Experiments and physicals

It was a lovely day, as it usually was on Ilias Continent. The sun shown down on a world that had known no strife in thousands of years, where coexistence was total and complete. On this world, monsters didn't rape men to steal their energy. The goddess of that world, unlike other versions of herself, had been different in one key way: she was less provincial and had actually observed other worlds, other versions of herself. She saw that in almost every case, hating monsters had only brought the world to ruin. Ilias had resolved to find a better way.

Of course, being Ilias, she was controlling and prudish. She had sent her angel armies to the surface to wipe the minds of every man, woman, and monster of any knowledge of sex. Their organs still worked. They could even get turned on unintentionally. But as long as they didn't go too far, a simple mental block spell that Ilias had made heritable, made them soon forget such feelings. Young boys would start to masturbate and quickly lose interest before completion. Hugs might get a little too intimate, but thanks to the subtle spell, one or both parties would quickly tire of the rubbing up against one another. All it took was a moment's distraction to make them forget what they were doing.

The problem for Matthew, Yui, and Cuddles(don't judge her, her mom was a bunny girl named Snuggles), was that they were out in the wilderness, with no distractions, and intentionally engaged in activities that went way beyond rubbing against one another.

"Oh my goddess, why does that feel so good?!" Matt yelled to the heavens and Yui and Cuddles tongues ran up and down his shaft relentlessly, trying to see if they could get the white stuff out that they'd seen when that strange fox girl and that snake man had come to their world.

At first, Yui had tried to stroke Matt with her tail, as she'd seen Tamamo do to Albert. Cuddles had simply watched with interest, since her little bushy rabbit tail was unsuited for that. But it had become clear that Yui wasn't going to be able to do more than get Matt hard with her tail, although for a time that was fascinating enough.

"I can't believe how big it got!" Yui said as she had stroked.

She had continued to stroke for several minutes, Matt marveling at her soft fluffy tail, but it just wasn't enough. The tail of a one tailed kitsune, especially one inexperienced at using it, was simply not enough to make an average man ejaculate. No white stuff came out, much to Yui's disappointment.

Yui had shared a glance with Cuddles. They had an unspoken agreement, It couldn't be helped. While it seemed a little gross now that Matt's penis was all big and swollen, with prominent veins, they would have to lick it as they had suggested to Matt earlier. They had hoped it wouldn't come to this. It had seemed a fine idea when it was just a cute little tiny thing, but now it was enormous!

So they had begun licking it together. The vibration of their laughter, their hot breath, the touch of their hands holding his member in place so they could get leverage to lick it firmly, was many times better than Yui's tail. The contrast of their different tongues aroused him even more with the variety of sensations. Cuddles' tongue was smoother than Yui's, so as one rough tongue licked up, another smooth, more moist tongue would lick down. And then vice versa.

Even still, Matt had more endurance than someone who had never ejaculated before should, so after a few moments their tongues got tired. At that moment, had they not been so determined to continue exploring, Ilias' mind block spell would have affected them all, and they would have…. Should have…. Lost interest and then forgotten about the whole thing. Yui, both her tongue and her tail now aching a little, did want to quit.

"But that white stuff is supposed to be super good for us!" Cuddles insisted. "That other monster girl got energy from it!"

"We already get energy from hugs!" Yui countered. "Those are a lot easier and more fun."

"I beg to differ," Matt panted.

"Well, it's better for you!" Yui retorted. "You're the one getting all the pleasuring!"

"Please don't stop yet!" Matt begged. "I'm sure I'll produce the white stuff soon! I can feel the pressure down there!"

Cuddles then had an inspiration. If a tail wasn't enough, and licking wasn't enough, what about both kinds of stimulation? Maybe even add a little something extra to make sure he shot out the energy liquid?

Yui watched, fascinated, as Cuddles experimentally put her lips over the head of his penis. Seeing that Matt liked it, she went down about halfway, which he liked even better. And then she started to suck.

That's when Matt began thrashing. Cuddles sucked in her cheeks and moved her tongue around the underside of his penis, which Matt seemed to enjoy very much. She added her soft rabbit hand to the mix, stroking him as she sucked.

That did it. She was surprised by an explosion of flavor inside her mouth. She gagged as it hit the back of her throat and pulled away from his dick, coughing.

"Are you okay, Cuddles?!" Yui asked in alarm.

Cuddles nodded and pointed to his spurting penis. "Delicious!" she croaked.

