Dreaming Nightmares

He stood eyes red, tears falling, chaos surrounding him. Jaw clenched Shi Lei swiftly dodged attacks. Whistling he released control of the ghosts. He was done helping any of these people. they had caused their own doom and pinned it all on him. Feeling a sharp pain, Shi Lei glanced down to see a sword piercing his stomach. Laughing and shoving the man away he turned to leave this horrible show. That is until he heard Hai Xia yelling his name. Eyes widening, Shi Lei turned looking for the source of the voice. "Shi Lei!" Hai Xia sounded as strong as ever but Shi Lei knew he wasn't. Rushing around in a panic Shi Lei pushed and dodged attacks. "Hai Xia!" at the sound of his voice Hai Xia turned towards him. Eyes closed as if he were in a peaceful dream. "Hai Xia, get out of here!" Shi Lei still couldn't find him and his panic made him clumsy. Taking a stab to his right shoulder Shi Lei Grunted as blood ran down his black robes. These idiots cheered as he was stabbed their crusade against him finally seeing results. "Shi Lei!" the voice helped Shi Lei fight back, opening his fan he sent ten men flying in a circle around him. That is when he spotted Hai Xia, sword in hand killing ghosts. Though he couldn't see anymore, Hai Xia could still use his other senses that he honed through hunting. "Hai Xia!" At the sound Hai Xia quickly turned and ran in Shi Lei's direction. Shi Lei ran as well only pausing to dodge the attacks of the cultivators after his head. Hai Xia sensing him near, reached out and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Ahhh...A little forward eh Xia Xia?" Shi Lei winced lightly at the pressure near his wound. "You're injured." Hai xia brought up his sword to efficiently kill three cultivators who had charged at Shi Lei. "Just a scratch Xia Xia, why are you here? Your eyes need rest." Hai Xia's grip tightened on his waist, Shi Lei let out a hiss of pain. "Where you are is where I follow." Hai Xia said simply as if the words hadn't struck every nerve in Shi Lei's body, leaving him with a blush even as his body was battered and bleeding. "Hai Xia-" he reached up to touch Hai Xia's jadelike skin. Without the beaded mask Hai Xia was more lovely than ever before, his nose sloping elegantly and his lips thin and sculpted, if he didn't put on the mask that meant he had truly rushed over here after hearing the news of the Sects coming together to kill Shi Lei. Hai Xia tilted his head lightly in Shi Lei's direction. "You can't follow me this time." Shi Lei replied, remorseful. Hai Xia's brow twitched. Just as he opened his mouth Shi Lei shoved him aside as Tian Kuo pierced him through with his sword. Shi Lei couldn't help thinking about when he gave the boy that sword, his eyes had been wide and he was so excited he almost keeled over on the spot. Tian Kuo's face was cold not even blinking at the fact he had stabbed the person he had followed for six years. "Shi Lei!" Hai Xia used his palm to hit Tian Kuo's shoulder sending him flying. Dropping his sword Hai Xia caught Shi Lei as he fell. Hai Xia quickly tried transferring spiritual energy to Shi Lei but even the Honorable Moon's spiritual power couldn't save Shi Lei now. Shi Lei reached up a bloody hand, fingertips grazing Hai Xia's cheek leaving a red streak as it fell. "Xia Xia-" Shi Lei Coughed up blood, wheezing slightly. "Mmm Shi Lei, I'm right here." Though Hai Xia now couldn't see, he knew where Shi Lei's face was and gently cupped his cheek then rested his head in the crook of his neck "Don't. Don't leave me." Holding tightly to Shi Lei With his opposit arm Hai Xia shook gently. "I'm sorry Xia Xia, through the time I've known you, this one time I might not be able to keep my promise." Shi Lei Smiled warmly. "But to be with you to this end is not so bad Xia Xia, do you know why?" Shi Lei felt Hai Xia shake his head against his shoulder Hai Xia's fingers twisting in his hair. Swallowing he leaned towards Hai Xia and whispered his reply into his ear. Shi Lei's last movement was graceful as ever as he leaned back into Hai Xia's arms releasing a shallow breath. Eyes finally closing.

Shi Lei woke with a gasp.