Three days of sex

"So we beat you before?" Alice asked. "Like, we killed you?"

Ilias took Luka's dick out of her mouth and passed it to Alice, who took over sucking duties while Ilias answered her question.

"Well, not technically this Luka," Ilias explained. "It'll make more sense when you read the story. As I explained before, there are many multiverses and…. Mmph…slurp….", Ilias handed Luka's penis back to Alice again, "You two beat an Ilias in your version of the universe."

"And that Ilias is still alive(lick)?"

"Yeah, Luka brought her back because she was needed(smack, suckle)."

"So this world, you created it…. For us?" Alice asked. Ilias was amazed at how well Alice could talk with her tongue spinning around Luka's shaft.

"Luka died on the Paradox world, but since I'd been borrowing(gag) oof, my mouth is small in this form….his power, which is actually his very essence, I was able to rebuild him here on this world. But without most of his memories."

"And me? Why did you wipe me? Concentrate on the balls, I'm better at this anyway."

"Well…. (slurp)… Luka, you need to shave these! Anyway,you're mind was too fragmented. You'd merged with too many of your other selves and that was driving you crazy. So I had to sort of reset you to factory settings if that makes sense."

"Tamamo would understand that better than me," Alice said. "Okay, let's go for the kill. Suck on one of them while I deepthroat."

"AAAAHHHH!!!!!! That's incredible!" Luka cried as he emptied the first load of the three day marathon into Alice's throat.

"Mmmmm….." Alice cooed in satisfaction. "Now I've got the jump start I need. Okay, darling, warmup is over. Now we get serious."

"That… wasn't serious?" Luka asked fearfully.

"That was just foreplay! You're going to fill my womb with your delicious sperm for the next three days! Ilias, you talk while I fuck."

Luka cried out as his sensitive post orgasm penis was unceremoniously plunged into Alice's tight, powerful pussy.

"Is it okay if I help out?" Ilias asked.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with explanations," Alice answered. "Hey! I thought you meant help Luka!?"

Ilias took her mouth off of Alice's breast.

"Luka doesn't need any help!" Ilias explained. "Do you see his face? You're the one who needs pleasuring."

"Am I being pleasured, or are you?!"

"I've learned that sex is a mutual endeavour," Ilias said matter of factly.

"You can suck on them after you've told me about this Paradox," Alice sighed.

"That's a really long story," Ilias complained. "How about I suck for a minute, talk for a minute?"

"Whatever. We have three days."

"I'm gonna die," Luka said.

"Oh, stop being a baby!" Ilias retorted, before resuming her narrative as Alice listened raptly.

Sonya and Luka stood nervously in the throne room, Granberia and Insect Queen(formerly Spider Princess) accompanying them. Their apprehensions were mixed. On one hand, neither was sure that they'd contributed much to the quest. Both had performed competently. Sonya had discovered that while she was no longer Sonya Chaos, she was still more than she had been, and able to hold her own with the more powerful beings. Luka was still nowhere near that level, but had shown remarkable progress in a short time, especially in the cockroach lair. Not that either had any obligation to excel. They had gone along on the quest reluctantly, mainly to help Luka advance his skills in case he was needed in the future. If the Monster Lord judged them inadequate, Sonya was ready to tell her to do something anatomically impossible(well, perhaps not, she was a monster, who knew what was possible for her?).

But what worried Sonya more was gratitude. Fending off grateful monsters wasn't easy. Luka was less afraid of the monsters' gratitude than his ability to worm his way out of it, so decided to let Sonya do the talking. And clubbing, if necessary.

"I have been told that you two humans conducted yourselves with distinction on your recent quest," Alice XV said.

"It was nothing, really," Sonya insisted. "We were a bit out of our league, but we helped out as best we could, and it all turned out pretty well. But truly, the hero of that quest was Albert."

