Entering into the prince chamber. The sight I met was frightening and also kind of absurd to me.
"Damn" I heard the prince said before entering the bathroom. I felt like I interrupted something important and I felt guilty but the tears from his girlfriend got me confused.
"Mma are you sure you are okay?" I stopped at the voice of Adaure.
"Yes I'm okay, why asking?" I asked back.
"I have been calling you since but it seems you were occupied with something in your mind?" she asked as I stared at her wondering if I should tell her what I was actually thinking about.
"I actually saw something I shouldn't have seen and I'm still confused what that was all about although I feel it's something sacred" I said as Adaure stared confused at me.
"Can you explain this so called sacred thing you just saw?" Adaure asked with hands akimbo.
"I just saw the prince and his girlfriend" I said as Adaure stared at me in a more confusing way.
"Don't tell me that was what you saw that is making you this absent-minded because there is nothing wrong in seeing the prince and his girlfriend after all they are a couple" Adaure said in a disappointing tone.
"You don't get it Adaure, I saw the prince on top of his girlfriend and his girlfriend was crying, it kind of look confusing and weird to me" I said but was surprised at the sudden laughter from Adaure.
"Oh my dear innocent Mma, don't tell me you don't know what that was, it is called making love, the prince was making love to his girlfriend" Adaure exclaimed.
"Making love? It don't seems so to me, I mean his girlfriend was literally crying" I tried to convey my kind to Adaure.
"Yes making love is what a man does with a woman he loves and the Prince's girlfriend was not crying, she was moaning because she was enjoying the act" Adaure said.
"Oh, I see" I said not wanting to continue the conversation again. Deep down I knew a part of me felt betrayed and I was kind of jealous.
"Does that means the prince loves his girlfriend so much?" I contemplated within myself.
"Anyway she is his girlfriend so she have the right to be loved by him besides he has never told me he loves me before so why feeling jealous?"
"What are you thinking again?" The voice of Adaure interrupted my thoughts.
"Uhm, nothing" I covered up with a faint smile only face.
"Okay then, I will be on my way to the Queen's chamber" Adaure said as she turned to leave.
"Okay, take care" I replied.
Prince POV,
Mma seeing the position I was with Chelsea this morning wasn't what I wanted to happen, her look when she saw us was what I couldn't explain or place my on hand on.
I hastily took my bath I order to dress up for work, coming out of the bathroom I met Chelsea who was still coiled up on the bed, I exhaled when I found out Mma was no longer in the room.
"I think it's time I call it a day" I said to Mark, the closest doctor to me after attending to the last patient during my usual round check.
"You look disturbed today, so tell me buddy, what's up?" He asked as I contemplated within myself whether to let the cat out of the bag or not.
"I'm just stressed out, I need to rest that's all" I said on a second thought.
"Okay if you say so then you really need to rest" he said with a pat on my back.
Walking into the car garage, I hopped into my car as I ignited my car into motion. Deep down I knew something was disturbing me, I felt like Mma was hurt at the sight of what she saw in the morning and I wished she never saw that. I couldn't wait to get her into my home office in the night that way I can explain everything to her.
I couldn't stop myself from trying to fish out Mma as I scanned the maidens which stood on the doorway when I entered the Royal palace. My lingering stare kindoff seemed suspicious as the maidens looked down in order to avoid my gaze, I walked past them when I found out the person I was looking for was not among them.
"My prince, Good evening my prince" the voice of Miss Margaret stopped me as I made to head towards my chamber.
"Miss Margaret" I called while finally turning to her direction.
"Yes my prince" she answered with head bowed.
"I want a favour from you" I said as she suddenly looked up.
"Anything my prince, I'm ready to serve you my prince"
"Okay, I need the full details of one of my personal maid, her name is Mma, how well do you know her?" I found myself asking, I knew my question could sound as a surprise to her but I was too eager to know more about her which was something unacceptable even in the ears of the villagers.
"Ah ah my prince but what should I tell you about her, she is just a maid in the palace" she said.
"I already know about that, tell me something else, something personal about her" I pressed on.
"...but pardon me my prince, there is nothing about her which can be deserving of you to know, she is from the lowest class of our kingdom" she said.
"Lowest class? Does that still exist in our kingdom, that damn hierarchy system" I was surprised to know that such old practice was still in existence even after my fifteen years in the states. The system of grouping the kingdom into different classes was something I came to know as the prince of the kingdom while growing up as the high class group of the kingdom was never allowed to marry or associate with the lower class. It was all making sense to me now, no wonder other maidens was always ganging up on the poor girl.
"You can go now" I said as I left her for my chamber.
Mma's POV,
"Hey the prince wants you to take this to his office" Miss Margaret suddenly barged into the room as I was about to go to bed. She pushed a file into my hands as I stared at her in surprise.
