Chapter sixteen



The walk to the palace was a slow one, the breeze blew through my hair making me to shiver.

"The weather seems cool" the prince said.

"Yes, so cool" I replied with a smile as he spread his hands with his face up.

"I miss this you know" he exclaimed while still staring up with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"What?" I was curious.

"A walk in the dark, when everyone is far asleep in there various homes, when the breeze flows freely with no obstruction, when there is no noise to disrupt nature, I do it often in the states" he said as he now stared at me.

"Have you been outside of this kingdom before?" He suddenly asked.

"Apart from when I do attend school in the neighbouring village, I've never been out before" I answered sincerely attracting a surprised look from him.

"Wow this sounds so boring, I mean how did you even cope with such upbringing?"

"My prince that's how I was destined to grow up, I mean I was even blessed enough to even attend school unlike majority of other children in this kingdom from the low class" I said.

"That means you know how to read and write huh?" He asked as he plugged out a stick of flower planted in the compound.

"Yes atleast I can read and write and I'm proud of it"

"You should be proud of it, that's a great fortune you know, you really need it outside the walls of this kingdom, so where did you stopped?" He asked as I stared confused at him.


"I mean where did you stopped schooling?"

"Luckily I wrote my junior WEAC but I couldn't continue because there was no money" I said as he nodded.

We stopped at the entrance of the palace building.

"It was nice chatting with you, good night okay" he said as I nodded.

"Goodnight too my prince and please go to sleep already, you really need it" I said while wondering where I got the boldness to say that.

He stared intently at me before suddenly smiling.

"I sure will, I promise" he said before turning to leave.

I gently opened the door and sneaked inside, I was happy when I saw the guards still sound asleep in there usual position. I tiptoed towards the passage leading to the maids quarter as everywhere was still quiet.

"I always knew there is something suspicious about you" I stopped in my track at the sudden voice as my hearbeat increased. The light of the passage was switched on as I reluctantly turned to the direction of the voice.

Miss Margaret stood with hands akimbo with her intimidating gaze which was threatening to bore inside me.

"Ah..ah...ah Good evening Miss Margaret" I stammered.

"Good morning, this is a minute past twelve midnight so start explaining, why sneaking around?" I was taken by her question as I raked my brain trying to come up with a suitable lie for her question.

"I was thirsty, so I decided to have a cup of water from the kitchen" I said as she stared at me now coming towards me.

"There is only one kitchen here as far as I know and that kitchen was the one I just came out from a minute ago, so tell me why I didn't see in the kitchen?" She asked as I was caught up in my lie.

"I actually took the water outside, I had a nightmare and I felt like going out to receive the midnight air" I said praying she believes me.

"Are you seeing one of the male servants here?" She suddenly asked as she stared suspiciously at me.

"No miss Margaret" I replied immediately, how can I tell her that I actually went to see the prince himself, I will sure be skinned alive.

"It better not be" she said as she walked passed me.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I gently walked towards my room. My roommates was still asleep when I entered inside as I walked towards my bed and lied down. I got myself engaged with thinking about the prince before sleep took over me.

Prince POV,

I was really busy on my laptop when a knock on the door interrupted me. At first I ignored it but it came again making me wonder who might be knocking on the door at almost midnight. I knew for a fact that it couldn't be Chelsea because she already knows I hate being disturbed whenever I'm working so she dare not violate that rule even while in the state.

"Who is there?" I asked as I stood up and walked towards the door.

The voice that replied made me stop for a moment.

"This can't be, what will she be doing here at this time of the night" I thought to myself while having a second mind that she might not be the one.

My suspicion was confirmed at the sight of her in front of the door as I stared surprisedly at her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her while looking out to see if she came with someone, I mean what normal young maiden can walk through the darkness alone with no fear.

"I brought you this" she said while raising a tray towards me.

I stared at the tray as my eyes flickered in excitement, I wonder how she knew I really needed something to feed on but was too tired to walk to the palace and also the fact that it was almost midnight made me succumbed to waiting till morning.

"Wow, just come in" I said as I opened the door widely to let her in.

I stared at her as she dropped the tray on the table when something caught my attention, she was on her nighties and a transparent one at that.

Her firm and small breast stood erect inviting me for a suck as they were partially visible through the night wear. I took in her physical appearance, she has a thin waist which was connected to a moderately created ass, I looked up as my eyes fell on her flat tummy, her straight legs and flawless skin, I was clearly checking her out which was obviously making her scared. I felt like feeding on her but her petite, innocent and fragile nature made me restrained myself.

"My prince, I have to go now" she said obviously aware of the devilish thought I was battling with.

"So who will take back the tray, plate and cup back?" I asked as she kept quiet not saying a word.

She looked down increasing my want for her, I felt strange being turned on just at the mere sight of her half naked body when I have turned down dozens of girls back in the states even with them naked in front of them.

"What exactly is this girl doing to me?" I asked myself as I swallowed hard.

"I need to warn her to stop coming to me like this because she might not be this lucky next time" I thought within myself as I advanced towards her.

I felt her shuddered at my closeness with her.

"I will walk you back, it's not safe walking in the dark alone" I said after whispering my mind to her. She might not have taken my words to her earlier seriously but I was damn serious, she might not make it out of my sight untouched when next she comes to me dressed in something so revealing.

Chelsea POV,

I stretched my body before standing up from the bed.

"He is not in bed today again" I said while staring at the empty bed I woke up from.

"Is Princewill actually avoiding me and to think that we've not been intimate since I got back is actually stressing me out.

I turned at the noise from the door as the prince walked in with a tired look on his face. He went towards the bed and lied down without even taking a glance at me.

I sigh before walking towards the bed, I gently lied down beside him as I traced my hand towards his trouser fighting to zip it down.

"Chelsea what are you doing?" He whined while staring at me with a questioning gaze.

"I want you baby, please make love to me" I pleaded as I made for his shirt.

"You are not serious, are you?" He asked still not making an attempt to stop me.

"I'm damn serious Princewill, I am a woman for Christ sake, you can't keep doing this to me" I said.

He suddenly stood up which took me by surprise as he head towards the bathroom.

"You are walking out on me huh" I said as I stood up too.

"You want me to make love to you right, like you actually want to have sex" his question caught me off guard but I was not ready to loose to him.

"I am your girlfriend and I have the right to that" I replied attracting a smirk from him. I can never interpret the meaning of such reaction but I knew for sure he was up to something evil and my courage was suddenly going down.

"You want sex right? I will give you sex" he said as he walked towards me.

I shifted back as he advanced towards me.

I was taken unaware at the sudden kiss from him,it was rough and brutal and I felt like I was loosing my breath.

I tried pushing him away but was shocked at the sudden penetration from him, my clothes was partially torned and ripped off but that wasn't my problem but the great pain I was feeling at my down region, he digged inside me in the most wicked way ever. I begged as my energy was finally draining but the person I saw was more than a beast so I knew begging will never work on him.

The door suddenly opened as his early morning servant rushed into the room but froze at a spot at the site of what she saw.

"Damn it" he cursed as he left me immediately and entered the bathroom while I coiled up in pains not minding that I was half naked in front of the maid.

"Just leave" I shouted as she ran out of the room.

I gradually crawled down from the bed as I tried standing up but my down region was sore preventing me to stand or even walk.

I knew the prince can be mean and cold-hearted sometimes but I never knew he was also a beast.