"True," Insect Queen agreed. "He secured the endorsements of two of the insect queens. He has been appropriately rewarded and has already returned to his world. Granberia assisted me in administering the reward. Although it seems Granberia received more administrating than she administered."

Granberia blushed under the heat of Insect Queen's lascivious grin.

"I was out of sorts!" Granberia whined. "He is a formidable opponent in the bedroom! He kept on turning me into that…. That thing!"

"We really should have a name for your magical girl persona," Insect Queen laughed. "May I suggest….Sparkling Joy?"

"Only if you wish to be the shortest reigning Insect Queen in history!"

"So the male monster lord has been sufficiently rewarded for his assistance," Alice XV declared. "I understand Tamamo had something special for him as well. I shall be taking care of Marcellus' reward tonight, and Black Alice has something very special planned for Heinrich. That leaves you two."

"Really, it's fine!" Luka blurted. "We really didn't do much. The quest was its own reward. I'm at least three times as strong as I was before this journey! My counterpart would say I 'leveled up'! So really, I should be thanking you!"

Sonya stared at Luka in shock. "You were doing really great up until that last part," she said.

"Luka wishes to thank us?" Granberia asked. "I don't know if I can handle any more 'thanking' just yet."

"I must confess that Albert took a lot out of me as well," Insect Queen admitted. "I felt quite 'thanked'. That man is the most marvelous of lovers."

"But it wasn't his job to thank us!" Granberia protested. "It was he who was being rewarded. He didn't have to come on our quest!"

"Hmmm…. You are correct, my friend," Insect Queen agreed. "But that means…."

"It means we still owe him!" Granberia exclaimed.

"We must seek out Promestein at once!" Insect Queen said. "She can help us travel to his world and thank him properly!"

"I'm sure many of the other male monsters have done good things as well and remain unthanked!" Granberia said in sudden realization.

"You could be right! This is a crisis of multiversal proporations. An entire world of wonderful, kind male monsters, with only…. Human females to reward them!"

"Those poor, poor men! We must bring Alma Elma!"

"No, no, no, Granberia! This is our duty! Our quest! Our task! The quest may take time. Years, even!"

"I stand ready to assist you, Insect Queen!" Granberia declared, before turning to face the Monster Lord. "Monster Lord, I remain in your service should you require me. But a quest calls to me, and you know that my warrior heart cannot resist a good quest!"

"Go, with my blessing," Alice XV laughed. "And bless that world of delicious males in my name!"

Insect Queen and Granberia left to find Promestein to immediately begin work on the new project. That left Sonya and Luka with Alice XV.

"So now, what shall I do with you two?" Alice XV wondered.

"I think that a banquet should be held," Sonya answered. She had rehearsed this part. While monsters preferred to reward their allies with sex, they were always willing to pay their debts in other ways, if other ways were suggested. "A huge banquet. With lots of great food!"

Okay, maybe she hadn't rehearsed it as well as she thought she had.

"A banquet?" Alice XV asked skeptically. "Normally that would be a fine reward, but none of my cooks can match Luka's skill in the kitchen, and it would be inappropriate to 'reward' him with food that is inferior to what he could provide for himself. No, that just won't do."

"But…. It has to!" Sonya pleaded. "Besides, our companions, who would have been the ones to reward us, are off on a quest! There's really no alternative!"

Alice XV stared at Sonya with an intimidating look. Sonya quailed under her glare. She was beginning to resign herself to her fate. Why did this seem more pleading for mercy? She had just married Luka, after vying for his heart for years. It was bad enough that her Luka had been forced to share a body with a more experienced version of himself, and then experience all of those other women. Now she would have to see Luka pleasured by even more women. And what of Sonya herself? Would they force her to accept pleasuring as well? Sonya wanted no part of sex with another woman. She knew it would feel good and she'd probably be into it once it got started, but emotionally it would be the opposite of fulfilling. It would be like taking drugs, nothing more.

Alice XV broke the tension by laughing uproariously. Luka laughed as well, although his laugh seemed nervous rather than genuine. Sonya could only stare, speechless.