"But why me?" I asked still wondering why I have to go all the way to his home office when she could have done that herself.
"Why you? I'm also asking myself that question, why you of all the elegible maidens in this palace?" She asked back while I wonder the reason behind her outburst.
I gradually wrapped myself with a long jacket while she stood watching my every move, at a point I felt like she wanted to say something to me but she couldn't.
"I will leave now" I said as I made to pass her at the doorway but was stop by a sudden grip from her.
"I don't know what you might have done with the prince but just know that you two are from two different worlds, I hope you are smart enough to know what I mean" she said with gritted teeth.
"I don't understand you miss Margaret" I said honestly.
"Don't be too cheap to sell yourself to the prince, he will never be yours" she said confusing me the more.
The words from miss Margaret kept resounding in my mind on my way to the prince office. I stopped in front of the house as the faint light coming out from the window showed that he was still awake. I raised my hand to knock but was surprised when the door opened followed by the sudden drag from the prince into the house as he hastily closed the door. It was as though he has been waiting for me for so long. I froze at the touch of his body on mine as it dawned on me that he was actually hugging me.
"My prince, what are you doing?" I asked trying to squeeze myself from his firm grip.
"Please don't run from me" he whispered to me as he circled his hands round my waist.
I was dumbstruck as I felt cold all of a sudden, I felt like a little child in his strong arms as I found myself placing my hands on his broad back.
He gently disengaged himself from me as he carried me towards the chair in the room.
"About this morning" he said as he placed me on his left lap which made me felt weird.
"Don't think about it, I promise such won't happen again" he said while staring intently at me. His stare made me shiver as I looked up not knowing what to say or do.
"Can I kiss you" I heard him ask while still staring at me.
"What's a kiss my prince?" I asked because I was ignorant of what he meant by such statement.
The sudden laughter from him made me looked up as I wondered if my question was funny.
"You didn't just asked that question, what planet are you from?" He asked as he stared dreamily at me.
"Are you saying you really don't understand what I said then?" He asked now serious as I nodded.
"Do you really want me to show you what that is?" He asked while still staring at me as I nodded.
"You have to promise me something first" he said as I looked at him.
"Okay" I said.
"Promise me you won't allow any other person do what I'm about to do with you now to you" he said as sudden fear started awakening in me, I felt like I was about to do something I haven't done before.
"I promise" I said as he smiled at me.
I froze at the touch of his lips on mine, I felt like I was hallucinating until I noticed the moving of his lips on mine, I felt a new feeling arising in me as I tried to imitate what he was doing to my lips, my lips shivered not being able to endure the crazy thing he was doing to me.
"Shit" he stopped immediately as he touched his lips.
"You just bit me" he said while touching his lips which was already bleeding.
I felt afraid while watching him clean his lips.
"I'm sorry my prince, I was.. I was just.."
"I understand, it's your first time so it's not your fault okay" he said as he squeezed my palms.
I occasionally touched my lips while battling to sleep.
"Is that what a kiss is all about?" I asked within myself as I remembered how I mistakenly bite the Prince's lip.
"He said he will turn me to a bad girl, what does that means?" I asked myself as I remembered our discussion after the kiss.
"Do you like it?" He had asked me after cleaning his lips which was still slightly bleeding.
I nodded not knowing how to explain to him the kind of feeling I was battling with inside me, that was the first time I was feeling such way.
"So how does it feel?" He asked.
"Crazy, it feels crazy" I voiced out my mind.
He smiled while robbing his fingers on my palm.
"From now on, I will do more crazy things to you, I hope you don't mind if I turn you to a bad girl" he said with a weird smile.
The early morning breeze flew as I plugged out the lillies into the vase on my hand, I suddenly stopped at the familiar footstep coming towards the garden.
I hid as I watched him walk past the garden with his mobile phone placed on his ear, he was seriously engaged in his call as he held on to his briefcase. I exhaled when he walked towards the garage as I gradually stood up from the flowers.
"God when will all this stop?" I asked myself as I wondered when I will stop hiding from him. After what he did to me last night, I couldn't get myself to face him in the morning.
Prince POV,
I knew what I just did was too sudden but I didn't regret it, I smiled when I remembered how her lips trembled at the touch of mine.
"She is indeed an amateur" I said as I touched my injured lips.
"What happened to your lips?" Chelsea asked as I sigh not wanting anything to spoil my moment especially her.
"Princewill don't tell me that's a love bite?" She asked with a pitch of anger on her voice.
"Chelsea you don't have any right to question me I hope you know that, have you forgotten that as the prince of this kingdom, I have the right to have as many woman that I want"
"So there is a woman" she said more like a question.
"You are a killjoy" I said as I hastily left the room.
Walking towards the garden, I was surprised when Mma hid at the sight of me, I pretended not to see her in order to validate her reason for hiding when she saw me as I made it out of the palace to the hospital.