
The moon was bright that night, the crickets chirping and the sound of the stream was extremely soothing to Shi Lei. He was laying flat on his back in the grass field normally used for sword practice. Singing Arrow Peak was known for its art and music, however its disciples were also trained to defend themselves. Shi lei being the youngest peak lord often found himself somewhat lonely and so there he was drinking forbidden alcohol and leisurely enjoying the night. He loved being master of this mountain peak but he also felt boxed in, never getting to leave yet always wanting to see more. He knew there were good reasons he was to stay in seclusion, if others knew who he was they would be terrified and most likely shun him or lock him up in the Dragons Stalemate, the worst prison known to cultivators right under Red Moon Sects palace. Beginning to feel the effects of the wine, Shi Lei began to feel warm. Sitting up he began unwrapping his forearms revealing a row of thick red ink on each arm. He sighed and lightly traced the markings left over from a dark ritual. He had just pulled on the ribbon at his shoulder letting his hair down when the smell of freshly fallen rain invaded his space, Shi Lei's eyes widened and he peeked over his shoulder only to lock eyes with two bright silver shards. It was Hai Xia.

Eyes locked, neither seemed to want to back down. That is until Shi Lei remembered he had unwrapped his arms. Moving swiftly he covered his arms with his long sleeves. He noticed Hai Xia's Brow twitch. With a nervous shift of his eyes Shi Lei spoke up "Is there anything I can help you with?" Hai Xia only tilted his head, his eyes taking in Shi Leis Lithe form. Shi Lei was missing his outer robe, his hair was surrounding him in the grass, and he had a faint blush from the two jugs of wine off to the left. In the silence Shi Lei's elegant fingers combed his hair away from his forehead. Tilting his head up to the sky with a smirk forming on his lips Shi lei glanced at Hai Xia. "Xia Xia….why don't you sit down with me?" He wanted nothing more than to laugh at himself for having the nerve to call The Honorable Moon by a nickname. He had some dignity not to look like a madman laughing at himself though. Hai Xia had already seen him in this state however so he figured there was no need for false pretenses with the man.

Shi Lei could practically feel the glare radiating off of Hai Xia. Hai Xia to Shi Lei's surprise actually sat in the grass with him. "Hey Xia Xia?" Hai Xia sat crossed legged back straight. "Mm." Shi Lei took in Hai Xia who was now wearing solid maple red robes, his crimson red beaded mask and coin belt accompanying the outfit. It was odd that since Shi Lei had seen him he hadn't had a sword. "Why do you wear a beaded mask? It can't be a family thing since your brother doesn't wear one." Hai Xia only turned his head to stare directly in Shi Lei's eyes. "Sect Secret." Shi Lei fully turned his body to face Hai Xia, reaching with one graceful movement to run his fingers over the band of the mask. Hai Xia's Brow twitched at the contact, retreating a few centimeters. "Why do you wear the bandages?" Hai Xia asked, making Shi Lei's green eyes flick up from their spot on the mask. Eyes crinkling Shi Lei removed his hand. "Sect Secret, it seems we both have secrets. Honorable Moon."

With an inhale Shi Lei flopped back into the soft grass, he had no regrets leading up to this point in his life but the pain of past events lingered. Sitting next to this person somehow made him feel less pain. "What are the rules for being one such as the Honorable Moon, Xia Xia?" Hai Xia's hair took on a beautiful shine in the moonlight, capturing Shi Leis's catlike attention. "Mmm there are quite a few, one is no alcohol, which I also know is one of your rules here at White River Sect." Hai Xia stared back at Shi Lei intensely. Shi Lei Peeked up from under his eyelashes " Ahh but only you, me, and the moon know. This shall be our first secret Xia Xia." Hai Xia's interest only increased as this elegant man showed something more to him bathed in the moonlight. The two spent a long time in silence that night enjoying the moon.

The following morning Shi Lei regretted the alcohol he downed the previous night. He had made it to his bed after flirting with Hai Xia- which had lead to him being glared at. With a smirk he also felt a flush brush across his face remembering how he had called The Honorable Moon Xia Xia. Resting his face in his palm Shi Lei exhaled in embarrassment. He was a peak lord, he couldn't just get drunk and undress in the moonlight in front of honored guests. Glancing in the mirror he noted he was paler than usual. Reaching for his bedside table he pulled out some herbs to prepare a tonic for himself. The illness of Red Lotus was something he had lived with for quite awhile. Pulling on his green robes and finger combing his hair Shi Lei grabbed his fan and headed out to start his day.

Rubbing his forehead, Shi Lei took one step outside only to be greeted by Tian Kuo. The youth was slightly shorter than Shi lei with black hair up in a ponytail and black eyes lightly down turned. He was in his normal practice garb for someone of singing arrow peak, olive green and black robes with his spirit sword at his hip. Few at singing arrow peak owned swords due to their more artistic and musical nature. Tian Kuo would most likely do better at White Tiger Peak. However he had begun following Shi Lei since he was a young child of about 10 years old, always attached to Shi Lei like a shadow. "Yes Tian-er?" Shi lei was trying his hardest to avoid the sun. "Master the White Poison Spirit we sealed became unruly and us disciples cannot calm it back down." Immediately on alert Shi Lei began walking quickly to Temperance Hall. As they walked Tian Kuo Wordlessly handed Shi Lei a Long olive green ribbon, which Shi Lei put in his mouth without question and began to gather his hair into a messy bun. With a musicians touch and dexterity Shi Lei had a bun within two minutes. All the while he had begun thinking of reasons why the spirit would become agitated. Could it be a guest? Or had something gone wrong when he first sealed it away- his train of thought was suddenly cut off when he came into view of Temperance hall only to see the elders of White River Sect collapsed on the ground. The doors to The hall were covered in a dark miasma. Shi Lei narrowed his eyes and rushed towards Elder Feng.

"Elder Feng what happened here?" The elder had clearly spat up blood at some point, his gray hair was disheveled as if he had been in a tornado. "White….Poison…" he let out a few words before loosing consciousness. Shi Lei stood smoothly, processing the situation. "Check his vitals I will handle the spirit." The white poison spirit is a spirit that holds grudges for so long they begin to poison themselves so much so that if they touch another, the person will get white splotches of color on their body and become irritable until they become murder crazy and die. I had sealed it before so it should have been fine until we put it in a mountain. Shi lei stood before the doors flicking his fan open as he then began to sing the song of purification, his voice melodic and soothing, the wind chimes swaying to match his cadence. The dark energy sealing the door slowly turned white, Shi Lei raised a hand as the new pure energy swirled around his hand a few times before dissipating in the air. With a flick of his fan the wind blew open the doors, yet what he saw left him in disbelief. Hai Xia stood with his hands around the most precious artifact of Singing Arrow Peak- A blue book…The Songbird.