"Oh, I never tire of teasing humans!" Alice XV chortled. "I don't know what you think of us monsters, but we do not force ourselves on our friends! Um…. Well…. We no longer force ourselves on our friends. It wouldn't be a reward if we had to force you to accept it."

Sonya sighed in relief. "So…. You're not going to violate us? Or have anyone else do it?"

"Most certainly not!" Alice XV said in mock shock. "Even many monsters respect marriage vows. I shall not come between my two favorite newlyweds. In fact, I have just the reward in mind for you two. One that will bring you closer together. Much close together."

"I like that idea!" Sonya said happily. "We haven't even had a proper honeymoon yet!"

"Then a honeymoon you shall have!" Alice XV declared. "A romantic, warm place where you two can get intimate, to feel sensations you've never felt before."

"Um…." Luka began, not entirely sure where this was going, but knowing that it was going somewhere Sonya might not like.

"I love it! Romance! Hot sex!" Sonya exclaimed. "Just Luka and me! It's what I've always dreamed of!"

"Then you accept my offered reward?" Alice XV asked.

"With the utmost enthusiasm!" Sonya said excitedly. "So where are we going to go? Ooh, I hear there's an island just off the coast of the Western Gold region that's an amazing destination vacation!"

"I was thinking something a little closer," Alice XV replied.

"Sonya…." Luka warned.

"Where?" Sonya asked eagerly.

Suddenly, Alice XV's tail lashed out, catching Luka, who was stuffed into Alice XV's mouth and swallowed as if he was nothing more than a small piece of candy. Sonya screamed in horror.

"You ate my Luka!" she cried.

"Do not fear," Alice XV said. "I have complete control over my digestive system. He will be safe inside me."

Alice XV's lower mouth opened. "You should join him," she offered. "He's passing through my esophagus now. He'll be in my stomach in about thirty seconds. I'm sure he'd like a companion. Inside my stomach you two shall find pleasure unlike any you've ever experienced. I can keep you safe for days in there, while you enjoy being close to one another. Your entire bodies will be bathed in comfort and intense sexual pleasure as you make love to one another.

Sonya sighed in defeat. Close enough, she thought, and dove into Alice XV's lower mouth. Luka fell on top of her seconds later, his clothes dissolved away. Hers quickly followed suit. The two lay inside Alice XV, mild digestive juices covering their bodies, causing immense pleasure before they even began copulating. Sonya's horniness became so extreme that she begged Luka to penetrate her at once. Luka complied. Both instantly reached orgasm.

Alice XV sighed in satisfaction. "Enjoy. Your honeymoon has only just begun. Tomorrow, I place you both inside my vagina. It will feel even more intimate in there."

Sonya and Luka barely heard her. The euphoria and near dream state of being in a powerful monster's stomach made it hard to think or to understand spoken words. All that existed was the pleasure. Soon enough, the two were making love again. Alice XV patted her stomach lightly. She'd give them a break while she went to Marcellus that night. In the morning, they would find new definitions of pleasure inside another orifice. It was good to be gigantic, Alice XV thought with a grin.

It was day two for Luka and Alice. They had been screwing almost non-stop for the past twenty-four hours. Alice allowed Luka a few hours of sleep while he was still inside her , but she avoided excessive stimulation while he slept, content to simply hold him inside her. Ilias continued to explain everything. As the night went on, Alice, to her surprise, found herself beliefing the goddess. In the back of her mind was still the possibility that this could be an act. But Alice, despite her relative inexperience, had been taught to identify true lust, and Ilias had it in spades. It was clear that this was not the same goddess she had been taught to hate. Something had definitely changed. Could it really be as simple as Ilias becoming a pervert? If so, Alice vowed never to denigrate perverts again. Perversion had saved the universe!

"And that's how Luka saved the little fox girl from my Angel World," Ilias concluded. "Can I suck bobbies now?"

