Chapter Seventeen: Homies Help Homies

Michael is coming out of the studio to get some lunch after spending the morning helping the producer with the new movie that's going to come out soon.

But as soon as he leaves the studio, he gets a call from a man that would have killed him for tearing his house down. But they've been cool since Michael gave him the money plus some interest.


Michael: Mr. Madrazo. How's the rebuilding going?

Mr. Madrazo: Good. I need to see you. Come to La Fuerta Blanca first thing in the morning. My ranch off Senora Road. And bring Mr. Clinton.

Michael: Hey, look, Franklin? I hardly know the kid. I don't want him caught up in this.

Mr. Madrazo: You'll need another pair of hands.

Michael: Alright, there's another guy. Trevor Philips, me and him are partners.

Mr. Madrazo: Okay, I'll have my people messenger him.








Trevor is standing in behind a railing, also in front of a woman sitting down as she tries to enjoy her meal. But he says something gross that makes her walk away pretty quick.


Trevor: You suck cock, but you don't eat meat? It makes no sense to me.


The woman, annoyed and disturbed not just by his words but also by his presence makes her get up and leave. There goes another woman that he's either pissed off, annoyed, and/or creeped out.

It doesn't bother him that she got up and left him like that, he just takes the rejection as usual. But as he's walking back to his truck he gets a call from Michael, so he answers it.


Trevor: Michael - man, good to know you actually care enough for you to be the one calling me.

Michael: T, hey man. An opportunity just came up, someone is going to send you the address and I need you to be there in the morning tomorrow.

Trevor: I hope this a real opportunity and not another one of your tricks.

Michael: Hey, this is real. Trust me, he's not any guy you ever worked for.

Trevor: Oh I bet. I also bet Brad would have loved to join us. You know, he's being held in this state's penitentiary.

Michael: Yeah, we'll talk about that later. But hey I'm curious, how's being a father going? I know being a father to a teenager must be rough, I should know. I got two ungrateful kids.

Trevor: It's going very well as a matter of fact. My daughter isn't a spoiled brat, and she knows how to shoot from a rifle. But I am thinking about taking her to the shooting range, so she can practice on using more than just rifles.

Michael: Well, I'm happy to hear things are going well. Now, I just need to get my fat son off his ass.

Trevor: You only have you and Amanda to blame, buddy.


Trevor hangs up, not wanting to hear any more bitching from him. Trevor knows Michael long enough to know that Michael usually doesn't like taking the blame. Even if it is his fault. And if he were to take the blame for something, his heart and tone wouldn't agree.




...Meanwhile with You...




You're inside one of the shops in front of the beach. This shop sells handmade lotions, hand soaps, shampoo and conditioners, body butter and bath bombs. And right now, you're looking at the body butters.


~~Sex Bomb~~

~~Unicorn Poop~~

~~Pina Colada~~

~~Beach Bum~~

~~Cotton Candy~~

~~Flower Bombshell~~

~~ Los Santos Sunset~~

~~Mocha Coffee~~


There's so many to choose from and your basket is more than halfway full of body sprays and lotions.


???: I don't give a living fuck what you say, I cannot wait another month to get it!

Owner: Ma'am, they're for a limited collection and we're not going to sell them early. You'll have to wait until we release them which is next month.

???: I can buy that collection a hundred times with less than a half of my paycheck.


You see a blonde woman in her late twenties arguing with both the employee and owner at the cash register. And by listening to the conversation, well, the scene the blonde woman is making, is pretty safe to say she's a spoiled and impatient bitch. You've been hearing things like this every now and then ever since you came to Los Santos, and it's getting pretty annoying now.


???: You all should be thanking me for buying a lot of your products! What I can buy today, is what you sell in a year.


Just as the blonde woman is walking towards the door, you sneaky pull your foot out, causing the woman to trip and fall down. The moment you knew that she was about to fall was when you walked away so she doesn't think it was you who did it.

She falls face first into the floor. You hear something broke, and what you did is causing her to bleed out from her nose. In a panic, the woman cries in pain and she runs out of the building as she heads for the hospital.

You just let out a little smirk before you walk to the register to pay what you already have in your basket. That felt really good and satisfying. Had your grandmother been here, there would be no way you could do that in front of her.


Owner: Hey, thanks for doing that.

Employee: Yeah, that lady keeps coming here and just expects us to give her discounts and things that aren't even out yet.

Owner: Let this whole thing stay between the three of us, okay? I don't want to risk getting into trouble or anything.

Y/n: No worries, I gotcha.

Owner: How's a fifteen percent discount sound? As a thank you for your kind service.








A black man in his twenties, by the name of Lamar gets into Trevor's red truck.


Lamar: So what's up homie? How you been?

Trevor: Homie? We're homies now? Now we're homies?

Lamar: Fo'shiggadale.

Trevor: For shiggerdale... good. Good to know. I was keen to graduate from Bro to Homie.

Lamar: Then you graduated homie.

Trevor: Say Homie, you have any kids?