Yui eagerly put her own mouth over Matt's penis, catching and swallowing what was left of his ejaculation. The flavor in her mouth was like nothing she'd ever experienced before, as was the sudden energy boost.

"Do you think it's better than a hug?" Yui asked Cuddles after they had both swallowed their meals.

"About the same," Cuddles said. "And a lot more work. Still, Matt loved it, and he's our friend. We'll have to do this for him from time to time."

"Oh, goddess, please do," Matt sighed. He tried to get up and found that he couldn't.

Cuddles, true to her name and reputation, snuggled up next to Matt. Yui cuddled up on the other side.

"I guess that's the other downside of doing it this way," Yui observed. "It gives us energy, but you don't get any. You just get to feel good."

"Totally worth it!" Matt gasped.

They lay there in the mild sun for an hour or so. Matt drifted off to sleep, Yui's head on his chest, also snoozing. Cuddles, however, was thinking. She looked down at her own naked crotch. She didn't have what Matt had. Instead of a squiggly thing poking out, she had a slit. Of course, Ilias' mind block didn't extend to ignorance that there were differences between men and women. Everyone knew that if a man and a woman wanted to have a baby, they had to hug long and hard enough to summon the stork. It didn't work if a man hugged man, or a woman hugged a woman. So the difference in sexes was not a mystery to the people of that world.

But what was that slit for? Cuddles wondered. She experimentally touched herself. Eh, that's a little pleasant, but no big deal. She dimly remembered having touched herself before and given up on it after a few seconds. Her own fingers didn't do much. They only informed her that there was indeed some sensitivity there. Cuddles began to wonder.

Then she shook Matt awake.

"Matt, would you do something for me?" Cuddles asked sweetly.

"Anything, after what you did for me!" Matt assured her. "I think I can move now."

"Would you lick me down there like I licked you?" Cuddles asked sweetly. "I want to see if we produce white stuff too."

Matt was skeptical, but not about to say no given that his friends had done such a wonderful thing for him. Besides, he realized, as the gears turned in his own brain, that licking, stroking, and sucking him had been work. While they loved him dearly and would certainly do it for him again in the future, he realized that if they felt good too, they'd want to do it more often. Then it wouldn't be a job. It would be a shared experience that they could enjoy again and again.

So Matt bent down in between her legs and went to work.

"Hee hee, that tickles!" Cuddles giggled.

Yui rubbed her sleepy eyes, but perked up when she saw what Matt was doing to Cuddles. It was pretty easy to put two and two together, even with Ilias' mind block. Matt was trying to do for her what they had done for Matt.

"Ohhhhh... keep doing that!" Cuddles moaned, as the pleasure went from light and tickling to a deeper, lewder pleasure. Matt complied, causing Cuddles do squirm under him.

"Would you do that to me too?" Yui asked. "When you're done with her, of course."

"Mmmmhhhhmmmm…" Matt replied, as his head was forced deeper into Cuddles' crotch by her strong hands. He felt like his nose might be crushed. He worked his tongue faster and harder. Now her legs were tightening around his head in a vise grip. He was having trouble breathing.

At last, however, she screamed as she came, releasing him since too much firmness on her delicate parts while she was coming was too much for her. Matt continued to lick her lightly through her orgasm, until she went limp.

"Was that good?" Matt asked.

Cuddles' only response was a snore.

"Now do me!" Yui screamed excitedly. "Me next!"

"Okay, but I need a minute," Matt replied. "You know how tiring that can be."

Matt waited a minute and then began to work on Yui. He found the difference between their genitals fascinating. Both had super soft, fluffy fur around their slits, but Cuddles was wetter inside, while just as with Yui's mouth, her vagina was a little rougher inside. Yui also seemed somewhat tighter, as Matt was having trouble getting his tongue to penetrate as easily as he had Cuddles' pussy.

Yui reacted with no less enthusiasm, however, skipping right past the "it tickles" stage and right into "oh my goddess, this is the best thing ever!"

Alas, being their first time and all, Matt's tongue was just too tired. He could not satisfy Yui right after satisfying Cuddles. He apologetically stopped.

"Oh no!" Yui lamented. "Now I won't know what it feels like to have that thing happen to me at the end!"

"Maybe if I use my finger?" Ben asked.

"Sounds boring, but go ahead," Yui whined.

Matt inserted his finger into her vagina and felt around. Man, those rough patches felt good. Not rough enough to cause discomfort, just enough texture to feel interesting. Yui liked it a little, but compared to his tongue she wasn't really into it that much. It was just better than nothing for her.