"One question first," Alice said. "You're Angel World? Wasn't it the other Ilias' Angel World?"

"I know this gets confusing," Ilias replied. "I didn't get to the part of the story where I merged with the Angel World version of Ilias. I am her and she is me."

"Ah, I think I understand now," Alice nodded. "Okay, you can suck my breasts for a few minutes. But don't tire your mouth out. When Luka awakens I want to start him off gently. Your head game is lacking…."

"What?! I'm a goddess with thousands of years experience!"

"I can't tell," Alice retorted. "But if you let me finish… you're pretty good at the gentle licking and sucking. I get hungry and start swallowing it. I know, lack of self control, it's my primary weakness. So while you're here, make yourself useful and get him nice and big for me before I put him back in."

"And what will you be doing?" Ilias asked.

"You'll see," Alice responded, an evil glint in her eye.

Luka began to stir. Alice lifted herself off of him, giving his penis a few moments of precious fresh air. Despite her powerful magic and skills, the human penis could only take so much. Luka was modestly sized under the best of circumstances. After twenty four hours of lovemaking, his penis was disappointlngly tiny. Not that it mattered much to Alice. It wasn't the size of the straw, but the quality of the semen, and Luka's semen was first rate. Still… bigger would be nice.

Ilias bent over Luka's penis and looked at it as a doctor would a patient. "You really put this thing through an ordeal," Ilias said. "There's some chafing here. It's gonna hurt once the magic wears off. Let me heal this."

Ilias placed her lips on Luka's only half erect penis and sucked lightly. To Alice's amazement, it grew three full inches, the rashes and scrapes gone in an instant.

"There we go!" Ilias said triumphantly. "It's as if we just got started!"

"I'm impressed," Alice said. "Now go ahead and wake him up with that sweet, gentle sucking of yours. Focus only on the penis. I'm going to do something for you now."

"Really? I'll close my eyes!"

Ilias closed her eyes and began to make love to Luka's dick with her mouth. Ilias was conscious that she was deficient this way. Her magic generally did all the work. But she loved Luka dearly and wanted to be amazing for him. She reminded herself to get Eden's advice and instruction on cocksucking technique. With a little instruction and practice, perhaps she could top Alice!

Suddenly, something wet, soft, but firm clamped down on her groin area. It felt like a mouth, but there were no teeth. It chewed on her, as if gumming her. She had never felt anything quite like it. It was incredible. A tiny little tongue tickled her.

"What… What is that?" Ilias gasped.

"It's my tail mouth," Alice answered. "I've never used it this way before, but it's a little small. It can't even take an entire penis inside. But it seems to be wonderful for a girl's parts. Do you like it?"

"Yes, yes! I love it!"

"Then I'll make it feel even better," Alice said, flexing her tail muscles to create suction effect. Ilias nearly screamed, her mind going white as she came forcefully. She buried her face in Luka's crotch.

"You're not sucking, Ilias," Alice reminded her.

"Sorry," Ilias said, resuming the gentle blowjob, but finding it hard to be gentle when she was being pleasured so intensely.

"When I'm done with you and you're done with Luka, I want to hear about how you merged with the other Ilias. And how the Dark God was defeated. I'll be having intercourse with him while you do."

"Yes, yes, of course!" Ilias mumbled, finding it hard to speak with a penis in her mouth. "I want boobies too!"

"Then boobies you shall have," Alice chuckled. "Now make my Luka happy. He's about to wake up."

Ilias gagged, going down too far again. I really should make my mouth bigger, she thought. Or get rid of this gag reflex. Why do I even have one? Eden doesn't! Eh, I'll deal with it later. Alice's tail had begun to suck again, the tiny tongue exploring everywhere it could reach. How is she so good at that?! I know she's never pleasured a woman like that before!

Luka woke up, coming in Ilias' mouth. For some reason, that made Ilias hot and she also came, her squeals joining Luka's screams as Alice smiled. Maybe this will work out after all, Alice thought.