Lamar: Fuck no. I'm careful with my shit dog. I wrap it up and pack it up.

Trevor: Well, I was just wondering if you do. Michael can't be the only guy I know who has kids and so far he's having been doing a good job with it.

Lamar: Oh yeah, I've heard you got a daughter. Is she like, just as crazy as you? Or even more crazy?

Trevor: She's not crazy. She's a normal kid.

Lamar: If you say so. But if I had a dad like you, shit will go down. I mean maybe not eating people crazy. But like-

Trevor: I get it.


It is true that you can inherit personality traits from your parents. But only time will tell if you do have a personality trait or two that comes from Trevor.




...Later that Day...




You're back at the hotel, playing a video game while eating some carry out food. It's the late afternoon, and you could walk around the broad walk again, but you don't feel like it. It does get boring here, but thankfully you bought a bunch of games to keep you busy. You even bought an Open-Box Laptop today instead of buying a brand new one to save you a couple hundred dollars.

You then get a phone call, and it's from Jimmy. He's probably calling you to see if you want to play online with him. Sure, he seems shy and a little timid, but he's a really good cousin and friend.


*Y/n: Hey Jim, you wanna play online?*

*Jimmy: Actually.... uh, I'm still setting some things over here in the hotel room.*

*Y/n: Is everything okay?*

*Jimmy: My dad he... he's gone too crazy and we couldn't handle his temper anymore. So we moved out. Me, Tracy and my mom took some of our things and now we're going to be here at the Richman Hotel for a while. Mom said she's going to talk to a lawyer.*

*Y/n: Jesus, I'm sorry Jimmy.*

*Jimmy: Hey, don't worry. If anything, my dad had this coming for a long time. I mean, I love my dad. I just wish... he was normal. Like, not a drunk and quick to anger kind of normal, you know?*

*Y/n: Yeah, I know.*

*Jimmy: I gotta go. My mom wants me to unpack some stuff. But we can play online tomorrow night if you want.*

*Y/n: Yeah, we can do that. I'll see ya later Jimmy.*

*Jimmy: See ya to couzette.*


You hang up. Poor Jimmy man... It sucks that he has a dad like Michael. You wish he and his family don't have to go through the shit that Michael puts them in everyday. You still can't forget about what Amanda said to him the first time you saw him. That he's a lying and murdering shit. And he was cheating on her with a stripper.

Wait a minute... if he murder someone, why isn't he in prison right now? Was it like, in self-defence or...

That's when your phone starts to ring and you see that it's your dad calling you.


*Y/n: Hey dad.*

*Trevor: Y/n, you're doing okay over there? You need anything?*

*Y/n: No, I got everything I need here. I got some carry-out about an hour ago and I'm pretty much good for today.*

*Trevor: That's good. I'm also calling because something came up and I'll be gone for an opportunity tomorrow morning. I should be back that same day.*

*Y/n: That's alright. I'm not really going anywhere. Just walk around the beach, do some shopping or just walk around and see what's there. I'm thinking about going mini-golfing tomorrow.*

*Trevor: Just call a cab to and back to the hotel. I don't want you walking out there in the city for too long.*

*Y/n: I will dad.*

*Trevor: I'll bring you a souvenir when I get back. And I'm taking you to the gun range so you can practice on your aim with a variety of guns to choose from.*

*Y/n: If my grandmother finds out you took me to a gun range, she'll completely lose it. She raised me not to like guns since she believes that it only brings violence and stuff like that.*

*Trevor: Well, did you enjoy our hunting trip?*

*Y/n: Yeah.*

*Trevor: Did you enjoy shooting animals with a rifle?*

*Y/n: Yeah, I did.*

*Trevor: Then you're perfectly fine with guns. There's nothing wrong with hunting for fun and sport. I do it all the time. Now, I gotta go, I'll see ya probably tomorrow, if not the next day after that.*

*Y/n: Alright, good night dad.*

*Trevor: Good night.*


As soon as he hangs up the phone, he makes another call to Jack to watch over you while he's away. He's been in this plastic shithole of a city long enough not to trust any part of it at all. And he needs to make sure that someone is going to protect you from all the "sane" people here, as Michael likes to call them. Of course Michael would think everybody in this town is sane. But Trevor knows that Michael is just as fake as every other plastic tit in this town.


*Jack: You call Trevor?*

*Trevor: Yeah, I'm going away for a day or two tomorrow, and I need you to watch my daughter while I'm gone.*

*Jack: No problem. I'll be out there in the early morning by the hotel.*

*Trevor: Thank you. Now are you sure you don't want to come work for me? I can even offer you a huge discount on meth and heroin. And here in T.P Inc, we're like a family.

*Jack: No thanks, I'm not into getting into drugs.*

*Trevor: Okay well, the offer is still there. Think about it.


Trevor then hangs up. He doesn't know what he's going to do, or kill, tonight, but he is going to the bar and have a couple of drinks. Who knows if he'll meet somebody or throw someone off a bridge again. The night is young, and he's going to have some fun before going to work tomorrow.