The shock from the earlier incident still resonates in my memory as we left the dinning room.
"I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I feel guilty for putting you through that" Osondu said as we entered the kitchen.
"You don't have to apologize, I mean you didn't planned for that to happen" I replied as I dusted the dirt on my clothes before leaving the kitchen.
Heading towards my room, I was excited to see Adaure coming towards my direction.
"We live in the same palace but it seems we live miles away from each other" I said as I hugged her.
"You know the task I was assigned this week is a hectic one that's why I'm always scarce this days" Adaure explained.
"I guess you are heading towards the meeting hall" she said as I stared surprisedly at her.
"What is happening over there?" I asked as she stared at me with hands akimbo.
"Don't tell me you don't know that today is the day all the servants will be assigned to their permanent duty post?" She asked as I placed my hand on my forehead.
"It skipped my mind, I hope we are not late for the meeting" I said as I started heading to the hall as Adaure followed behind me.
We met a full hall as everyone was busy discussing in twos and trios.
"I wonder what post I will be assigned to today" I overheard a maiden said as the tension inside me rose.
I wouldn't mind being in any duty post pertaining it doesn't relates or links to the prince, his presence alone scares me.
The presence of miss Margaret brought tranquility to the hall, she walked majestically followed by two older maidens into the hall.
"Listen everyone" she shouted " I hope you all know the reason why we are having this meeting today?" She asked.
"Yes Miss Margaret" we chorused.
"Alright, I want you all to know that whatever duty post you are assigned to today automatically becomes your permanent duty in this palace unless I say otherwise" she said.
"Yes ma" we chorused as she nodded.
"Kate" she called out as one of the maiden that came with her stepped out.
"Please read out the names" she said as she sat down on an empty seat in the center of the hall.
I couldn't believe I was appointed as one of the personal maids of the prince, I sigh in annoyance of the problem in disguise duty assigned to me.
"You know I wish I'm you right now, I heard the queen is kind off scary sometimes, being one of her personal maid won't be easy" Adaure said.
"Then let's switch place, I will be happy to do that" I said.
"You know that can't be possible" Adaure said as I reasoned with her.
The loud sound of the bell woke me up as I hastily rushed into the bathroom before any of my roommate, I dressed up and left the room in a hurry to meet up with my morning duty, I hissed remembering miss Margaret instruction to me yesterday.
"You must make sure to replace the vase of lily with a new one every morning, the prince likes the smell of fresh lily every morning therefore you must not forget that, dress his bed and cleanup his room after that and that should be done as early as" she said with serious expression.
I walked towards the long passage leading to the prince chamber, his chamber was located far from other royal family members and I wonder why.
My heart hammered as I raised up my right hand to knock on the day, I gathered the last courage I have as I finally knocked.
"How come no one is answering?" I asked within myself as I placed my hands on the door.
I was surprised when the door gave way by itself.
The sight I met inside almost freezed me at a spot.
"I'm sorry sir, I , I ," I stammered as I turned to leave the room.
"Stop there" I stopped at the sound of his voice.
I can't believe I just badged in on a half naked man, the sight of the prince coming out of his bathroom with just a towel around his waist replayed in my head as I shut my eyes tight while backing him.
"Turn around" I was taken by surprised as I didn't know how to deal with the situation, this was the first time I was in such situation with a man talk more of a prince. I obeyed him and turned to his direction with my eyes still shut.
"Crazy Homo sapien" I heard him said although I didn't understand one bit of what he meant but I knew he just cursed me.
I stood with my eyes shut but I felt like I was in an empty room as I slightly opened my eyes, I stared around the room but there was no sight of the prince anywhere.
"What just happened" I gasped still recovering from the shock of earlier encounter.
"He is not only cold but also weird" I sighed still looking around to be sure he is no more in the room.
I couldn't stop smiling when I recalled the scared look on the face of one of the maids when she barged on me this morning, I wonder how someone could just barged into someone's room without permission.
"All the people here are just crazy" I thought within myself.
"My prince, what is it that amuse you?" Osondu asked me as he was sitting across my table.
"How long have you been working here?" I asked him as he stared at me.
"My prince I have been working here since six years" he answered.
"That's a long time you know, what do you think about the servants here?" I asked.
"I think they are cool people who are dedicated to their work, they are good and loyal servants" he answered attracting a laughter from me.
"You, I thought you are different,you all are crazy, all the servants here are not normal at all, a normal person can't badge into someone's privacy without permission" I corrected him.
"My prince I don't understand"
"What I'm saying is that the palace is not where you bring in any kind of person to serve as a servant, the servants here don't even know simple royal guidelines and I think all that has to stop from now on" I emphasized as I sipped from my glass of wine.