Hi, Luka here. You haven't heard much from me on this adventure. Part of that is that as I said at the beginning, this one really wasn't about me. This is more Ilias' story(although she would insist that the ENTIRE SERIES is really Ilias' story.) Anyway, I also happened to be unconscious for a good portion of this tale, plus the most interesting stuff happened out of my sight. This would have been a pretty boring story if it hadn't included Elias, Albert, evil Tamamo and Sariela, etc.

But now I'm back, here on day 3 of my marriage consummation to Alice, and….. I passed out again.

"Damn!" Alice said with frustration. "he passed out again! Ilias, can you…."

"He's still hard!" Ilias retorted. "You don't need him awake. Now, as I was saying… I was adopting a male form so that I could study monster feeding habits up close, to better understand them."

"And you just did this out of the goodness of your heart?" Alice asked skeptically, her vaginal muscles eagerly chewing and stroking Luka inside her, taking semen from him almost as soon as his body could produce a drop.

"Why of course!" Ilias replied indignantly. "I spent my entire existence hating monsters, especially their feeding habits. It was vitally important that I understand it, especially from the perspective of the victim."

"I'm failing to get why that would make you more tolerant of monsters. Being eaten is a miserable and terrifying way to go."

"But it sure feels good!"

Alice sighed, both out of frustration and in satisfaction as a small, weak stream of semen dribbled out of Luka, sucked at once into her uterus for processing.

"Ilias, as fascinating as this all is, in three days you've told me a few key details that matter to Luka and me, but mostly you've talked about yourself."

"Well, I am the most important part of this story, being the goddess and all," Ilias said proudly.

"Whatever," Alice groaned. "Ilias, Luka's really fading here."

"Don't worry, he won't die," Ilias assured her. "He's more than strong enough to survive this."

"I know, but…." Alice said reluctantly. "You're here, and while it's annoying in the extreme to have a third person on my wedding nights, you have your uses. So could you….?"

"There's risk in continuing to revive him," Ilias answered. "You need to let him rest and replenish. He's not going to get flaccid, so just use him. It's what you monsters do."

"All right, I have a confession to make," Alice sighed. "I'm fading as well. I've eaten nothing but semen in the last two and a half days, and he's only been producing a trickle…."

"Oh….." Ilias said, an evil grin on her face. "So it's semen you need. Close your eyes."


"You want semen, right? Close your eyes."

"Ugh… fine."

"Now open wide," a male voice said.

"Ah…." Alice said, her mouth open.

"Wider, Alice," the voice said. "You're going to get some quality and quantity here."

Alice gaped wide, which was pretty wide given that she was a lamia. Satisfied, Elias gave her the whole thing.

"Ack!" Alice croaked. "All at once?!"

"You can swallow a human whole," Elias said encouragingly. "This is tiny by comparison."

"It's not like I practice swallowing humans!" she spoke, surprisingly coherent despite a fourteen inch penis stuffing her mouth. The vibrations of her voice only made it feel even better for Elias.

Alice was hungry indeed, her tongue coiling around his entire length, stroking and swirling. Elias erupted in less than a minute.

"Wow!" Alice exclaimed. "That's potent! I feel like I could go another three days!"

"Ahh….." Elias replied, toppling over, having violated the first rule of getting head from monsters. Don't do it standing up.

Alice pumped away at Luka with renewed enthusiasm. Luka awoke briefly to find Alice drooling over him, semen and saliva dripping out of the side of her mouth. He was sure he didn't want to know. Even though it had been almost three days, her pussy still felt as amazing as when she had first forced him inside her. He knew he'd be sore later, but in the moment it was all he ever wanted in the world. Her beautifull face looking down at him…. Okay, in that moment she wasn't all that beautiful. She hadn't bathed in almost three days, and she was still drooling like crazy. She had been like that for the entire three days, her mouth watering due to the taste of his semen, even when she wasn't using her mouth. But she was his. The woman he had fallen in love with. And it felt amazing to be in her arms. Even if she stunk a little. Luka imagined he must not be smelling much better.


