Temperance Hall

Shi Lei glanced from Hai Xia to the book and back a few times. Hai Xia held out the book in offering, which is when Shi Lei factored in that there was a massive hole in the sacred book. With one hand reaching for the book Shi Lei was stopped by the feeling of something snaking its way around his ankle. Quickly remembering the spirit situation, he sent a wave of his fan in the direction of the heavy doors, effectively slamming them shut and sealing him and Hai Xia in with the cruel spirit. Spirits were different from ghosts in the way that they had many more forms and reasons for being whilst a ghost was mainly a person who had passed that held regrets and grudges. The White Poison spirit had already touched Shi Lei- leaving him with a thirty minute time limit for treatment.

"Shi Lei." a melodic tone pulled Shi Lei from his thoughts leading him to glance up at Hai Xia with a warm smile. "Yes, Xia Xia?" that was about all he got out before he was pulled into a pair of strong arms and enveloped by the scent of rain. He felt a tug on his ankle in resistance but the pressure was released by a stomp of Hai Xias boot. "Wait here." Hai Xia sat Shi Lei down on a raised platform meant for meditation. "Hai Xia I can-" moving to stand again Hai Xia silenced him with a look. "The poison from that spirit spreads faster when the person is moving." Shi Lei opened and closed his mouth in protest. Hai Xia was running his fingers along his belt when an inhuman shriek sounded from the far left pillar.

Quickly standing, Shi Lei grabbed the sword he had grabbed from a disciple and wielded it in a flourish. Hai Xia's beaded mask made tiny noises as he swiftly glanced between Shi Lei and the pillar. The spirit however was not as slow as the two in front of it, running at full speed it tackled Shi Lei! Shi Lei Grunted at the impact then winced slightly as the close vicinity made him feel debilitating pain in his arms where the thick ink was present. The spirit had a death grip on his throat, cutting off his moan of pain. Hai Xia moved silently, yet without a sword Shi Lei doubted he could do much. He was fortunately very wrong.

Hai Xia grabbed a blue coin from his belt and threw it directly at the spirits head, leading the spirit to screech in a horrid way, grabbing and tugging at its mottled green hair. Shi Lei quickly applied two talismans onto the spirit, one of clarity and one for sealing. Hai Xia looked at him doubtfully as if two little talismans could hold off such an aggressive spirit. Normally he would be right, however, Shi Lei's talismans were the forbidden kind, made from his blood and spiritual energy he was able to infuse more power into these charms than a group of elders performing a sealing ritual. after sparing a glance at Hai Xia he swiftly scrambled away from the spirit, breaths slightly faster than usual. Hai Xia strode over and knelt next to Shi Lei. "Let me see." Shi Lei only nodded, for some reason feeling a little irritated at the man in front of him. why couldn't he have helped sooner? Hai Xia was gentle with his fingertips lightly grasping Shi Lei's chin to lift it up. Shi Lei noticed the silver in his eyes harden at the sight of the fresh bruise marks. "Now Xia Xia, don't feel too left out, I recommend you for the next strangulation!" Shi Lei attempted to lift the mood which only led to Hai Xia glaring at him and quickly releasing him. That was when Shi Lei began hearing dull thuds and cries. Shi Lei glanced at the double doors, he stood-albeit a little clumsily and headed for them. Hai Xia's Brow twitched the moment he saw Shi Lei stumble. Shi Lei blushed and quickly hid behind his fan, heading towards the doors he tucked away a loose strand of hair. With a hum of a tune from the Songbird that he had memorized, the doors immediately unsealed and opened.

