Honorable Moon

Shi Lei was sitting in a chair, his limbs long and extended leisurely. From an outsiders perspective he looked as graceful as a swan. His pale eyes were transfixed on a blue book, The Songbird. As his pale brown hair kept sweeping down into his eyes he blew a stream of air out of his lips to blow the strands away, only to find even more curls had come loose from his haphazard bun that he tied up quickly with an olive green ribbon. He tsked and gently set the book down. Reaching his hands up he tugged on the ribbon letting the silken strands down. He caught his reflection in the mirror, his eyes pale green and his birthmarks prominent. On his pale skin was a birthmark on the right side of his bottom lip and another just under his right eye. Ribbon in hand he made quick work of a messy bun.

With a sigh he gracefully rose from his seat and headed towards the door painted over with cherry blossoms. He slid open the door and was met with a view of rolling green hills and lovely trees. With a light smile he headed out to begin his day. Not one second passed when a student ran up to him. A boy of sixteen excitedly stood in front of him. Shi Lei smiled lightly, moving his right hand to flick open his fan as he then proceeded to fan himself. "Yes, Luo?" Bursting at the seams the boy replied "Lord Shi lei is it true that cultivation masters will be visiting for a month starting today?" Shi lei warmly gazed at his student. "Yes, we will have many guests, though many wished to come to the White River Sect just to visit Zi Rui our sword master and lord of White Tiger peak." The boy turned doubtful for a second. "But master, I think you're the greatest out of the whole sect!" Hearing this other students felt the need to comment saying thing such as "Yes that's right, our Peak master Lord Shi Lei is the best of the whole White River Sect!" With a flutter of his fan Shi Lei covered the lower half of his face. "Everyone back to your studies." Hearing this everyone soon rushed to their places at the order.

Shi Lei was still attempting to hide his blush when he felt a light pat on his head. Peeking under his lashes he saw sect leader Jian Yu. Shi Lei stood at an elegant 5'9 whilst Jian Yu was taller by an inch. His white hair gracefully flowed in the breeze along with his white and silver robes. His sword hilt glistened in the bright morning light. He smiled warmly at Shi Lei, eyes only lightly catching on the olive green fabric rapped from elbow to wrist. "I see everyone is singing my favorite disciples praises again- though that's not very surprising considering this is Singing Arrow Peak. Shi Lei only lightly shifted at the glance wanting nothing more then to hide his forearms. "Yes brother, and I already told you that you can't go around calling me your favorite disciple- what would Zi Rui or Zi Xin think?" With a warm laugh Jian Yu lightly patted Shi Lei's head again. "No worries Little brother, it's already known how much I adore you." Shi Lei lowered his head slightly, fanning his face to stave off any blush that might be fighting its way to his cheeks.

With a quick flick of his wrist Shi Lei's fan snapped closed and he held it with both hands, eyes serious. "How can I assist you brother?" Jian Yu smiled "Can you come help me greet a very important guest? He only leaves his home to hunt monsters so very few have seen him." Jian Yu smiled but Rowan felt a seriousness radiate from him. "Of course brother." Shi Lei turned to Luo Ren "I trust you can handle any issues that will arise?"without a second glance he continued "good!" And with that Shi Lei and Jian Yu made their way down the mountain to greet this very important guest.

Hai Xia stepped up to the threshold of White River Sect. He had never seen such beautiful nature or breathed air so fresh. His colorful robes of ivory lined with chartreuse and vibrant maple red stood out amongst the greens of the earth. His crimson red beaded mask made light noises along with the string of coins wrapped around his slim waist. His silent steps were followed by other cultivators from Red Moon Sect. Though he wasn't a leader of the sect he was considered a disciple that exceeded all prior to him. Also known as the Honorable Moon, Hai Xia was seen as a respectable and great figure to be looked up to at all times. Standing at 6'4 Hai Xia was taller than most, he was also known for being quiet and intimidating. His silver eyes glanced to his side. His older brother,Yu Xuan stood to his left, graceful and imposing, his brother held his sword in a tight grip already impatient for the wait.