Matt looked down at his own member. It was still rock hard. Licking his friends had turned him on, plus the memories of their own licking and stroking was keeping him horny. He lamented that they too would probably be too tired to please him more. Whatever they were doing really was a lot more work than hugs!

Matt continued to feel around the inside of Yui.

"Your pussy is so fascinating," Matt said. "It's really soft and fluffy at the entrance, then there's some rough bumps an inch in, and then a few inches beyond that I can just feel on the tip of my finger a super soft, really hot area."

"Really? I woudn't think it would be so complicated in there," Yui replied. "Is your tongue ready to go back to work yet?"

Matt experimentally moved his tongue around his mouth and found that he may have sprained it. Ouch!

"I'm sorry, Yui, I think I injured it," Matt said apologetically.

"Oh man!" Yui whined in disappointment. "Your finger feels good, but it's like my tail, I don't think it's enough. Soon your finger will get tired and I still won't have had that awesome feeling at the end that you two go to have!"

Matt felt his penis throbbing again, as if it was trying to tell him something. His finger was sending messages to his brain, which in turn were sending messages to his penis. Ilias' subtle block was doing its work, which is why he couldn't see the obvious right away. But eventually the signals became too strong to ignore.

Vagina. Penis. Vagina. Penis. Vagina. Penis.

"Yui," Matt said. "Your pussy looks like it got a little bigger like my dick when you got turned on. I saw it with Cuddles too."

"Yeah, I guess our parts grow when we get excited," Yui said. "I got wet too. What's your point?"

"What if I…. this is going to sound insane."

"If it'll make me feel good I don't care how insane it is."

"I think my penis could fit in here," Matt said.

"No way!" Yui protested. "I'm so little and you're so big!"

"It's not actually that little anymore," Matt said. "You can't see it, but I can easily get like three fingers in here. And it seems to stretch for them. I think it might work."

"Okay, but do it slowly! Don't hurt me! I'll be very mad at you and never lick you again if you hurt me!"

What followed was some awkward positioning as Matt crawled over Yui and pushed the head of his penis against her entrance.

"It's so hot!" both of them said in unison, then laughed.

Yui game Matt a quick hug. Then, working up her courage, she instructed him to put it in.

He did so, slowly. To his surprise, she parted for him effortlessly, although once inside it was shockingly tight. They both moaned together at the sensations they were experiencing for the first time.

"Wow, that feels…!" Matt gasped.

"I know!" Yui moaned. "it feels so good for me too. Go deeper, slowly!"

Matt pushed in a little further, past the fluffy entrance into the textured zone of her canal. The pleasure for both of them multiplied several times.

"Deeper," she instructed. "Go as far as you can!"

He slowly went in further, his head going past the textured area into a much tighter yet softer area that was a lot hotter. He reflexively tried to get even deeper at her urging, but he had run out of penis. It was as far as his eight inches could go.

Yui was not disappointed, however. She began moving under him while flexing her muscles, squeezing him as he tried to pull out, then relaxing to let him push in so that he could easily get in as deep as possible. The rhythm was natural and easy for her and immensely pleasurable for them both.

By this point, Cuddles had awakened. She gasped in horror at what she was seeing, at first thinking that Matt was hurting Yui. But she soon recognized that Yui was enjoying whatever was going on quite a lot, so Cuddles simply watched. Apparently those two had discovered something new while she had been asleep.

Matt began moving faster as he felt that pressure in his groin for the second time, except this time it was deeper and longer and even more irresistible. Still, he was apparently quite gifted with stamina despite his virginity.

Yui's own orgasm is what sent him over the edge. As Yui came, her vaginal walls started to involuntarily ripple as her walls squeezed him tightly, which was simply too much for him. He thrust all the way into Yui and emptied his seed into her womb. Of course, neither of them knew it was her womb. Storks delivered babies on their world, after all.

Matt collapsed on top of Yui, hyperventilating. Yui touched his face tenderly and kissed him.

"So much better than your tongue or your finger," she whispered.

"I want to try that!" Cuddles squealed.

"I didn't get to finish from licking, so only if you lick me while you do it!" Yui offered.

"I…. I need another minute," Matt panted.

It was another hour before Matt could go again, although his penis remained hard even as he went in and out of consciousness. When he was ready, Cuddles lay down, spreading her legs as Yui had. Matt licked her as best he could with his sprained tongue, just enough to get her hot and bothered again, then slowly pushed his endless boner into her. Meanwhile, Yui sat on her face.