Ilias's face peered over his. "Wahh!!!" Luka cried, having forgotten that she was there.

"Boobies!" Ilias demanded.

"Ilias, I'm in the home stretch here!" Alice protested. "You've had enough boobies!"

"Fine," Ilias huffed, bending down and sucking on Luka's left nipple.

"Ilias!" Alice yelled, then decided to let her be. The sudden stimulation had caused Luka to ejaculate inside her again, with more force and quantity than he'd been able to generate in at least 24 hours.

Sonya awakened next to Luka, at first not remembering where she was. The smell was less than pleasant, plus it was stuffy and hot.

"Can we come out now!?" Sonya called.

Sonya felt cool air as the Monster Lord's lower mouth opened. A large hand reached in and pulled her out by her leg. Luka and Sonya greedily inhaled fresh air for the first time in hours.

"Well, it looks like you two had fun," Alice XV laughed.

"I'll admit it felt amazing, but…. I feel so…. Dirty," Sonya replied.

"Stomachs are rather nasty places," Alice XV admitted. "For round two, I'll put you someplace much cleaner."

"Wait, round 2?!"

Sonya screamed as she was grabbed by the Monster Lord's tail and forced into an even tighter place. Sonya was immediately rendered nearly catatonic by the sensations of the Monster Lord's vaginal walls squeezing her tightly. It ddn't seem possible for Luka to fit inside with her. Yet fit he did, sliding in right on top of her. But there was absolutely no room to maneuver.

They didn't have to. The Monster Lord simply manipulated her muscles to force the couple into a coupling position. Both cried out in extreme pleasure as Luka penetrated Sonya. Round two had begun, and they couldn't stop copulating until the Monster Lord let them. Luka didn't even have to move. The Monster Lord's muscles forced them together, then apart, together, then apart. The couple lost themselves in the experience.

Alice lay in bed, groggy from sleep. She wasn't sure how long she'd slept. Unlike Luka, she had done no passing out during the three day ordeal. She felt Luka's warm body next to her. She held him tightly. He was still asleep, unsurprisingly. Her left breast pressed against his backside. His warmth felt so good…. Her other breast was also warm. And wet. And…. Was being sucked?

"Ilias!" Alice cried, now fully awake. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Having some breastfast… I mean breakfast," the goddess replied.

"You're not eating, you're just being perverted!" Alice cried. "Wait, am I lactating?!"

"Mmmhh hmmmmhh…" Ilias mumbled, sucking the milk out eagerly.

"I can't be lactating this soon!" Alice exclaimed. "I don't even think I'm pregnant yet!"

"You're not," Ilias said, still muffled by her face buried in Alice's right breast.

"Ilias, stop making me lactate!" Alice yelled.

"If you want a baby, you have to pay my price," Ilias replied.

"Price? Why do I have to pay to get pregnant?!" Alice exclaimed.

"Because it's very difficult for you to get pregnant by Luka," Ilias replied. "He's not from this world. Your genes are a poor match. Oh, with enough trying, you'd get pregnant eventually, but the offspring would be mostly human. His genes are stronger than yours."

"But…. Then I won't…."

"Have an heir, I know," Ilias said with surprising sympathy in her voice. "It's another thing I want to change this time. I can give you an heir through Luka and save you the pain of your first lifetime with him."

"I guess that's another story you need to tell me."

"Look, just give me a little something something….. and we can work something out where you get an heir," Ilias said.

"Ugh, fine," Alice sighed. "Have your breastfast."

"Thank you," Ilias said happily. "You can't make a bun without a little mlik, now can you?"

Alice laid there as Ilias drank from her breast greedily. So many questions still unanswered, and Ilias was never able to share the information Alice actually wanted to know, except in snippets. Either Ilias was holding back, or she really was that self centered.