After a moment his brother moved to say something but was stopped short by gasps from the female cultivaters from his sect. Brows furrowed Hai Xia and Yu Xuan turned to find two men strolling over. Hai Xia noted the man with white hair and silver robes, he must be Sect Leader Jian Yu. Then his gaze flitted to the male besides him. Pale and feminine this man had long limbs and a lean body draped in white and olive green robes. Moving gracefully, this man's pale brown hair curled lightly in the breeze. What really caught Hai Xias attention were the pale green eyes that caught his own. Downturned and filled with warmth, these eyes peeked at him from under long lashes. His face suddenly shielded by a fan he could only barely catch the sight of a birthmark and curving lips. "Ahh, excuse my brother for making the cultivators from the Red Moon sect wait!" The feminine man exclaimed heartily. "Please be welcome at White River Sect."

Shi Lei's face was still blushing lightly from the eye contact with the gorgeous man. Quickly pulling himself together he snapped his fan closed. He had to tilt his head to take in the men before him. Both had pale jade like skin, one had a stern composure to him and the other gave off an intimidating air. Shi Lei Peeked through his lashes as Jian Yu explained their stay. His gaze was effectively drawn to the silent one. It is my fault for staying in seclusion on my mountain peak, I have no clue who they are. I will just wait for Jian Yu's explanation. The man he was taking in had broad shoulders and a lean build. His hair dark like the midnight sky reached down past his back. His maple and ivory robes had a belt of coins wrapped snuggly to his waist, some rusted some brand new and some crimson red. What had caught his attention was the beaded mask covering the lower half of his face, though beautiful Shi Lei would bet that the man's beauty would only be enhanced by what was covered by it. As this thought filtered through his head the man's attention flashed to him, silver eyes coldly catching his green eyes.

Suddenly remembering the world around him Shi Lei smiled kindly at this man then tuned in to what Jian Yu was saying. At that moment Jian Yu turned to Shi Lei, "This is one of my disciples and Lord of Singing Arrow Peak, Shi Lei, he was raised here by me and continues to surpass me as well." Shi lei smiled warmly at the introduction but internally sighed there is no way he had surpassed the master of White River Sect. Shi Lei bowed to the two men "My apologies for not recognizing you as well, I have been secluded on my mountain peak for quite some time." The stern cultivator gave a smile "it is no problem Peak Master Shi Lei. I am Yu Xuan, Leader of The Red Moon Sect. This here is my little brother Hai Xia." The young cultivators of Red Moon Sect tittered at the thought of Shi Lei not knowing who they were.

Shi lei couldn't care less for polite society most times so he only nodded his head and smiled "it is an honor to meet you both." Shi lei watched Hai Xia tilt his head slightly, watching him with those beautiful but scary eyes. "Well let's be on our way to the guest rooms." Jian Yu guided them to Moonlit creek, the main peak of White River Sect. "Here are your rooms, as for attendance and such we already discussed when and where that need be. The rules will be gone over tomorrow at the main hall. I hope you have a pleasant rest while I greet the others." Jian Yu and Shi lei bowed and were bowed to in turn, they then turned to go their separate ways. Shi lei felt eyes on his back until he reached his own peak. Little did he know his little disciples were all waiting for him.

"Master Master, did you see him!?" Shi lei blinked eyes widening. "See who?" This only heightened their excitement. "The Honorable Moon! He killed the beast of the south and one hundred raining arrows!" They soon began listing all of this honorable moons achievements only for Shi lei to think have I met this person? Surely they would be older for having completed so many feats. "I do not think so, I only just greeted the Red Moon Sect's leader and his brother." The children went silent. Only tian kuo, his oldest disciple spoke up. "Master the sect leaders brother is the Honorable Moon." Shi leis mouth formed a silent oh as his brow furrowed. He then smiled "then yes I suppose I did meet him." Everyone sighed, their excitement lost. He heard their mumblings "Well this is just how Master is. Nothing normal excites him." Shi lei smiled and headed towards prosperity hall with light steps.