They did a lot of experimenting that day. They found that their breasts felt really good when touched, kneaded, or licked. Nipple sucking was particularly amazing, which got them all excited again and led to another three way.

One experiment went less well. Matt kept on staring at Cuddles' cute bunny butt, with it's cute little bunny tail above it. It was another hole. Maybe?

"No way in hell!" Cuddles said firmly. "That's gross!"

"I… I'm sorry!" Matt said quickly, ashamed at his perversion.

"I don't know…." Yui said slowly. "The other way seemed gross too, but it felt really good, and even though the hole seemed small, it made room for him. Maybe our butts do the same thing."

"You try it first," Cuddles said. "And if you like it, maybe… MAYBE I'll try it."

So they tried.

"YEEE-OUCH!!!!" Yui screamed. "Okay, we're done!"

Well, it had been a wonderful day, despite the way it had ended. But the three agreed that the experience had been so wonderful that there would be more experimentation, as well as doing a lot of the things that they had discovered felt good. They theorized that even the acts that were a lot of work would get easier as they became more proficient and grew stronger from using the muscles so much. But there was still one very important subject to discuss before they returned home for dinner.

"Should we tell people about this?" Matt asked.

"No!" Yui said firmly. "Nobody can know! At least not until we've done more experimentation! Didn't you see what it did to you? We're relatively weak monsters. But a stronger monster could maybe kill a man. What if a Hugcubus learned of this?"

"Maybe we should tell someone just a little stronger than us?" Cuddles wondered. "I bet Lily would love to join us next time."

"Lily's fun and all," Yui mused. "But she can't keep a secret. If she knows about this, soon all of Ilias Village will know."

Matt had something entirely different and more lewd on his mind as far as Lily went. He thought about Lily's enormous breasts. Yui and Cuddles had small, perky breasts. Lily had a serious rack. Then Ben thought of the licking. Cuddles and Yui's little tongues had felt amazing, but Lily had a very long tongue, and being a lamia, was capable of swallowing extremely large objects. Large objects like…. Matt's dick hardened again.

"I really think we should bring Lily into our little secret," Matt argued. "Lily doesn't keep secrets well normally, but her blabber mouth has always been over little, petty things. This is actually important. I'm sure she can keep this one."

"I don't know…." Yui said.

"Let's vote!" Cuddles said. "I vote we bring in Lily. Although I admit I have an ulterior motive."

"Tongue," Matt said.

"Tongue," Cuddles agreed.

"Well when you put it that way…" Yui replied. "I'm sure it will be fine. We meet here again next week. With Lily!"

Ben and Emma had expected to go straight home, but since Promestein needed to stop on the Paradox world first, as it was adjacent to their own, they all decided to spend a couple of days relaxing at the Monster Lord's castle. Tamamo, who had planned to leave, decided to stay as well and simply go back with the others. Besides, Tamamo had something she wanted to do before leaving: a private contest with a certain succubus. Tamamo would never admit how much she missed Alma Elma, who had passed away peacefully on her own world almost two thousand years ago. Challenging Alma Elma was the only way Tamamo knew to show her affection, and frankly, Alma Elma wouldn't have wanted mushy stuff anyway.

But for the time being, the story's focus is on Ben and Emma, who stood before the Monster Lord in the throne room. They briefed Alice XV on the condition of her daughter, and brought the good news that Alice would be able to freely visit quite soon. Luka would require more time, much to Tamamo's disappointment, as well as all of the residents of the Paradox world who missed him dearly.

The Monster Lord also took a great interest in evil Tamamo and Sariela, but was surprisingly indifferent to their ultimate fates.

"As immortals, they are beyond us," Alice XV explained. "The gods will deal with them as they see fit."

"One very angry goddess in particular," Emma muttered.

"But enough of such(burp) matters," Alice XV said. "Mmm… excuse me. Must have been someone I ate."

Now that she mentioned it, Ben couldn't help but notice that her stomach was bulging slightly. No, it was actually moving! Someone was in there!

Seeing the look of alarm on Ben's face, the Monster Lord smiled wickedly. "No need to worry, hero, I haven't relapsed. I'm merely providing a warm, erotic place for the Luka of this world and his bride, Sonya. I won't consume them. But the business of being Monster Lord must go on, even if I have guests in my(belch) living room. Ooh, all that moving around gives me gas! They are really going at it in there!"

"I'd tell them to get a room," Emma joked. "But it looks like they've got one."

