So hey, you researching a movie? or TV? You're a screenwriter, right?

Trevor: Mmm, not exactly.

???: An actor, it kind of smells like you're researching a role.








You know what, instead of walking around the beach and overhearing some weird conversations. You decided to order takeout and have a movie night here in your hotel room. A night to relax and re-watch your favorite movies while eating good take-out food in your pajamas.


Y/n: Alright, which one do I wanna watch...


You could watch a horror movie and risk getting scared of every little noise around you. Or you could watch a good comedy movie and laugh your ass off until your stomach hurts and you can't eat anymore.

You then see your phone ding, meaning that someone sent you a message. After picking your phone up from the nightstand, you see that it's your grandma that sent you a message. You haven't really spoken to her since a while ago. You kind of don't want to talk to her, let alone text her.

Like of course you still love her and all, but... you just wish she told you the truth about your parents. But maybe telling her about how Trevor's been a good dad will make her realize that he isn't the monster that she made him out to be.


*I hope you and Melanie are having a good time in Los Santos. Goodnight Y/n.*


Assuming that Melanie is also telling her that you two are still in Los Santos and not here by yourself, you play along.


*We're having a great time here. It's always sunny and hot. We're close to the beach and the small carnival. I'm just about to hit the hay, good night Grandma.*

*Good night honey.*


You're really not going to sleep anytime soon, you just said that so you wouldn't have to text her as much. You love her, but you're still pretty pissed at her.




...A Little While Later...




After driving into a parking garage, Franklin gets out of his car and is in search of the guy in a Z-Type car. But Franklin can't seem to find the guy as there's dozens of cars parked, and this parking garage has 5 levels. Because it's dark now and the Z-Type is black, it's a little difficult to figure out where it is.


Franklin: Hey, can y'all still see me? I'm in the middle of the garage, man, right here.

Trevor: I've got you.


Trevor is using the thermal vision while the pilot keeps the helicopter as steady as he can.


Franklin: Hey, you reading other heat signatures on this level?


Trevor looks around the garage building level by level until he sees a man sitting in his car, and the shape of the car fits the description.


Trevor: Near the side of the garage, on my left. There's a man in a car.

Franklin: This better be him.


Trevor kind of turns to the pilot and, almost in anger, he says...


Trevor: This better be the guy.

Franklin: Hey, that's the motherfucker, thank you Trevor Philips.


As the man gets out of the Z-Type, he tries to convince Franklin that the car isn't really worth that much. But he doesn't get to say another sentence as Franklin hits him in the head from the bottom of his handgun.


Trevor: Suspect down! Fine work brown unit.

Franklin: Alright, I got it.

Trevor: Good job brown unit, now we'll let you take it from here.


Trevor tells the pilot to take off away from the garage, and the pilot does just that.


???: Hey, what was that about?

Trevor: What was what about?

???: Your friend jacking somebody's car. I thought you guys were doing research for a movie or something. But chasing the poor guy, almost causing multiple collisions, and stealing his car goes far beyond illegal. This is something I have to report back at the station.

Trevor: Or you could look the other way, pretend like it's just another day on the job. Shitting on innocent people and letting anyone willing to bribe you get away.

???: You're fucking crazy! I knew something bad was going to happen. I thought this was all for a tv show, a movie, or something relating to Vinewood.

Trevor: Hey! Calm down. You're starting to irritate me.

???: I'm landing this thing back at the station and you and your little friend are going away for a long time.


Letting his anger get the better of him, Trevor quickly unbuckles the man's seatbelt before violently pushing to his side of the door. The man tries to defend himself, but it's not much since he needs to have both hands on the handle to fly the helicopter.

Trevor then unbuckled his seatbelt before reaching over to his side of the door and opening it. It takes a few more seconds, but Trevor finally manages to push the guy out of the helicopter.


Trevor: I hope it was a soft landing!


Trevor quickly closes the door and takes control of the helicopter. He could land this back at the station or somewhere where they won't ever find it. But he has another idea in mind.




...Several minutes later...




As you're watching the movie, you hear a helicopter close by from outside, but you don't think much about it. That's when you get a call from Trevor.


*Y/n: Hey dad.*

*Trevor: Y/n, come to the roof of the hotel you're in. I got a surprise for ya.*

*Y/n: The roof?*

*Trevor: The staircase leads to the roof, I'll see ya when you get up here.*


He hangs up, leaving you confused. What the hell is he doing on the roof? Nevertheless, you need to check out what surprise he has for you up there.

Instead of putting on jeans, you put on sweatpants. And instead of wearing a crop top or regular T-shirt, you put on a thin long-sleeve top, since you know it can get a little windy at night.

You grab your phone before walking out of the hotel room and make your way toward the staircase down the hallway. You open the door and walk up four levels before finally making it up to the roof of the hotel.

When you open the door, you see Trevor standing in front of a helicopter.


Trevor: Ready to go on a helicopter ride?

Y/n: You know how to fly a helicopter?!

Trevor: Helicopters, jets, crop-dusters, come on.


You happily run over to the helicopter and get in. Before Trevor puts the helicopter back into flight mode, he makes sure you're buckled up. Once you are, he buckles up and turns the helicopter on into flight mode. Soon the helicopter takes flight, and it isn't long before you guys are over twenty stories high and still going higher.


Y/n: This is so fucking cool! I didn't know you're a pilot.

Trevor: Oh yeah, your dad here has been flying planes since I lived in Canada. Well, the Canadian border region of America. I signed up to be in the air force to fly all day long.

Y/n: You're in the air force?

Trevor: Yes and no... I did pass all my tests and requirements but... the day before I could get my wings, a "vile" woman in charge of psychological evaluations told me I couldn't handle it and grounded me, for life.

Y/n: That's fucked up. You deserve to have gotten your wings.

Trevor: I know right. When that happened, it sent me into a deep pit of doubt and despair. I thought that I wasn't good enough, not just being a pilot, but also as a human being.

Y/n: That's terrible.

Trevor: It was. But hey, the important thing right now is that I'm more focused on making sure my "old friend" Michael makes things right, my company, and you.


A smile spreads across your face when he says that. You think it's pretty safe to say that you will have a father figure in your life.

You take your phone out and take a bunch of pictures of the ground below and the tall buildings lighting the city. It's so beautiful up here, and it's still so fucking cool that your dad knows how to fly a helicopter. You can't wait to shove this in your grandmother's face.

You then switch your phone camera before holfing your phone out in front of you and Trevor to take a selfie. You take a one selfie with him when he's focused on flying the helicopter and one when he actually notices and he smiles with you at the camera.

He continues flying the helicopter throughout the city of Los Santos while you two chat just about whatever came to mind. It was mostly you telling stories when you were younger since he knows he wouldn't want to bum you out by telling you about his childhood.

This continues for a couple of hours before he lands the helicopter back on the roof of the hotel. There, he says good night to you and tells you to go right to bed since it's pretty late. You don't think it's that late. It's only 1:00 a.m. But hey, you are a little tired and sleeping right now wouldn't do any harm.

Plus, you can't wait to hang out with him again. Who knows what you're going to do while you're here in Los Santos.