"Ilias…" Alice said after a few minutes.


"I really need to know what happened to us," Alice said.

"You'll read about it," Ilias replied. "I'll give you the book as a wedding gift."

"A book is information, to be sure, but it doesn't really help me to understand. I lived all of these experiences. Couldn't you just…. Unblock my mind?"

Ilias stopped and looked at Alice, a very serious expression on her face.

"Alice, I did that for a reason. You didn't just live one life with Luka, You lived hundreds. Some of them did not end well. Most of them had serious struggles and setbacks. Your feelings about Luka were mixed as a result of those."

"I'm not asking for all of those memories back," Alice insisted. "Just the ones from my lifetime with him. That's all I want. You're a goddess now. A real one. I'm sure you can do this."

Ilias thought for a moment. Then she sighed in surrender.

"To be honest….. " the goddess admitted. "There were probably better ways for me to do what I did. I like to claim that I'm the goddess and I always have a brilliant plan and I am a genius and so of course my plans are truly brilliant, far beyond mortal comprehen-"


"Oh, sorry…. What I meant to say is that I probably didn't have to seal ALL of your memories. I did that because I wanted you to be in the same boat as Luka."

"Can you give him back his memories as well?"

"That is impossible, even for me," Ilias answered. "You I just wiped. Him…. He had to be completely recreated from the tinest part of his essence."

"I understand. But you could…. For me?"

"I guess now that you're quest is complete…. Yes, Alice."

Ilias placed her hands on each side of Alice's temples. Alice was jolted by a sudden flood of memories. It all came back to her. Every memory of the lifetime she spent with this Luka, as well as her most recent quest with Ilias.

"Ilias…." Alice said quietly.

"You remember me now? All we went through together?" Ilias asked.

Alice nodded.

"Alice, I'm actually glad you asked me to do this," Ilias said, tears in her eyes. "You're my best friend, and it's so good to have you back, and-"

She was interrupted by Alice's fist connecting solidly with her face.

"Ahh! Fuck! What the fuck was that for?!"

"That was for tricking me into having sex with you!" Alice roared. "And on our wedding nights! You lied to me, Ilias! You said we did this sort of thing all the time!"

"I may have exaggerated a little…"

"We did it once! And that was just to transfer Luka's power to me!"

"Alice…." Ilias sobbed. "I'm sorry. It's just that…. I love you so much, and I'm still getting the hang of being a good person, and-"

Ilias was interrupted again, not by another punch, but by Alice's arms embracing her.

"I'm so confused right now!" Ilias cried into Alice's shoulder.

"That punch was for lying to get between me and Luka," Alice said gently. "Know that it will never happen again. But I'll never forget what you did for us. I'd lost him. You gave us a chance at a new life. You'll always be my friend, Ilias. That bond….. it can never be broken, no matter how perverted or deceitful you are."

"I created this whole world because I love you both…"

"It's wonderful, Ilias," Alice said, tightening her embrace. "You did an amazing thing for us. You're always welcome in this castle. Just never again in this room, okay?"

"Okay," Ilias sniffled. "I think you gave me another black eye."

"You can heal yourself."

"That's not the point."

"Friends forever, goddess. Let's make this world the best world ever, okay?"

"Okay…. Friend."

Alice let Ilias go and looked back at Luka's sleeping form. Alice now had an advantage over Luka. She understood why Ilias had wiped even those memories. Alice herself could be deceitful and self centered. She vowed to use her advantage only for Luka's benefit. He would never truly remember his previous life. He would only know of it. She would try to get him back up to speed as quickly as she could. Not just for his sake, but for Tamamo's. She owed that damned kitsune as much as she owed Ilias. Tamamo had taken care of Luka after Alice had died. She was asking for only two days per year. Alice would make sure that the Luka she sent to Tamamo would be as close to the whole Luka she spent four hundred years with as she could get him.