"If you two would like to rent out the Monster Lord's special suite for the night, you've more than earned it," Alice XV said with a twinkle in her eye. "I have more than one room, as well."

"Um…. Actually, we're not married," Emma said quickly. "And if I'm being blunt, I think we've had enough rewards for the time being."

"I'm aware you aren't married, but are you not betrothed?" Alice XV asked.

"No, no!" Emma said quickly, then noticed Ben's look of disappointment. "I mean…. We're together, but we're pretty young and we've been so busy, and now that things have FINALLY settled down we're going to go school. Maybe after school we'll consider marriage."

"She's right," Ben agreed. "Our world was assaulted by all that chaos stuff and then we went on this mission, so we're hoping, fingers crossed, that we can finally resume our academic pursuits."

"I see," the Monster Lord said, considering. "And is the boy… healthy enough for marriage to a monster?"

"He's part monster," Emma replied.

"Slug descent," Ben added.

"Slug boy….." Emma muttered.

"So he's strong, that is good," Alice XV nodded. "Still, humans are annoyingly short lived, especially compared to your race, Emma. Being part monster should extend his lifespan somewhat, but he should still receive a physical first."

"Oh, that's fine!" Emma said. "You see, our world is like…. Thousands of years ahead of yours technologically. He gets a physical every year. Right, Ben?"

"Actually…." Ben said uncertainly. "We've been so busy with the fighting and almost dying a lot that I'm overdue."

"Splendid!" Alice XV exclaimed, before belching loudly and long. When she recovered, she added, "Medicine is science, but it is also art, and I've found on my own travels that the more the science advances, the more the art declines. Getting a physical from the castle doctor would provide unique insights into your boyfriend's health that a doctor from your world might miss."

"Oh…" Emma mumbled. "I guess that makes sense."

"And I'm sure it'll be better than one of Promestein's physicals," Ben agreed. "That semen extractor…. Brrrr….."

"That thing is creepy," Emma agreed.

"Butler!" Alice XV called out. The vampire butler entered the throne room. "Please show Ben to Dr. Sasaki's office. She's never busy, she'll see you right away."

"Okay, I'll go with you," Emma said, but a guard moved to block her.

"Actually, Emma," Alice XV said. "Ilias stopped by. She said you might not have appreciated your reward as much as she wanted you to. So she requested that I reward you, as only I can."

Emma went pale. I am NOT getting unbirthed! Damn perverted, psychotic goddess!

"Come, I shall escort you personally to your reward," Alice XV instructed.

Emma sighed, resigning herself to what was to come. Damn goddess and damn medieval monsters with their medieval notions of gratitude! Hadn't they ever heard of tipping? Maybe I should send them an invoice. Damn it, monsters and angels don't have money. Shit.

Alice XV led Emma down the vast castle corridors to a large set of double doors. Pushing open the doors, Emma saw that it was a gymnasium. Standing in the middle of that gymnasium was none other than Granberia.

"Oh… my… god!" Emma exclaimed.

"You have already enjoyed the privilege of fighting with the Granberia of that other world," Alice XV explained. "I believe Ilias used the term 'nerfed' to describe it. I have no idea what that word means, but I understood the gist. Apparently your victory over Granberia was…. Not quite authentic. So the goddess thought you might want to spar with a fully powered version of your legendary warrior."

"i…. I…." Emma stammered. "This is the greatest day of my life."

"Why you'd rather take a beating than get pleasured within a centimeter of death, I'll never understand," Alice XV said.

"You may not understand," Granberia retorted. "But we warriors know that a good battle is better than sex. I hope you won't disappoint me, young one!"

"Bring it," Emma said with a broad smile, drawing her sword.

Alice XV left them to it, smiling to herself. Emma would probably need a doctor as well afterwards, but with any luck, so would Granberia. Alice XV was sure that neither would be satisfied with anything short of intensive care.

Ben waited apprehensively in the examination room. It wasn't anything like the modern doctors' offices he was used to. There had been no lobby. He had simply been led by the butler directly into a small room that had a few chairs and a small ledge to sit on that appeared to be for the patient.

At least he didn't have to wait long. Monsters rarely got sick, and with the crisis having passed, injuries were also rare. That left the medical staff and healers with little to do. Entering the room was the prettiest doctor he'd ever seen. Dr. Sasaki was a six-tailed kitsune with red hair and fur in a rather modern looking medical coat. She looked like a teenager, but Ben knew that for a kitsune that probably placed her age at about thirty to forty. Following her into the room were her two other monsters, a vampire and a lamia.