With a thud Tian Kuo and Luo Ren toppled inside Temperance Hall. Lightly fanning himself, Shi Lei stepped around them, as graceful as a dancer he also stepped around the ten other students who fell trying to push the sealed doors in. "Everything is fine now, return to your studies." Shi Lei calmly spoke as he kneeled next to Elder Feng. Calmly setting a hand on his back Shi Lei transfered some spiritual power which led to the old man regaining consciousness. Sitting up the man immediately dug into Shi Lei. "Shi Lei, what have you done this time- bringing an evil spirit here and not immediately dispersing it with the Jade flute." The old man seemed to really have it in for Shi Lei This time, continuing "if The Honorable Moon hadn't been here who knows what would've happened, ever since Jian Yu took you in you have only brought trouble to White River Sect!" Shi Lei smiled warmly at the man, throwing away any hurt he could be feeling. "Untrue. If not for Shi Lei the spirit would not be sealed so easily." The Honorable Moon glided silently from Temperence Hall into the courtyard. The stone ground carved with music notes and a cherry blossoms with the surrounding trees only enhanced Hai Xia's beauty. "Thank you Honorable Moon." Shi Lei Bowed his head whilst Hai Xia continued glaring coldly at Elder Feng. "We are sorry for any trouble Sh Lei has brought you Honorable Moon, he has always been a troublemaker." Elder Feng seemed perfectly fine now, Shi Lei rolled his eyes and sighed. Quickly removing his hands and standing near Hai Xia with his arms crossed. Before he could speak Hai Xia Spoke up "I believe his respected title as master of this mountain peak is Peak Lord Shi Lei." Elder Feng shocked, stood quickly. He looked as if he wanted to tell off Hai Xia but couldn't as it would be disrespectful to The Red Moon Sect. So he turned his gaze to Shi Lei. "Peak Lord Shi Lei, I hope you are prepared to face Sect Leader Jian Yu." Shi Lei smirked at the red faced elder ready to open his mouth when he was cut off. "Ready to face me? in what regard?"

Jian Yu, silver hair flowing along with his silver robes walked over sparing a glance at Hai Xia then turning his full attention to Shi Lei. "Are you hurt? What happened?" Jian Yu began running his hands over Shi Leis body checking for injury. "I'm perfectly fine brother-" Shi Lei flinched lightly as Jian Yu's Fingertips grazed his neck. Concern and worry flashed through Jian Yu's lavender eyes and Shi Lei recognized that look. "I-its fine, I promise!" Jian Yu reached out to take a better look but Shi Lei turned and hid behind Hai Xia's back. Hai Xia glanced at him over his shoulder, brow twitching and beaded mask clinking. However he didn't move and even shifted slightly in front of him. Jian Yu tilted his head slightly, surprised at how the two had seemed close. "Shi Lei. We must have our doctor take a look at you now- I knew you should've stayed in seclusion in Jade Hall to cultivate more." with a wave of his hand he motioned for Shi Lei to come to him. Shi Lei stared at the ground resigned. "Yes Sect Leader." Hai Xia stared at Jian Yu. "Peak Lord Shi Lei is more than capable to handle the situation." Jian Yu surprised, turned towards Hai Xia. "Is that so Honorable Moon? Maybe I am overreacting, he is my favorite disciple so I worry for him." with a glance back to Shi Lei Jian Yu continued. "Would Honorable Moon do me the honor of keeping an eye on him during your stay here? It would do him good to be in the presence of someone as great as you."

"And who do you think has time to watch your own Peak Lord?" a new voice aggressively spoke. Everyone turned to see Hai Xia's brother Yu Xuan.

Yu Xuan glared at the spot over Hai Xia's Shoulder where Shi Lei was peeking at the newcomer. Yu Xuan Had the same coloring as his brother but his hair was up in a long ponytail and his silver eyes were a shade darker. He was gripping an ornate red sword in one hand matching his crimson red clothing. "I'm sure a Peak Lord needn't have others watch over him. you think far too much Sect Leader Jian Yu." Jian Yu narrowed his eyes but smiled warmly. "You are correct Sect Leader Yu Xuan. I had only hoped that the Honorable Moon's presence could curb my disciples more mischevious traits." Yu Xuan smiled back "Then I will leave the decision with my brother." All eyes turned to Hai Xia. Shi Lei Peeked up at him through his lashes only to find him staring back, eyes narrowed. "Mm." Hai Xia Gave a slight nod to his head. "Shi Lei smiled earnestly, his smile slowly dropped however as he felt a flare of irritation followed by pain around his ankle. He could hear scraps of what Jian Yu and Yu Xuan spoke of as he started rapidly blinking. Hai Xia turned quickly catching Shi Lei as he collapsed. "Shi Lei!"