"Ah, you must be Ben!" Dr. Sasaki said. "These are my two physician assistants. The pretty blonde vampire here is Carmilla. She was once the right hand of the Queen Vampire, but since her defeat and capture, she's decided to change careers. My senior assistant is named Hazel."

Hazel was a rather large lamia, not nearly as huge as the Monster Lord, but about half again as large as Alice. Unlike the fox and the vampire, she wasn't stunning, but for some reason there were very few unattractive monsters, at least if they had access to sufficient semen. That wasn't Hazel's problem, obviously. Her long purple hair and tanned olive skin was a unique look that probably just took some getting used to. Her face also had an odd, exotic shape that Ben found interesting.

"Now, obviously the first thing we need to do for your physical is get a semen sample," Dr Sasaki said, snapping a latex glove onto one hand, and then the other.

"Why am I not surprised?" Ben muttered, removing his pants. At least she was going to be clinical about it. Ben still felt a little guilty for enjoying Eden and all of her copies so much. Emma had told him it was okay, it was his reward, and she'd had a pretty good time herself. Still, Ben had human sexual mores, and while part of his male brain loved the idea of making love with beautiful women, he was also deeply in love with Emma and wanted her alone.

Any thoughts that this semen collection would be strictly clinical went out the window when Dr Sasaki dropped to her knees and began sucking him vigorously. Why had she put on gloves?!

His mind went blank at the feel of that slightly rough tongue stimulating all his weak spots expertly. He moaned in pleasure.

"Hey, this is a medical procedure!" Dr Sasaki exclaimed, stopping for a moment. "You're not supposed to enjoy it, pervert!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Ben said quickly. "I just…. Your mouth feels so different. I guess I'm not…."

"Inured to how good it is?" Dr Sasaki giggled. "I'm just messing with you. It's okay to enjoy it as much as you want. I'm very proud of my technique."

Indeed, her technique was primarily focused on her tongue, which moved more skillfully than any woman he'd ever experienced, and that included Eden. She was moving it quickly too, her little tongue darting about, not giving him a chance to get used to any particular sensation. He felt himself rapidly approaching orgasm.

"I'm gonna come any second!" Ben gasped. "Don't you need a cup?"

Dr Sasaki mumbled and shook her head, which didn't help Ben's control. Noticing his positive reaction, she began to shake her head more vigorously. Ben screamed as he exploded into her mouth, the merciless head shaking not slowing down for a second until she was sure he was finished.

It was a good thing he was sitting on the examination ledge, or else he surely would have fallen. Dr Sasaki stood up, her mouth full of his semen. She looked thoughtful as she swished it around in her mouth.

"Hmmm….." she mumbled, before swallowing. "I don't detect any diseases. Sperm count is healthy. Salt content slightly below normal, but that's a good thing."

"I really try to eat a healthy diet," Ben replied.

"Okay, next is blood!" Dr Sasaki said cheerfully. "Carmilla, you're up!"

Carmilla put on a pair of sanitary gloves and bared her fangs. Ben couldn't do more than flinch backwards, weakened as he was by Dr Sasaki's oral exam.

"Easy, tiger!" Dr Sasaki laughed. "It won't hurt a bit. Vampire bites are pleasant. Just don't twitch or move, so the punctures are clean. We're trying to keep things sanitary, you know!"

Ben couldn't have resisted if he wanted to, so winced as the fangs bit into his neck. Dr Sasaki hadn't been lying to him. There was only the slightest pain as the fangs penetrated his skin, before he felt a sense of warmth spread through his body from where she was sucking on him. It was another brand new sensation, nothing like sex, but comparable in the sense of how much pleasure he was getting from having his blood sucked out.

Carmilla didn't take much. Merely a mouthful. Ben knew from his studies that vampire monster girls were only vaguely similar to legendary vampires. Their primary diet was semen, like any other monster girl. They could get energy from blood, but they rarely sucked men dry that way. Biting was usually a way to subue a man quickly, weaken him and give him a sense of euphoria so that they could get what they were really after: semen.

Carmilla did as Dr Sasaki did, swishing his blood around her mouth, seeming to think for a moment. She swallowed and then gave her analysis.

"Vitamin D levels are good," Carmilla said. "Blood testosterone is a little high, but that's good too. White blood cells are normal concentration. Glucose levels slightly high."

"I could tell," Dr Sasaki said. "His semen's a little sweet."

"But not alarming," Carmilla continued. "Just keep a healthy weight and you should be fine. Calcium normal. Cholesterol normal. Congratulations, human, you are a healthy young man!"

"Well, let's not declare him to be in pristine health just yet," Dr Sasaki cautioned. "This physical is only getting started! Hazel, please give the patient a prostate exam."

That woke Ben up.

"What?!" he exclaimed in alarm. "I'm only twenty! I'm not supposed to need my first prostate exam until I'm forty-five!"

"Well, that's only twenty-five years from now!" Hazel countered. "It's practically tomorrow! Early detection of prostate issues is important! Now bend over."

Hazel snapped on a pair of gloves. Ben wondered if she would actually use them this time. He bent over, expecting to feel a latex covered finger violate him. Instead, something soft and slimy entered his anus.

He couldn't see, but judging by her muffled mumblings and the way it moved inside him, he guessed it had to be her long snake tongue. It was gentle and felt amazing, yet another new sensation. It moved slowly as it advanced, searching for his prostate. When she found it, he immediately began to leak fluid from his penis.

"Hazel! Not again!" Dr Sasaki scolded. "You always make them come!"

"It's only precum, but I guess I'd better catch it before it gets all over the place!" Carmilla exclaimed, slipping her head under him and licking it off the head of his penis. Between Hazel's tongue now licking his prostate and Carmilla's tongue licking the tip of his dick, he came hard. Carmilla quickly put his dick between her lips to catch it all.

"Good job, Carmilla!" Dr Sasaki said in praise. "We want to keep a clean examination room!"

Ben had grown used to extremely intense orgasms simply from having a monster girl as his girlfriend. He'd also had some experiences with a succubus, and most recently, a Seraph. Each one had given his groin more powerful sensations than the last, but this was on another level. It was a whole body orgasm that seemed to last several minutes. Mainly because Hazel continued to lick his prostate while his dick remained in Carmilla's mouth, "just in case" he continued to spew fluids. He expelled fluids almost constantly.

When the prostate exam was over, Hazel pronounced him healthy as he lay down on the ledge, barely conscious.

"Okay, Benny boy!" Dr Sasaki said with way too much cheerfulness for Ben's comfort. "We'll give you a few minutes break and then we'll do the second part of your physical!"

"The… there's more?" Ben asked weakly.

"Men have to be strong to marry a monster girl," Dr Sasaki explained patiently. "For your own safety and the happiness of your mate, we have to be sure."

"Looks good so far though," Hazel said. "Some men would have died from what Carmilla and I did to you."

"Wait, you've killed people in this exam room!?" Ben croaked.

"Of course not!" Dr Sasaki answered, looking insulted. "We always stop before then. We're professionals! Now rest up, we'll be back in two shakes of my fluffy tails."

Ben tried to stay awake, not wanting to be surprised by whatever they would do to him next. He guessed he should have expected that a monster medical exam might go this way. Another assistant, a little elven girl who looked ten but was probably a century old, brought him a drink. Ben sat up and sniffed it suspiciously. It smelled fruity.

"It'll help you get your strength back faster," the elf explained. "I believe on your world they call it a smoothie. With a little magic added to give you a slight energy boost quickly."

Ben gulped it down. It was delicious and it did make him feel better almost immediately. He thanked the elf assistant and put his feet on the ground. To his surprise they supported his weight. Due to his monster blood and being used to having sex with a monster girl, his recovery time was already faster than average human's, but the smoothie sped up his recovery substantially.

Shortly after, the three returned to the examination room.

"All right, next test!" Dr Sasaki announced. "Hazel, if you would?"

Hazel reached back and unclipped her bra, freeing her enormous breasts. Ben gawked.

"Okay, eyes are good!" Dr Sasaki said, checking off something on her clipboard. "Now let's test that upper body strength! Ben, please place your hand on Hazel's breasts."

"Why?!" Ben asked, wondering just where Dr Sasaki had gotten her degree.

"Do you see the size of those things?!" Dr Sasaki asked. "If you can lift them, it means you've got the minimum physical strength necessary to be with a monster."

Ben sighed and placed his palms on Hazel's soft, supple breasts. "Do you want me to just… lift?" he asked.

"We'll get to that," Hazel instructed. "First, rotate your hands, while holding my breasts up, like you're turning dials. Good….. now, knead my breasts. Don't worry about hurting me, I'm tough. Do it with as much strength as you have. Without using your Earth spirit of course. Don't want you ripping my boobs off."

Ben sighed and did as he was told. Hazel sighed happily and praised him as he gripped her breasts in his hands, moving them up, to the sides, and squeezing them. After a few minutes, he began to feel some burning in his wrists.

"Okay, you can stop now," Hazel said. "I can feel you're getting weaker. Very good, though. You're strong for a human."

"Okay, that was your arms, now let's test your whole body!" Dr Sasaki said cheerfully, stripping completely nude and lying on the exam ledge.

"Um….. what do I have to do?" Ben asked, afraid to hear the answer.

"Now you're going to have sex with me!" Dr Sasaki said. "But don't just lay on me, even though I can easily handle your weight. You're going to hold yourself up and thrust until you come or your arms get shaky. If you're truly strong enough to be with a monster girl, you'll be able to finish inside me before collapsing."

"No! I'm not doing that! What is the point of this?!"

"She explained the point clearly," Carmilla answered. "Your physical is to determine that you are strong and healthy enough to marry a monster. Being a top with a six tailed kitsune is an amazing stress test for your muscles, especially your heart."

"Okay, the semen test I understand!" Ben yelled. "The blood test, I understand that too! Even the prostate exam! And sure, Hazel's boobs were huge, so that was a test I can't get with Emma. But I can have sex with my girlfriend! In fact, I've done it many, many times, just the way you're telling me to do it with the doc! Why do I need to do it with her when I've already done it with Emma?!"

"Because Emma isn't a medical professional, you silly goose!" Dr Sasaki replied. "But it's good to know that she lets you be on top sometimes. It's very important in a marriage with a monster to at least occasionally be a top."

"I'm usually on top!"

"Then show us."

"What kind of medical practice is this?!" Ben roared. "Nothing you've done, not a single thing, would ever happen in my world! We use modern techniques!"

"Oh, you mean like needles?" Dr Sasaki asked.

"Making you pee in a cup?" Hazel asked.

"Finger up the ass?" Carmilla asked.

"Oh, I read about those electric shock machines that force you to come!" Dr Sasaki exclaimed eagerly. "Would that have made you feel better?"

"Ooh, I know!" Hazel said eagerly. "Instead of getting to have sex with a beautiful fox girl, they put you on a treadmill and make you run until you puke for a stress test!"

Ben had to admit they had a point. Even monster doctors in his more modern world used modern devices and procedures when examining a patient. And many of them weren't all that pleasant. For all that this whole medical examination had been inappropriate in every conceivable way, at no point had it been anything but pleasant. Far beyond pleasant, actually.

Ben sighed in defeat and mounted Dr Sasaki, who guided his penis to her entrance.Holding himself up, he boldly plunged into her. He almost immediately began to falter. If not for his recent session with Eden, he probably would have failed the physical right then and there. Emma was great, but dragonkins were nothing special as far as anatomy went, aside from their pelvic strength and ability to generate heat. The incredible softness of a fox's insides, coupled with the slight roughness of her walls, was almost too much. But he gritted his teeth and held himself up.

"There you go," Dr Sasaki cooed. "Go slow. Take the time to enjoy it. We'll have to redo it if you come too fast."

For the next few minutes he slowly thrust in and out of her incredible pussy, which actually made it worse, as he could feel every subtle texture of it. The only thing that saved him was that she was being passive, barely even moving with him. He'd never seen a monster act like a bottom the way she did. Even when Emma let him be on top, she still tried to dominate him by nearly crushing his member inside of her, which usually forced him to come several times before she did. But the doctor was going easy on him, letting him set the pace and avoiding doing anything that would make him bust prematurely and ruin the test.

"Very good," she said as he continued. "Let's make things a little more interesting."

He felt two pairs of hands on him, then lips and then a mouth on his neck. He feared Carmilla was going to bite him again, which would have definitely caused him to collapse on top of the doctor, but she was only sucking his neck lightly with no teeth. Hazel was behind him, focusing on his scrotum and taint with her long tongue.

"Now try to hold on as long as you can before coming," Dr Sasaki instructed. "You've already passed, this is for bonus points. Let's see how strong you really are."

The answer was not very. Only two minutes later, he emptied his seed into the doctor, his orgasm enhanced by the attentions of the two assistants. He collapsed on top of the incredibly soft doctor.

"Congratulations," she whispered softly in his ear. "You're strong enough."

"I already knew that…." Ben mumbled as he drifted off to sleep, his head pillowed between the doctor's breasts.